Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1200: Comprehending the Heart Method

The reason why Ye Lin was so bold to buy two heaven-level top-grade skills at one time was that he had naturally considered the concerns of the Fire Phoenix Fairy.

Let’s talk about the "Five Elements Mixed Heaven Technique" first. There is almost no external danger in practicing this technique. The only relatively dangerous thing is that the practice method requires swallowing the five elements of natural disasters.

For ordinary people, they may have to stay in the natural disaster area for a long time, but for Ye Lin, it is completely unnecessary. He can artificially create five elements of natural disasters.

The so-called natural disaster power can be completely created by heaven-level natural disaster spells. Ye Lin has so many spirit insects and many wind and fire spirit monsters. It is too easy to create five elements of natural disasters.

It’s a pity that Ye Lin’s real body cannot descend to the ancient ring world. Otherwise, he can create endless natural disasters for his own practice with just one thought.

Therefore, Ye Lin has a shortcut to practice the "Five Elements Mixed Heaven Technique" and there are no hidden dangers.

Let's talk about "True Demon Killing Immortal Art". This technique is the highest level of extremely deadly threat in the threat assessment of Wanxian Tower. Most of the cultivators who practice this technique fall into the devil's way, and a small number of them die at the hands of ancient demons or demons' descendants.

For Ye Lin, the possibility of falling into the devil's way and being controlled by the demon's will body is completely non-existent. He has a flawless Taoist heart and has adapted to the pollution of the demon's will body, which can be easily removed. As for the threat of ancient demons and demons' descendants to him, it is indeed very deadly.

But... they can't lock Ye Lin's specific position by deduction through the technique connection. Ye Lin's "Hidden Dragon Art" has reached perfection and has the ability to block deduction!

So Ye Lin can ignore these two biggest threats.

On the other hand, the benefits of "True Demon Killing Immortal Art" are tailor-made for Ye Lin. After practicing this technique, he can devour the battlefield killing intent to enhance his cultivation. He is about to face a shocking battle with a scale of more than hundreds of billions. "Demon Suppression and Immortal Art" becomes stronger and stronger with more battles and killings. It is really too tempting for Ye Lin.

The only thing Ye Lin needs to pay attention to at present is that practicing two kinds of heaven-level top-grade skills at the same time may cause conflicts between the skills and lead to infatuation. This is not the Fire Phoenix Fairy's unfounded worry. Many people in the world of immortal cultivation have exploded and died because of this.

Ye Lin also has some concerns in this regard. He plans to try carefully when practicing, and then try boldly when there is no violent conflict between the two skills. If there is a conflict, he will immediately give up one of them and practice the other one.

Since his practice of these two skills is not deep, it is impossible for him to explode and die after a slight attempt. At most, his body and soul will be slightly damaged.

After getting the two skills, Ye Lin was in a good mood. His consciousness turned into a spirit and appeared in the ancient ring space. He mobilized the brains of hundreds of millions of spirit insects to begin to comprehend the two skills.

"Five Elements Mixed Heaven Art" is divided into five realms, corresponding to the one-element mixed heaven true qi, the two-element... the five-element mixed heaven true qi. Every time you practice a level, the power of the mixed heaven true qi will rise by a level. While the power of the mixed heaven true qi is increased, Ye Lin will also improve his cultivation.

When practicing the "Five Elements Hun Tian Jue", you cannot devour the power of metal attribute natural disasters today and devour the wood attribute tomorrow. Once you decide to practice a certain attribute, you must practice it to perfection, so that you can step into the next level.

As for the "True Demon Killing Immortal Jue", it is divided into three forms, namely the semi-demon god form, representing the small success realm, the demon god descendant form, representing the great success realm, and the ancient demon god form, representing the perfection realm.

Comparing the two methods, the "Five Elements Hun Tian Jue" pays more attention to the inner, step-by-step, and mild effect, which can nourish the body and the soul.

The "True Demon Killing Immortal Jue" is just the opposite. This method pays more attention to the outside, the effect is more intuitive, and it can enhance combat effectiveness the fastest. The weakness is that the improvement of the cultivation realm is not so obvious.

The difficulty of understanding the two methods is not at the same level. Ye Lin requisitioned the brains of 100 million spirit insects and spent half a month to fully comprehend the "Five Elements Hun Tian Jue", but the "True Demon Killing Immortal Jue" took Ye Lin a full month to comprehend only the first form.

If Ye Lin wants to comprehend it completely, it will take at least five or even ten years.

Fortunately, he can't practice the first form to perfection in a short time. It's so difficult to comprehend the heavenly grade top-grade skills, let alone practice.

"No wonder the price difference between these two skills is obvious. It seems that there is a huge difference between the heavenly grade top-grade skills and the heavenly grade top-grade mental skills. The "Immortal Saint Body Art" that Senior Sister taught Xiaobai and the others should be regarded as the top heavenly grade top-grade mental skills."

After comprehending the two skills, Ye Lin returned to the outside world. Everything in the ancient ring space is good, but it's a pity that Ye Lin can't practice.

Recently, Ye Lin announced that he would be in seclusion, and all affairs were handed over to Su Yan'er, the great elder of Beauty Bei, the Queen of Beauty Bei and Nangong Lingyue for management.

Ye Lin's position is now stable. Even if Nangong Lingyue is not allowed to participate, he can be a hands-off boss. In the army of Meirenbei, Ye Lin has mixed a large number of spiritual insect monks. These spiritual insect monks hold important positions and will strictly implement Ye Lin's orders. Even if he ignores them, they are the actual controllers of all the armies.

In the past few years, the "Racial Equality Announcement" issued by Ye Lin has begun to show results. A large number of races that were originally exploited and enslaved have seized the opportunity to strongly support Ye Lin and are willing to send a large number of high-level monks to join the army.

As for the original ruling class, some powerful races, although they support Ye Lin's decision on the surface, they are quite dissatisfied in secret and are unwilling to actively join the army. Some strong men of some races even communicate with the Silver Dragon Palace, hoping to cooperate with the Silver Dragon Palace when the army is approaching.

The Meirenbei army will naturally not be polite to such forces. The uncooperative tribes will be put under pressure, and those who want to defect will be directly destroyed once they are discovered.

After multiple examples, the forces that were not affected became submissive and dared not violate the will of the Meirenbei army. Haiyuan Star gradually stabilized.

In a square so wide that the edge could not be seen, Ye Lin sat cross-legged in the center of the square. A beautiful girl with a white long skirt, black hair to the waist, a lively temperament, and a flawless appearance stood thousands of feet away.

It was the wind and fire spirit demon Dieyi that Ye Lin subdued in the wind and fire Jedi. The reason for this name is that the body of the wind and fire spirit demon is similar to a giant butterfly.

Dieyi looks more lively and lovely than when she was just subdued by Ye Lin. However, after a hundred years, her appearance and figure have not changed at all. It seems that she will always be just a girl in her teens, and will always be in the purest and most immature stage of beauty.

Since Die Yi swallowed Ye Lin's blood after being subdued, and is in the ancient ring world that is most suitable for the survival of spiritual insects, its strength has greatly increased. Even if it faces a mid-stage fusion cultivator alone, it will not be at a disadvantage. Ye Lin has thirteen wind and fire spirit monsters like Die Yi in his hands.

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