Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 205: Universal Celebration, Not Enough Blood

Although his senior sister and master are both people he trusts, the fewer people who know about this kind of thing, the better. If he can avoid it, he should try his best to avoid it.

Otherwise, it may implicate his master and senior sister.

As far as Ye Lin knows, there are various secret methods in the world of immortal cultivation, among which soul-searching is a relatively basic secret method. The terrifying high-level cultivators even master the more exaggerated cause-and-effect inference technique.

It's like Ye Lin hiding his breath and killing someone. Even if he hides his breath well, he can't escape the detection of the cause-and-effect inference technique.

Moreover, this top-grade foundation-building pill contains enough majestic spiritual energy and five elements essence for the foundation-building of the heavenly way. In other words, even if the spirit insects complete the foundation-building in the ancient ring space, Ye Lin doesn't have to spend a lot of spirit stones for them to absorb.

Of course, Ye Lin has always been prepared for any eventuality. He also left a full 200,000 spirit stones for emergency use.

When the three spirit insects swallowed the foundation-building pill and entered the secret room, the door of the secret room slammed shut. Ye Lin moved his mind and separated the three secret rooms and placed them in the relatively empty desert area in the ancient ring space.

In this way, he did not have to worry about the strong heaven and earth phenomena caused by the three breakthroughs, which would affect or threaten the safety of other spirit insects.

Ye Lin also arranged three thousand silk spiders of the eleventh level of Qi Refining to guard the three secret rooms day and night to protect them, and at the same time report to Ye Lin at all times if there were any new situations.

After all, it took Ye Lin eighteen days to build the foundation, and Ye Lin was not sure how long it would take Xiaobai and the others to complete the foundation of the Heavenly Dao.

"Master said that the longer the foundation is built, the more powerful the mana will be after the foundation is built, and the larger the Dantian capacity will be. Xiaobai and the other three had much more powerful mana than me when they were in the Qi Refining Stage. It is likely that they will not be much worse than me after the foundation is built, and they may even be more terrifying."

"Although I have a holy body created by heaven and earth, this holy body is not centered on enhancing my own combat power, but on enhancing the various abilities of spirit insects. The three of them have been drinking blood every day for so many years, so they can't be too bad."

After seeing that the three spirit insects had stable auras and had entered the foundation-building state, his consciousness returned to the real world again and took out a small wooden basin.

"I have to bleed a little today. This master is not so easy to be..."

Ye Lin made up his mind and cut his wrist, and a large amount of blood gushed out.

Tens of thousands of spirit insects...

It's not as simple as just a drop of blood for each spirit insect.

Spirit insects with high cultivation and high contribution will naturally get a lot more.

For example, Can Yi and Can Er, although they don't come out to fight on weekdays, they are the ones who maintain the order in the ancient ring space, and they also understand Ye Lin's difficulties. So far, they are stuck at the 14th level of Qi training and have no Heavenly Qi training due to the problem of insufficient spirit stones.

Xiao Shu has also made great achievements in the formation in the past year. The reason why Ye Lin was able to cultivate the 14th level of Qi training within a year is also due to its improved spirit gathering formation. Otherwise, Ye Lin would have to spend at least two more months to start building the foundation.

Many thousand silk spiders have also reached the 12th level of Qi training. If they encounter a large number of enemies in the future, they must be released to fight for Ye Lin.

There are also the alchemist spirit insects. Because they know that Ye Lin attaches great importance to building an alchemy assembly line, they practice alchemy every day and become alchemy fanatics.

The seventy or eighty flaming scorpions that Ye Lin raised were well organized under Xiao Hong's leadership, and they spewed demonic fire at a stable time every day...

Until Ye Lin felt a little dizzy, he finally let out half a basin of blood, and then he moved his mind, and the wound on his wrist healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

With Ye Lin's current physical strength, if he did not stop the healing of such a small wound, it would have healed automatically in less than one or two breaths.

However, with the help of healing, the healing speed is faster, and the healing technique also has the effect of increasing Ye Lin's body's hematopoietic ability.

"Now that I have entered the foundation-building stage, the nutrients contained in my blood should be much richer than before. This much blood should be enough for the little guys to share..."

Ye Lin looked at the basin of bright red blood and smiled bitterly with some melancholy: "There are only tens of thousands of spirit insects, and I almost drained my whole body. If I raise hundreds of thousands or tens of millions of spirit insects in the future... I won't have any meat left..."

"The main function of the Five Elements Vajra Art is still in defense and repair of muscles, bones and skin. The blood-forming ability will not increase too much. Even if the fifth level is cultivated, the situation of insufficient blood will not be fundamentally improved."

"It seems that we can only put our hope on the Nine Transformations Demon God Body."

Compared with the Five Elements Vajra Art, the Nine Transformations Demon God Body is much more comprehensive. It can not only enhance the defense and strength of the physical body, but also increase the strength of the internal organs, enhance the blood-forming ability, and even enhance the extremely fragile brain.

At present, Ye Lin's "Nine Transformations Demon God Body" is still at the first transformation stage. This year, he mainly studies "Five Elements Vajra Gong" and "Five Elements Hunyuan Jue". His plan is to practice "Five Elements Vajra Gong" to the fifth level as soon as possible, so that his body will be truly invulnerable to swords and guns, and he will not be afraid of being killed by spiritual weapons. Even if he is seriously injured like a broken limb, Ye Lin can be reborn within a day.

Now, as Ye Lin's blood is getting less and less, "Nine Transformations Demon God Body" will also be added to the practice schedule early.

Ye Lin is still very much looking forward to the "Nine-turn Demon God Body". According to Xiao Bai, as long as he cultivates to perfection and completes the nine turns, his physical strength will be comparable to that of the ancient demon god, and he can be said to be indestructible.

Of course, the difficulty of this practice is ridiculously high. Even Xiao Bai, who is so talented, has only cultivated it to the second turn now, otherwise Ye Lin would not have put it aside temporarily.

Ye Lin moved his mind and put the wooden basin filled with blood into the ancient ring space, and then the blood in the wooden basin automatically dispersed into tens of thousands of portions, each of which was large and small, and most of them were only a small drop.

And these tens of thousands of portions of blood quickly dispersed and flew out, and under Ye Lin's control, they flew to the mouths of each spirit insect.

The spirit insects were extremely excited. They opened their mouths wide and swallowed the blood sent by Ye Lin. Then they said in unison: "Thank you, Master!"

What made Ye Lin a little happy was that he observed that most of the spirit insects had round bellies and burped after swallowing his blood, as if they were full. Many spirit insects even broke through the realm on the spot and became more powerful.

This made Ye Lin, who originally thought that his blood was almost insufficient, regain some face.

It seemed that it was indeed as he thought. After building the foundation, the spirit insects' appetite was relatively reduced, and his blood was more durable.

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