Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1203: Guess the Winner

The war is coming, and the best opportunity to practice the "True Demon-Slaying Immortal Art" is coming.

After summarizing, Ye Lin's figure flashed several times, came to the palace, and announced his exit.

Not long after Ye Lin announced his release from seclusion, the first batch of visitors were welcomed into the palace, naturally Queen Meirenbei, Elder Meirenbei, and Su Yaner.

"I've met the young master!"

The three of them saluted Ye Lin very respectfully.

Nowadays, Queen Meirenbei and the second elder Meirenbei also follow Su Yaner in calling Ye Lin "gongzi" instead of the "big worshipper" in the past.

They now know very well that with Ye Lin's strength and status, calling him the Great Enshrinement of Beauty Bei is really insulting. This not only "belittles" Ye Lin, but also belittles the entire army.

Today, in the "Beauty Shell Army", there are only a few soldiers of the Beauty Shell clan, most of whom have become generals of other races, and Ye Lin is the supreme ruler of the entire army, including Hailan Star, and fifteen planets. The one who actually controls.

The reason why the three members of the Meirenbei clan are in the highest position is because Ye Lin, a Jiazi, is busy practicing and has no time to contact the top leaders of other racial forces and find no one more trustworthy.

Because of this, the three of them acted more cautiously and penetrated Ye Lin's will more thoroughly. Almost everything they did was centered on Ye Lin.

Today, the Meirenbei clan is more powerful than ever before, and they also control unprecedented power. All of this is thanks to the man in front of them.

The three beauties and the most powerful people in the army all had stunning looks, graceful figures and elegant temperaments. After saluting, they did not dare to stand up until Ye Lin spoke.

Ye Lin waved his sleeves and showed a smile.

"You three, please stand up and talk."

Seeing that Ye Lin seemed to be in a good mood, the three of them also smiled and sat on the jade futon in front of Ye Lin.

Su Yaner reported.

"During the period when the young master was in seclusion, the army of Jiao Temple's crusade continued to increase, and the total number of soldiers reached 800 billion. These 800 billion soldiers came from hundreds of planets, and they were all the best among the best. There are at least four known late-stage merged beings in the army of Jiao Temple. They are the masters of Silver Jiao Palace, Red Jiao Palace, Blue Jiao Palace, and Golden Jiao Palace. Apart from the four of them, it is not yet known who else is there. There are no other late-stage integration monks.”

"There are more than a hundred monks in the army of the Dragon Temple, in the middle stage of integration, and in the early stage of integration. They have gathered a small part of the combat power of the entire Temple of the Dragon, and they want to crush us directly."

Seeing that Ye Lin just nodded slightly without any panic on his face, as if he was listening to a daily report, the three of them breathed a long sigh of relief.

Queen Bei reports.

"Currently, the total combat strength of our army is 470 billion. Although on the surface it seems that the numerical difference between us and the Jiao Temple army is not big, the average strength of our army and the average strength of the enemy can be said to be worlds apart. , if according to the enemy's recruitment standards, our army may total less than 80 billion, which means that the gap in strength between the enemy and ours is about ten times. "

Elder Beauty Bei said.

"Currently, the enemy forces have gathered within the Yinjiao Palace. The entire army is marching towards Haiyuan Star. It is expected to arrive in three years at the earliest and no more than ten years at the latest."

Ye Lin still nodded.

"I have already expected the situation you reported. You are mainly here today to inquire about the battle plan, right?"

All three of them nodded.

There may only be three years left before the war begins. For monks at their level, three years is too short, and it is even too late to make arrangements for many things.

In fact, they wanted to meet Ye Lin a few years ago to finalize the battle plan and make timely adjustments and deployments. Unfortunately, Ye Lin announced his seclusion and they couldn't meet him at all. In the past few years, they have lost their backbone. Distraught.

Just listen to Ye Lin say in a calm tone.

"Just follow the plan I customized decades ago. Of course, I have other plans here, but you don't need to know or participate."

The three of them were slightly startled, and their expressions changed slightly.

Su Yaner, who was most trusted by Ye Lin, asked hesitantly.

"Young Master... We don't need to participate in Young Master's plan, but don't we need the cooperation of other soldiers?"

In fact, Su Yan'er and the other three suspected that Ye Lin had begun to distrust them and wanted to support other monks who were stronger and more capable of leading the army to lead the army.

But this cannot be said directly. It is not that they are greedy for power, but it is a taboo for military strategists to change their generals before the battle.

Ye Lin seemed to see the worries of the three people and explained briefly.

"I can complete this matter by myself. I don't need to cooperate with the army. The three of you will continue to implement the plan you made without making any changes."

The three of them were surprised and confused when they heard this. They couldn't figure out what Ye Lin wanted to do alone to change the entire battle situation...

In their view, this is almost impossible to do. Even if Ye Lin has the strength of the late-stage integration, it is impossible for one person to change the war involving nearly a trillion monks.

In this battle, personal strength is too small and insignificant. Even in terms of personal strength, Ye Lin obviously does not have any advantage.

The enemy has four late-stage fusion palace masters and hundreds of other fusion-stage monks, and they also suspect that the enemy has hidden late-stage fusion entities lurking in the army.

If someone else said this, they would definitely strongly oppose it, and even think that this person is crazy or wants to escape from the battlefield, but this is what Ye Lin said, so they have to believe it.

During this sixty-year period, Ye Lin provided the entire army with at least 30 billion worth of military supplies. At the same time, under the influence of his will, the training of the entire army has never been relaxed.

A sixty-year period ago, there were only 10 billion of the most elite "Wang's Army", but now, most of the 470 billion soldiers have become a member of the "Wang's Army".

No matter how you look at it, Ye Lin has paid so much price and effort, and it is impossible for him to escape at a critical moment. Moreover, Ye Lin and the Meirenbei clan are bound by the fate of the blood oath.

Seeing that Ye Lin did not tell them his thoughts, the three could only suppress their curiosity, stand up and bow, and hurried back to the army to prepare for the war.

The graceful Nangong Lingyue hadn't seen Ye Lin for many days. After seeing the guests leave, she came to Ye Lin. Ye Lin hugged Nangong Lingyue's slender waist, and Nangong Lingyue leaned into Ye Lin's arms.

"What is the plan that my husband is talking about... Even I can't know it?"

Ye Lin smiled mysteriously.

"Guess... There is a big prize if you guess it right."

Nangong Lingyue thought hard for a long time but still couldn't guess it. She asked curiously again with her eyes rolling.

"What is the big prize?"

Ye Lin laughed and returned to the bedroom with Nangong Lingyue in his arms...

"Of course, it is to reward you with the majestic Yuanyang Qi to improve your cultivation..."

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