Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1196 Racial Equality

The teleportation array flashed a dazzling light, and the figures of Ye Lin, Xiao Bai, and Nangong Lingyue appeared in the center of the teleportation array. Ye Lin felt the familiar rules of heaven and earth strengthened.

Haiyuan Star is much larger than Hailan Star, and the increase of water attribute is also stronger.

"Young Master."

Hearing that Ye Lin was about to arrive and take charge of Haiyuan Star, Su Yan'er had been waiting beside the teleportation array for a long time, and she bowed to Ye Lin as soon as she saw him.

Ye Lin glanced at her and asked.

"What is the situation on Haiyuan Star now?"

Su Yan'er said: "It has been generally stable, with only some small-scale strongholds remaining that rely on formations and prohibitions. Our formation monks are destroying them one by one under the cover of the army. It is expected that in two or three months, the entire Haiyuan Star will completely belong to you."

Ye Lin nodded slightly and asked again.

"Where are your mother and the elder now?"

Su Yan'er said: "After the victory of the attack on Haiyuan Star, mother and the elder rested for three days, and then led 100 billion troops to Haihuang Star and Haishi Star, which are close to Haiyuan Star. Now, the garrison forces of these two planets have fled after hearing that Haiyuan Star was breached. Young master should hear the victory news soon."

Ye Lin said.

"Very good, you send a message for me. After occupying Haihuang Star and Haishi Star, stop expanding, prepare for the battle, resume training, and prepare for the decisive battle in a century."

"Yes, sir."

In terms of the current military strength of Ye Lin's side, it can actually continue to expand and occupy more planets of Yinjiao Palace. After all, Ye Lin's army is now unstoppable and morale is high, while the Yinjiao Palace side is completely the opposite. The army has little combat effectiveness due to long absence from the battlefield.

The main reason why Ye Lin did not consider further expansion was that the more planets he occupied, the more planets he would need to defend after a sixty-year period. In a sixty-year period, he would not be able to gain much benefit from these planets, after all, the benefits gained from the development and management of planets are long-term.

At least it would take a hundred years, or even a thousand years.

The reason why he occupied more than ten planets now was also to recruit soldiers from these planets to supplement the troops. When the number of troops reached his expectations, the focus would be on training.

Recruiting soldiers was never the more the better. After all, the resources consumed every day to support a large army were astronomical. Ye Lin still adhered to the theory that the quality of soldiers was more important than the quantity.

After learning that Ye Lin did not plan to continue expanding, Su Yan'er felt a little disappointed. After all, for her, these decades were like a dream.

The Meirenbei clan, which was originally in danger of extinction, turned out to be a powerful race that was high above the others, and could even defeat the Silver Dragon Palace and fight directly with the Dragon Temple.

She was somewhat fascinated by the unprecedented powerful feeling of this clan, and subconsciously wanted to conquer more territory. Of course, after Ye Lin spoke, her thoughts were all dispelled.

Hailan City, of course, no longer has the prosperity of the past. The tall city walls and buildings in the city are mostly broken eaves and broken walls, and bright red bloodstains can be faintly seen on the broken eaves and broken walls. There are tens of millions of elite forces of Meirenbei guarding the city gate, strictly checking all monks entering and leaving the city.

Most of the pedestrians are still sea clan monks, and many of them look panicked. Seeing the Meirenbei army guarding the city wall, they are terrified.

Someone sighed in a low voice.

"I didn't quite believe it when I heard that the Silver Dragon Palace army was defeated some time ago. Now, in less than three years, they have already reached Haiyuan City. It seems that the Beauty Shell Clan is really supported by a powerful force."

"Keep your voice down. You are risking your life. How dare you discuss military affairs!"

"Look at your cowardly appearance. The rulers of the Beauty Shell Clan have already issued a notice that as long as you don't resist their rule, you are not an enemy. After they defeated the garrison army, they did not burn, kill, and loot everywhere. They just concentrated their forces to attack the remaining resistance forces and were quite kind to the non-resistance forces."

"Is that so? I am really ignorant."

"I heard that in a few days, Haiyuan City will be renovated and all shops will reopen... Not only that, I also heard that the Beauty Shell Clan will be renovated in a few days. All shops will reopen... Not only that, I also heard that the Beauty Shell Clan will be renovated in a few days. After occupying other planets, the army issued the "Racial Equality Announcement". From then on, all races were equal in status and there was no subordinate relationship. Even if the Meirenbei people violated the law, they would be punished equally. "

"I didn't hear it wrong, the races were equal and not subordinate to each other? Isn't this funny? Our system has been maintained for hundreds of thousands of years. Once it changes, it will definitely be turned upside down! I can't imagine that the humble human monks will have a day equal to us!"

"Why, you don't agree, go and oppose it..."

"This, this, this, forget it, just pretend I didn't say it."

Ye Lin only scanned with his spiritual sense to know what the monks coming and going were communicating, and even their spiritual sense communication could not escape Ye Lin's eavesdropping.

Most of the sea monsters found many of the regulations formulated by Ye Lin incredible, and a large part of them opposed it. However, even the defenders of the Silver Dragon Palace were defeated. Unless they were looking for death, they dared not violate the basic decrees issued by Ye Lin.

The reason why Ye Lin emphasized that races were not subordinate to each other was, firstly, to let the long-exploited human race stand up from now on, and secondly, he could gain the support of a large number of disadvantaged races.

You know, on any planet, the number of weak races must be far greater than that of strong races, and they have always been cruelly enslaved and exploited.

The reason why Ye Lin heard most of the opposition around Haiyuan City was because most of the cultivators who could come to Haiyuan City before were cultivators of strong races. Ye Lin's move destroyed their interests and foundations, so they naturally opposed it fiercely.

But Ye Lin had absolute strength, and his opposition was ineffective and he could only be forced to comply.

In the short term, as long as he gets the desperate support of a large number of disadvantaged races, he will certainly be able to easily recruit a large number of elite soldiers who are fearless of death.

In the long term, more races will be liberated, and the various races in the area he rules will be strong and flourish, which will be conducive to economic prosperity and bring him more benefits. This is the situation he wants to see most.

As for some people saying that due to limited resources, it is difficult to achieve a hundred flowers blooming, this worry is not unreasonable, but this is in the mortal world. In the spiritual world, there are abundant cultivation resources, and the outer space is vast and boundless. There are countless undeveloped wastelands.

As for why it has not been developed, there are many reasons, most of which are not suitable for the reproduction of various races, or the rules are chaotic and dangerous, or the location is remote and transportation is inconvenient.

But these difficulties can be solved by Ye Lin in various ways.

In short, since Ye Lin intends to completely occupy the Jiujiao Wasteland and turn it into his foothold in the spiritual world, he must be prepared for long-term development and start practice.

In the process of practice, some inappropriate regulations will be adjusted, but the overall idea will not change.

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