Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 201 Prelude to Foundation Building

This is the thousand-thread spider notifying him.

Ye Lin opened his eyes with a start, and immediately, all sleepiness disappeared, and his consciousness directly merged into the ancient ring space. In an instant, the picture in his mind came to the hot lava lake.

I saw that the thumb-sized red flame scorpion egg had begun to tremble slightly, and a small hole had appeared on the side. Through this small hole, Ye Lin could vaguely see a fiery red little guy moving in it, making a squeaking sound from time to time.

Soon, there were more and more small holes on the flame scorpion egg, and suddenly the whole egg turned over and rolled into the lava lake. Ye Lin was about to pick it up, but unexpectedly, the flame scorpion egg sank quickly.

The sinking area also quickly changed from deep red to light black, and the surrounding temperature was obviously dropping rapidly, and the heat seemed to be absorbed by something.

After waiting for about twenty breaths, a red light shot out from the lava lake and soon turned into a fiery red scorpion that was only about half an inch long.

Ye Lin's first Fiery Scorpion was finally hatched.


As soon as the pitifully small Fiery Scorpion came ashore, it made a strange squeak at the Thousand Silk Spider waiting not far away, and then its tail suddenly lifted up, and with a "boom", a beam of red flame spewed out from the tip of its tail.

The Thousand Silk Spider just tapped the ground with one leg, and a magic shield rose from its body. The magic shield was constantly agitated under the attack of the flames, but there was no possibility of it breaking.

Ye Lin couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"The book records that the Fiery Scorpion is extremely brutal and aggressive by nature. It seems to be true. After hatching, this guy regarded this lava lake as his territory. When he saw other creatures in the territory, his first reaction was to attack."

"But it is really a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger. It was born at the first level of Qi Refining, but it took the lead in attacking the existence of the seventh level of Qi Refining..."

However, what surprised Ye Lin was that this little guy actually kept spewing flames for a full thirty or forty breaths, until the red on the surface of the body faded and turned black, and the flame on the tail was extinguished.

No wonder it is said that the demon fire of the Fiery Scorpion is stable. It can spit out flames for such a long time just after hatching. After a little training and improvement in cultivation, the ability of the Fiery Scorpion to spit flames will be even more abnormal.

This little guy seemed to be a little angry, and soon he flashed into the lava lake again, and another small piece of magma heat was absorbed by it. When it appeared again, the whole body of the Fiery Scorpion had returned to its fiery red color.

But this time it did not attack the huge and highly skilled Thousand Silk Spider again, but circled around it cautiously, as if looking for the Thousand Silk Spider's flaws.

"Very smart!"

Ye Lin's thought moved, and the Fiery Scorpion appeared in his palm. Once it touched Ye Lin, the Fiery Scorpion climbed up Ye Lin's thumb very obediently, then rubbed it with its head and pointed its tail at Ye Lin.

Only a "boom" was heard...

A red flame spewed out...

Ye Lin's body surface condensed with a magic shield, feeling a little helpless.

In the Fiery Scorpion clan, spitting fire at each other seems to be a signal of friendship and intimacy... But this way of expression needs to be changed... Otherwise, Ye Lin will lose a house every day in the future.

Ye Lin said: "From now on, you will be called Xiaohong. In a few days, you will have new friends joining you. At that time, you will be called Xiaohong No. 2, Xiaohong No. 3, and so on."


Xiaohong seemed quite satisfied with her name and made an excited cry.

After Ye Lin fed Xiao Hong a few drops of blood, Xiao Hong returned to the ancient ring space after eating and drinking.

Before hatching, Xiao Hong was still in the state of life, and could absorb and digest more blood. The excess energy in the blood accelerated the entire hatching process. After hatching, it was different. If Xiao Hong was fed too much, she would explode and die.

Now Xiao Hong's intelligence has not yet opened, Ye Lin is worried that Xiao Hong will destroy the surrounding spiritual plants or sneak out to hurt other spiritual insects, so he arranged four thousand silk spiders with strong cultivation to take turns to be Xiao Hong's nurse. As for the training work, it was handed over to the silkworms one and two who have not yet broken through the heavenly way to practice qi.

"Wait for a while, after Xiao Hong's intelligence opens, you don't have to worry about these trivial matters."

After the arrangement, Ye Lin breathed a sigh of relief, got up and washed a little, and began his daily hard practice.


Time flies like an arrow, and time flies fast during practice. In the blink of an eye, it has been a year.

This is the sixth year since Ye Lin passed the spiritual root test and came to Taixuan Sect. Ye Lin is now in the best and most energetic age of his life, 18 years old.

On this day, the weather was cold and snowy, and the entire Lingshou Mountain was covered in silver and beautiful.

Ye Lin did not sit in the practice room to meditate as he did in the past, but sat cross-legged on a jade cushion in the pavilion in the middle of the lake. His eyes were calm, without sadness or joy.

Above the sky, there were two figures standing, letting the snowflakes fall on them. One of them was wearing an old Taoist robe from Taixuan Sect, with messy hair and white beard, riding a wine gourd.

The other was dressed in white, like white snow, with a cold temperament and a beautiful appearance, spotless.

The two looked at each other.

The old man picked his nose and asked calmly, "How confident is this kid?"

The beautiful girl smiled softly, "He said that you and I should be prepared to cover up the strange phenomena in the world for him."

The old man said with a twitch in his mouth, "Not bad, quite like my teacher in the past."

In the pavilion in the middle of the lake, past events kept passing through Ye Lin's mind like a fleeting view...

When he was a child.

His mother also held him in a warm embrace on such a snowy day...

Although his father suffered humiliation as a slave and was submissive outside, he always had a serious face and infinite expectations for him. He risked being severely punished to ask the Jianghu monks passing by the Lin Mansion about the way of cultivation.

The dying instructions of "I would rather be a beggar than a slave" kept echoing in Ye Lin's heart over and over again.

Carrying the expectations of his parents, Ye Lin secretly raised Xiaobai and Xiaoqiang, learned the method of breathing, and passed the spiritual root test step by step with caution. Finally, he got rid of slavery and became a Taixuan Sect cultivator, taking a step in the pursuit of immortality.

And now, Ye Lin is about to take the second step.

That is...

Heavenly Dao Foundation Building!

Ye Lin's eyes suddenly became tough and sharp. He took out a small porcelain bottle, opened it, and took out a magical pill shining with five colors. With a "gulp", he swallowed it into his stomach.

"The world is vast, and there are countless practitioners."

"The immortal road is vast, and the dangers and disasters are countless."

"Although I don't know what the future holds, I will stick to my principles, keep my original intention in mind, and face everything!"

[Finally, I am about to build my foundation... I want five-star reviews and free gifts. Thank you to all the big guys who support this book. 】

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