Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 224: Foundation-building Monk Wang Changsheng

Ye Lin drove Xiaolan and soon arrived at the entrance of Juyuan Pavilion Restaurant.

As soon as Ye Lin arrived, the fat boss, who had been waiting at the door for a long time, came up with a smile on his face. Behind him were several pretty maids, most of whom were miscellaneous people on the second or third level of Qi training. Serving monks.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Song has been waiting in the private room upstairs for a while."

Ye Lin was slightly startled.

"Brother Wang hasn't come here yet. He used to be the first one to come."

After Wang Changsheng's one-year demon-slaying operation last time, his personality changed drastically when he returned to the sect. Of course, this personality change meant that he was less interested in beautiful women and focused more on cultivation.

After returning to the sect, he went into seclusion many times. Even when Song Lingtian broke into the ninth floor of the sword pavilion, the entire Taixuan Sect was shocked and did not see him come out to watch the fun. This shows that it is very different from before.

Generally speaking, he has become more stable and profound. Even many affairs of the Immortal Society have been handed over to other core members. In the past two years, he has spent as much time practicing as Ye Lin.

This may be because he has experienced too many life-and-death crises during the demon-slaying operation, and has understood the truth that no matter how good a beauty is, it is short-lived after all, and only strong ones can stand in the world of immortality.

However, he does not refuse to indulge occasionally. For example, when attending a gathering of the Immortality Society, he will come over early and let these pretty maids massage him. Therefore, this guy is usually the first to come.

This time Ye Lin has arrived, but he hasn't arrived yet, which is a bit rare.

"Is it possible that Fatty Wang has completely enlightened and said goodbye to the beautiful woman? He can't even stay for a moment to enjoy it? This is also a terrible thing. After all, although this Fatty seems to be averagely talented, he actually hides a lot of trump cards and secrets. In the past, The strength of having fun and drinking every day is not that weak. Once I get serious, I am a little frightened. "

Ye Lin muttered a few words in his heart, and quickly walked into the private room upstairs under the leadership of a graceful maid.

Today there is not a single guest in Juyuan Pavilion. It seems that the boss also knows that the identity and strength of Ye Lin and others are not what they used to be, so he closed the door for a few days to thank the guests and serve exclusively for the gathering of the three of them.

As soon as Ye Lin walked into the private room, he saw Song Lingtian, who was ridiculously handsome in a green shirt, drinking tea, while a well-behaved maid was silently making tea beside him.

Seeing Ye Lin arriving, Song Lingtian showed a smile.

"Brother Ye, I haven't seen you for a few months. How are you?"

Ye Lin smiled and said: "You're all right, Brother Song's strength has grown so fast in the past few months that I'm a little surprised."

In the past, Song Lingtian's aura was as fierce as an unsheathed sword, but now, his fierce aura has completely subsided, and he looks like an ordinary handsome young man in the world, without even a sword at hand.

Ye Lin guessed that Song Lingtian's natal flying sword should have been swallowed in his belly and was being cultivated all the time. When fighting, he could spit it out when he opened his mouth.

Song Lingtian complained: "At least you can still sense my strength, but now I can't even sense any of your breath. I used to think that I could quickly surpass you after building the foundation, but I didn't expect... It seems that I thought too much. After establishing the foundation, you became even more perverted."

Ye Lin smiled slightly and didn't say much. He sat there and drank the fine spiritual tea that left a lingering fragrance on his lips and teeth.

Song Lingtian successfully built the foundation a year ago. The experience of the demon-slaying operation made him grow at a speed that even Ye Lin called ridiculous. This may be related to the rapid improvement of his swordsmanship understanding.

After the demon-slaying operation, Song Lingtian broke through the ninth floor of the Sword Pavilion and attracted the attention of the Supreme Elder. He also attracted the attention of the headmaster Xuan Yi and his master Zhan Yue. The sect's resources were heavily tilted towards him. , so the subsequent path of cultivation is basically smooth sailing. In addition, he has experienced many life and death battles, and there is no bottleneck at all.

The process of foundation building was also extremely smooth. A top-quality foundation building pill completed the foundation building of heaven.

At that time, the news of Song Lingtian's Heavenly Dao Foundation Building caused a sensation in the entire Xunlong Mountain Cultivation World. He was also the first Heavenly Dao Foundation Building cultivator of Taixuan Sect and the second Heavenly Dao Foundation Building cultivator of the Righteous Path Alliance. Monk.

As for who is the first...

Naturally, the Taiji Sect had already obtained the best foundation-building pill, and had broken through the fourteenth level of Qi training, Qin Qing, during the demon-slaying operation.

The third apparent genius who established the foundation of Heavenly Dao, surprisingly spent a lot of spiritual stones just to meet Xiaobai's Shangguan Wei.

In terms of Tiandao foundation-building monks, Taixuanmen beat Taicangmen by a few months, which made the Taixuanmen monks feel quite proud.

The Demonic Alliance seems not to be outdone. All the major demonic sects have announced the birth of Heavenly Dao foundation-building monks. According to rumors, a lot of the demonic sect’s foundation has been spent in order to be able to withstand the attack of the Righteous Alliance in terms of military morale.

Fortunately, an ancient demon cave was opened a few years ago, and countless treasures were obtained.

It is worth mentioning that according to intelligence, among the saints and saints of the Xuanming Sect who fought against Ye Lin in the past, only the saints successfully stepped into the foundation of heaven, while the saint did not survive the process of foundation building. He turned into a madman due to the Great Demon Tribulation, and has now been trained by the Xuan Ming Sect into an indestructible corpse puppet.

It can be seen that it is not easy for the Demon Sect to break through the bottleneck of a large realm. Every breakthrough has a high probability of falling.

After the Xuanming Sect Saintess established the Heavenly Dao Foundation, she threatened that sooner or later she would kidnap Shangguan Wei, and sooner or later she would completely conquer Ye Lin and turn him into a dog who would obey her every word. When she got tired of playing with him, she would refine Ye Lin into her most treasured corpse puppet to vent her hatred.

For so many Heavenly Dao Foundation cultivators who suddenly appeared, it seemed that the Heavenly Dao Foundation had become worthless. Ye Lin was a little bit unbelievable at first, but he was relieved after thinking about it.

After all, both the righteous and the evil sides were preparing for the war between the righteous and the evil, and the various sects were not stingy in bringing out their heritage for the disciples to enjoy. It seemed that more of them made sense.

And Qin Jiner, who came from the outside world, also told Ye Lin that Heavenly Dao Foundation was not uncommon in the Wan Guo Continent.

Not long after Ye Lin sat down, he suddenly felt an extremely strong breath appear at the door of the Juyuan Pavilion Restaurant. He and Song Lingtian looked at each other with doubts on their faces.

Ye Lin could clearly sense that this was... Wang Changsheng's breath!

Not long after, Wang Changsheng, who was white and fat with a bright smile on his face, came over with two slim maids in his arms and laughed.

After seeing Song Lingtian and Ye Lin, he bowed to them and said in a boastful tone: "The strong always appear last!"

"You never thought that my fat master could achieve foundation building so quickly, soaring into the sky from now on, and adding a hundred years to his lifespan!"

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