Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 203 Achieving the Heavenly Dao Foundation

The old man quickly released his spiritual sense, and within a radius of several kilometers, all the ants and other small insects besides ants were under his observation.

And what he found was a scene so strange that it was unbelievable.

Within a few miles, all ordinary insects were constantly bowing and worshiping in the direction of the pavilion in the center of the lake... The flying insects in the sky were worshiping, the ants on the ground were worshiping, and the mayflies in the water were also worshiping!

The old man couldn't help but open his mouth in shock!

"How, how is this possible? I have lived for hundreds of years and read thousands of ancient books on insect cultivation, but I have never heard of such a strange phenomenon, and this strange phenomenon does not seem to affect spiritual insects, but only ordinary insects!"

The old man slapped the spiritual beast bag on his waist, and immediately a group of palm-sized bees flew out.

He asked one of the largest bees through voice transmission: "Do you feel any abnormal aura around you that will make you kneel down and worship like the ants on the ground?"

"Reporting to the master, I have not noticed it!"

The old man's face became more and more serious, and he opened the spirit beast bag: "It seems to be true. It only affects ordinary insects. You can go back."


All the bees swarmed back into the spirit beast bag.

The beautiful girl in the sky seemed to have discovered the abnormality of her master, and her face changed slightly. She asked through voice transmission: "What did the master find?"

Because the insects on the ground were too small and insignificant, she had always focused on Ye Lin. Even though she was already a Jindan cultivator, she did not observe this strange and shocking scene of heaven and earth.

The old man did not say much, but said seriously: "I will tell you later. It is likely to be a great thing. I will be back soon."

As he said that, the old man turned into a long rainbow and flew away along the ground.

Ten miles...all the insects were still worshiping.

Fifty miles, there was still no change.

One hundred miles!

When the old man flew a hundred miles away with an extremely fast escape technique, he found that the spiritual insects on the ground finally returned to normal and were no longer affected.

"Good fellow, people within a hundred miles are worshipping and bowing. If the news spreads, I'm afraid the entire Xunlong Mountain Range cultivation world, no, even the entire Wan Guo Continent, will be boiling because of this kid. Because of this kid's bloody storm, I don't know how many Yuanying and even out-of-body strongmen have died in order to fight for him."

"It's okay, just some inconspicuous little guys, no one should pay attention to this strange phenomenon in the world. After all, except for me, an old man, who stares at the ants on the ground every day... Even if someone finds this strange phenomenon, it is impossible to know that it was caused by him. This kid is still safe for now."

The old man waved his sleeves, and drove the wine gourd into a long rainbow and rushed back quickly.

Because of the old man's departure, the beautiful girl in the sky had a serious face and was extremely vigilant, as if she was ready to take action at any time.

Seeing the old man return, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, what happened?"

The old man stared at the pavilion in the middle of the lake and smiled mysteriously: "It's a good thing. I can only say that we really underestimated the potential of this kid. I, the old man, picked up a treasure, a rare treasure!"

The beautiful girl was still confused.

The old man shook his head at her with a slightly serious expression.

"For such things, it's okay if you don't find them. The less you know, the safer it will be for you and this kid."

The girl nodded in surprise.

"Well, it seems that this kid has a lot of secrets."

Just at this time, the pavilion in the middle of the lake shook violently, and the ground sank at the same time. A wave of water that was a foot high swept in all directions with the pavilion in the middle of the lake as the center.

Both of them showed surprise on their faces.

This was caused by the release of powerful and vast mana!

An extremely powerful breath burst out.

This is...

The breath of a cultivator in the foundation-building period of the Heavenly Dao!

In the pavilion in the middle of the lake, Ye Lin finally opened his eyes, and a gleam of brilliance flashed in his eyes!

At this moment...

He seemed to feel that he had endless power, and a vast amount of mana that could never be consumed. Every muscle, flesh, and even hair on his body had undergone a perfect transformation during this period of time!

His soul became unprecedentedly powerful.

The capacity of his dantian was unprecedentedly vast.

All the mana in his dantian had condensed into a round ball of mana liquid.

He felt that the whole world was clearer than ever before, and there was nothing wrong with his whole body!

The second step of eternal life.

Heavenly Dao foundation building.

Ye Lin finally succeeded in entering!

"I, Ye Lin, am now also a foundation building expert! Hahahaha!"

Ye Lin was extremely excited, clenched his fists, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

And at this moment, his eyes blurred, and his master and sister appeared beside him.

"Master, sister, thank you for your protection during this period of time!"

Both of them looked at Ye Lin deeply.

Elder Sun laughed loudly.

"Not bad, not bad, you succeeded in one try. You are quite capable, we should have sworn brotherhood... Now that I think about it, I really regret it."


Fairy Qingyao coughed twice and gave her master a fierce look.

"What are you talking about? If we were sworn brotherhood, wouldn't this kid become my uncle? Now he is my junior brother, which is pretty good!" "Junior brother, congratulations on your success in building your foundation, and you are one step closer to achieving the Jindan stage!"

"Today we must have a good celebration. Senior sister will cook all the rare ingredients that have been collected for many years into delicacies. Let's all have a good time together. Master, that jar of 3,000-year-old Drunken Immortal Brew that you have hidden..."

When Elder Sun heard this, he suddenly became a little anxious.

"You girl, what are you talking about? Old man, I... didn't hide it!"

Fairy Qingyao smiled mysteriously.

"Actually, the prohibition in your wine cellar...has become useless in front of my disciple's consciousness..."

Elder Sun was so angry that his beard stood up.

"You ghost girl, when did the strength of the soul become so exaggerated... Well, now that you have discovered it, it seems that the old man has been collecting the Drunken Immortal Brew for hundreds of years... That's all, I am happy today, so I will take it out. Give you two a taste!"

On this day, the three masters and apprentices celebrated in a big way with good wine and good food.

After the meal, Elder Sun had yawned again and again and felt sleepy. He immediately flew back to the small courtyard to catch up on his sleep.

Ye Lin also specially asked his senior sister to have a good rest so that she would not need to come to the practice room to help him practice tonight.

Although the senior sister is a strong person in forming pills, she must have been mentally exhausted after concentrating on protecting him for more than ten days.

And Ye Lin has just entered the foundation building period and has no intention of practicing tonight.

Now that he has achieved the foundation of Heavenly Dao, he will naturally immediately arrange for the spiritual insects that have been stuck in the Great Perfection of Heavenly Dao Qi Training to start their path to foundation building.

[I have finally made it a step further, please give me a free gift...please give me a five-star review...I bow and thank you all for your support! 】

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