Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 195: The top of the Demon Slayer Gold List

Among them, there are four earth demon souls and one river monster soul.

Ye Lin pointed his finger, and all five yellow talismans fell. The lid of the jade box opened automatically, revealing a crystal ball-like soul-gathering bead. On the surface of the soul-gathering bead, mysterious forbidden talismans kept flashing.

In the soul-gathering bead, it seems that there are souls imprisoned in it.

Ye Lin said in a deep voice: "The truth can be found out by exploring the soul memory of the earth demon and the river monster through the soul-searching technique. Please ask the director to find out the truth."

This soul-searching technique is a Xuan-level top-grade spell with extremely high requirements for the soul. It can search for the true memory of the soul within a certain time range. It has strict requirements on the soul strength of the caster and the caste. Only when the soul of the caste is much weaker than the soul strength of the caster can it be cast successfully.

These are the souls of foundation-building cultivators, and only the masters of the Jindan stage can use the soul-searching technique to find out the truth.

On the way here, Ye Lin had already considered that he would be questioned by everyone, so he had already thought of a countermeasure. He really relied on his own strength to kill many pursuers one by one. True gold is not afraid of fire, so he is naturally fearless.

Hearing this, everyone's face changed again. The cultivator who had loudly questioned Ye Lin before instantly shut his mouth and stared at Ye Lin in surprise.

Asking the director of the Demon Slayer Department to come out, the nature is different.

If it is found that Ye Lin is really lying, whether Ye Lin is protected by Taixuanmen or not, he will be severely punished. After all, this is the territory of Taijimen.

Before, Taixuanmen was just known to be weak, but at least many people believed that Taixuanmen still had the spirit of a sect with a five-thousand-year-old righteous inheritance, and it has always been fair and just, but once Taixuanmen was found to be cheating, the reputation of Taixuanmen would plummet and its reputation would be ruined.

The three managers were also shocked when they saw the soul-gathering bead that Ye Lin took out. The three of them were all great foundation-building cultivators, but they didn't think they could gain any advantage in a head-on fight against so many earth demons and river monsters. After looking at each other again, the Taiji Sect cultivator took out a jade talisman.

"Now that things have come to this, we can only ask the director to come and investigate!"

After saying that, he cast a spell, and the jade talisman immediately turned into a stream of light and flew out of the Demon Slaying Department Hall, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Not long after, an extremely powerful aura descended, and a golden light fell from the sky. In the blink of an eye, it flew into the hall and turned into a middle-aged male cultivator wearing a golden Taoist robe of the Taiji Sect, with slightly white temples and sharp eyes.

The three foundation-building managers and many disciples immediately bowed to him.

"Meet the Director!"

It turned out that this person was the Director of the Demon Slaying Division who was responsible for supervising the fairness of this demon slaying operation. He glanced at Ye Lin with sharp eyes. Ye Lin felt that his whole body was seen through. Even the "Hidden Dragon Art" could not conceal his true aura in front of this person.

There is no doubt that this is a late Jindan or even a great perfection. His strength should be at the level of his own senior sister and master.

The middle-aged man's eyes stayed on Ye Lin for a long time, and then a touch of shock flashed in his eyes. He asked in a calm voice: "You are Ye Lin, right?"

"Reporting to the Director, the disciple is Ye Lin."

The Director of the Demon Slaying Division nodded slightly and praised: "Very good, very good, Taixuan Sect has finally cultivated an extraordinary existence, and old man Sun should be proud of you."

Obviously, this person has seen Ye Lin's true strength. He has stepped into the fourteenth level of Qi training, the same realm as Qin Qing, who was carefully cultivated by Taiji Sect.

Ye Lin just smiled slightly and didn't say anything more.

The Taiji Sect manager respectfully recounted what had just happened. After hearing it, the head of the Demon Slayer Division also had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

"Since Ye Lin asked to use the soul-searching technique to determine the truth, I can only spend a lot of mana."

As he said that, the head of the Demon Slayer Division waved his sleeves, and all the soul-gathering beads in front of Ye Lin flew to the void in front of him. He pinched the magic formula with one hand, muttered something, and at the same time, the other hand pointed at his forehead, leaving a mysterious symbol shining with spiritual light.

Then he grabbed one of the soul-gathering beads with his big hand, and closed his eyes.

Not long after, he opened his eyes, glanced at Ye Lin with a somewhat shocked and somewhat weird look, and then grabbed another soul-gathering bead and closed his eyes again.

After repeating this for about half an hour, the face of this great master of the Jindan stage gradually turned pale, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, obviously consuming a lot of mana.

But he finally checked all the soul-gathering beads one by one.

What no one expected was that the director of the Demon Slayer Division actually gave Ye Lin a thumbs up and laughed loudly.

"Interesting, the method is very interesting, you have the wisdom of a demon, and you also have incredible strength. No wonder Qin Qing praises you."

Then he announced loudly.

"Ye Lin did not cheat. These demons were indeed killed by Ye Lin alone, without any external force. The top of the Demon Slayer Gold List should belong to your Demon Slayer Team!"

"According to the rules, killing a demon in the early stage of foundation building can be exchanged for 600 demon slayer points, and killing a demon in the middle stage of foundation building can be exchanged for 1,200 demon slayer points. You killed three demons in the early stage of foundation building and two demons in the middle stage of foundation building, totaling 4,200 demon slayer points. In addition, the Demon Slayer Team of the Changsheng Association has 890 demon slayer points, and the total points are 5,090 points!"

As he spoke, the head of the Demon Slayer Division pointed his finger, and a stream of magic power hit the Demon Slayer Gold Ranking outside the main hall. In the Demon Slayer Gold Ranking, the score of the Immortal Society Demon Slayer Team instantly became 5,090, and at the same time, it jumped to the top.

The [Clear Sky] Demon Slayer Team, where Qin Qing was, became the second place. The total score of Demon Slayer was still 1,350, which was about 3,700 points less than the score of the Immortal Society Demon Slayer Team. The gap was frightening.

Suddenly, a large number of cultivators gathered near the Demon Slayer Gold Ranking again. Seeing that the score of the Demon Slayer Team where Ye Lin was was so exaggerated, everyone was stunned, and their mouths were almost full of a big goose egg. They were so shocked that they couldn't say a word.

After a long time, everyone's face was shocked and scared.

They had said a lot of bad things about Ye Lin before, and even questioned Ye Lin's fraud in public.

There was also a cultivator who thought of a rumor.

As long as Ye Lin glares at them, cockroaches will grow under their skin. The Holy Son and Holy Daughter of the Demon Sect were forced to use the Wanli Shenxing Talisman to ask the Xuanming Sect's Sect Master to personally treat them because of the cockroaches growing in their skin...

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