Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 217 Cooperation with Treasure Pavilion

I don't know how much time passed, but Ye Lin finally felt that he had completely mastered the "Three Yuan Dividing Spell". When the incarnation of his will opened his eyes, his eyes were filled with excitement.

"This is so comfortable. In just a few hours, I have mastered the top-level Xuan-level spells. I feel that even understanding the Earth-level skills is easy for me."

"And by doing this, it doesn't consume spiritual stones and costs nothing! Go out and see if the little guys have finished refining their pills."


The door to Ye Lin's retreat room finally opened.

As soon as the door opened, Ye Lin saw Can Yi and Can Er waiting at the door with anxious expressions. The surroundings were also surprisingly quiet, without the noise of tens of thousands of spiritual insects.

Ye Lin was slightly startled.

"what's the situation?"

He hurriedly walked out of the door of the retreat room. At a glance, he saw a large number of spiritual insects lying on the ground, sleeping soundly. There were also a small number of spiritual insects who were dizzy, extremely tired, and staggered when walking, as if they had been hollowed out by something. body.

Ye Lin frowned slightly.

"What's going on? Why are they all asleep?"

Silkworm said: "I don't know, but shortly after the master entered the secret room, the vision happened."

Can Er said: "Some spirit insects told us before going to bed that they seemed to suddenly do a bunch of advanced arithmetic problems, and then fell to the ground and fell asleep. The spirit insects with high cultivation level were not affected much. We originally planned to I reported it to the master immediately, but considering that the master may be at a critical moment of practice, and since they have just entered a deep sleep and there is no other danger, they waited until the master's retreat ended. "

Ye Lin seemed to understand something when he heard this, and his face showed embarrassment.

With just a little thought, one can see that this strange phenomenon was caused by him just comprehending the "Three Yuan Dividing Spell"...

Ye Lin took another look at the alchemy square. At this time, large numbers of alchemy spirit insects also looked haggard and dejected. They all failed to make alchemy this time because of Ye Lin.

Ye Lin felt very sad about this... couldn't help but murmured with a wry smile.

"It seems that if there is no cost to turns out that I have taken up the comprehension ability of all the spirit insects. It seems that the next time I comprehend the spell, I can't be so hasty. I should cut off the soul links of some spirit insects, and then let the other spirit insects go home. Be prepared, so that the production of spiritual insects will not be affected. However, the progress of understanding will definitely be much slower, but it is still within an acceptable range, which is better than cutting off production and making no money. "

After Ye Lin figured it out, he went to check the foundation building status of Xiaobai, Xiaolan, and Xiaoqiang. After confirming that nothing unexpected happened, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"When the spirit insects wake up, they will say that it was me who caused this. In order to make up for everyone, we will drink blood together in celebration..."

Ye Lin still felt a little guilty. This way of compensating the spirit insects would also increase their enthusiasm in helping Ye Lin learn the spell, and they would even sign up eagerly.

Ye Lin's consciousness then exited the ancient ring space. After practicing the "Five Elements Vajra Skill" for a few hours, it was confirmed that most of the spirit insects had woken up. Ye Lin took out a wooden basin again... and skillfully bled himself...

Bloodletting has been quite frequent in the past few days. Fortunately, he has achieved the foundation of Heavenly Dao and his hematopoietic ability has also been greatly improved. Otherwise, he would probably be released as a human being now.

From then on, Ye Lin would plan in advance every time he entered the ancient ring space to learn spells, and asked Can Yi Can Er to arrange some free spirit insects to help him learn the spells, so as not to affect the production activities of other spirit insects.

At the same time, his alchemy assembly line also officially started construction.

It would take the spirit insects about a day and a half to refine a Qi Gathering Pill. Ye Lin gave them another day to rest and held an alchemy seminar organized by Xiao Dan to sum up their experience together. Xiao Dan shared some information at the seminar. Alchemy experience, this kind of seminar has achieved miraculous results. The alchemy attainments of all spirit insects are improving at an extremely fast speed, and the success rate and quality of refining Qi Gathering Pills are also steadily improving.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, went to Zhenbao Pavilion and invited Su Lingwei, the master of Zhenbao Pavilion, to discuss a cooperation deal with him in person.

The content of the cooperation is that Ye Lin proposed to purchase a large amount of materials for refining Qi Gathering Pills at 40% off the market price, but promised to refine a large number of high-quality Qi Gathering Pills and sell them to Zhenbao Pavilion in large quantities at 40% off the market price.

Su Lingwei was so surprised when she heard this at first that she almost sprayed the tea she just drank in Ye Lin's face.

As far as she knew, Ye Lin had always lived in seclusion and liked to cultivate and improve his cultivation. There was no rumor that he was proficient in alchemy.

But seeing Ye Lin's serious look on his face, which didn't look like he was joking, she couldn't help but think about it carefully. Finally, she agreed to Ye Lin's request for cooperation.

However, the scale of the first batch of cooperation is one hundred thousand spirit stones.

If Ye Lin can really produce a large number of high-quality Qi Gathering Pills, then the scale of cooperation will be increased. This can be regarded as a small test for Ye Lin.

As for why Su Lingwei agreed to such an outrageous request, the main reason was naturally because she wanted to make friends with Ye Lin. She would not lose much money if she tried, but if she succeeded, she would make a lot of money.

In the future, if the supply of Qi Gathering Pills in Zhenbao Pavilion is sufficient and the price is low, it can be sold to monks at a lower price, attracting more customers and taking away the business of competitors.

And if she remembered correctly, Ye Lin had previously purchased a hundred cauldrons of high-grade alchemy furnaces and a large amount of alchemy materials in the Treasure Pavilion. Maybe he had secretly mastered the art of alchemy.

After all, Ye Lin's talent in repelling insects is shocking, and now he has suddenly become a genius in alchemy, which seems reasonable. After all, it is not uncommon for super geniuses with multiple abilities.

After the cooperation was negotiated, Ye Lin solved many problems at once.

First, he had a stable, low-priced and stable supplier, so he didn't need to worry about buying alchemy materials in the future. Although he could rely on the ancient ring to ripen spiritual herbs and medicines, those spiritual herbs and medicines were mutated, not to mention that Xiao Dan had not yet developed an improved pill formula.

Even if it was developed, the refined pills must be different and cannot be exposed to the outside world, otherwise it might expose the secrets of the ancient ring.

So if Ye Lin wants to make money by refining pills, he can only buy spiritual herbs and medicines from the outside world.

Second, Ye Lin solved the problem of sales channels. Although the price is a bit lower, it is better to sell them stably and get money at any time, and the cost is low enough.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been more than ten days. The Thousand Silk Spiders who are in charge of guarding the retreat room suddenly inform Ye Lin that Xiaolan and Xiaoqiang's foundation building process is nearing the end.

Two strange phenomena of heaven and earth are descending on the ancient ring space at the same time!


[I am not in a good state to update today, I will make up for it tomorrow]

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