Peerless Insect Deity

Chapter 1025 Ascension Ceremony

Now that the spiritual world has returned, the life span of all the Divine Transformation cultivators in the Wan Guo Continent will be consumed rapidly. This is the influence of the rules of heaven.

Qin Jiner said: "I now need to consume thirty years of life for every year I spend in the mortal world."

Situ Yu said: "I need to consume fifteen years..."

Senior sister smiled slightly: "You are all relatively relaxed. I need to consume a hundred years of life for every year I spend in the mortal world. It can be seen that the amount of life consumed is completely related to the realm of cultivation."

Now, Situ Yu is still in the early stage of Divine Transformation, Qin Jiner is in the middle stage of Divine Transformation, and Senior sister has entered the late stage of Divine Transformation.

Ye Lin sighed.

"No wonder most of the Divine Transformation cultivators have to ascend to the spirit world. They are really at a disadvantage in the mortal world. They are forced to ascend by the rules of heaven. For the Divine Transformation cultivators who have not ascended, their life span will be completely consumed in a short time."

"It seems that we can try to develop some pills that can weaken the perception of the spirit world. Once successful, after swallowing, the speed of life span consumption will not be so terrible."

In Ye Lin's view, the heavenly tribulation is also a kind of heavenly rule, which can be advanced or delayed through pills. It is not nonsense to use pills to weaken the perception of the spirit world.

At this time, Song Lingtian patted Ye Lin on the shoulder.

"Next, please invite Brother Ye to watch the ceremony. We will go to the spirit world and see you later!"

As he said, Wang Changsheng also patted Ye Lin on the shoulder. Ye Lin vaguely saw that Wang Changsheng's eyes were a little red, and there seemed to be tears in his eyes.

Ye Lin also gave the two a bear hug.

"Take care, brothers!"

The two nodded heavily.

Wang Changsheng smiled.

"We went to the spirit world before you. Maybe when we meet next time, we will be powerful in the spirit world, and our cultivation level will far exceed yours. By then, Fatty will take care of you."

On the side, Wang Changsheng's Taoist partner, the fierce woman fairy, kicked Wang Changsheng on the butt.

"Stop dreaming. Go to the spirit world and practice hard for me. Otherwise, I don't know if you will ever meet again."

Wang Changsheng grimaced in pain, but the smile on his face did not diminish.

Song Lingtian held a silver-white high-grade Taoist sword and gently slashed it. A sword energy thousands of feet wide whistled out, and the space was cut by the sword energy like paper.

Indistinctly, Ye Lin could see an ancient and heavy door appearing in the five-color space turbulence, with the ancient words of the spirit world written on the door - the door of the spirit world!

On the other side of the door, it was a blur, and even with Ye Lin's terrifying consciousness, he couldn't see clearly what was there.

To ascend to the spirit world, one must use great magic power to break through the space, summon the spirit world gate with the spirit world induction, and then pass through the spirit world gate to pass through the world barrier and finally reach the spirit world.

In the process of passing through the world barrier, the cultivators will experience many tests, including the five elements of strong wind, space storms, and time and space turbulence, which are extremely dangerous. A considerable number of powerful gods died halfway through their ascension.

Ye Lin was not very worried about the ascension of the three people. Now Song Lingtian's strength is feared even by the cultivators of the Return to Void Stage. As for Wang Changsheng, although he only wanted to bully the cultivators of lower realms during the Heavenly Demon Tribulation, his personal strength is not weak, and his means of saving his life are endless. It is not a big problem for this group of people to pass the ascension.

He is worried about whether they will be safe in the spirit world after ascending.

Wang Changsheng, Song Lingtian, and the fierce woman fairy appeared in the space crack in a flash. The three looked back at this world, nodded slightly to Ye Lin, and Ye Lin also nodded.

The three of them then entered the space turbulence layer and flew into the huge gate of the spirit world. There was no figure anymore.

After a while, the gate of the spirit world dissipated, and the space crack closed.

Ye Lin sighed slightly.

"I hope your ascension path will be unimpeded."

Even if Ye Lin could deduce the past and the future through the small heavenly secret array, he could not deduce any heavenly secrets above the spirit world. The barrier of the world was too exaggerated.

The six-armed Shura Buddha of Taiyutian in the past could only deduce information related to Ye Lin because of the connection with the blood and food gate. However, the current Wan Guo Continent is separated from the spirit world by countless worlds. Even if it can be deduced, it is not something that Ye Lin, a cultivator who has just entered the initial stage of incarnation, can do.

Even the life card cannot be sensed across the boundary.

In other words, whether these three people are alive or dead can only be deduced after Ye Lin arrives in the spirit world.

After that, Ye Lin led a group of cultivators back to the Demon City, where he visited Ye Lin's father-in-law and mother-in-law, the King and his wife, and then returned to the Jinling Palace of the Great Qin Immortal Dynasty.

In the past few days, the ancient ring space was very restless.

After Ye Lin broke through the God Transformation Stage, the spiritual insects that had reached the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm finally had no realm restrictions. One by one, the spiritual insects that had reached the Great Perfection of the Out-of-Body Realm summoned the devastating God Transformation Heavenly Tribulation in the ancient ring space.

First, there were a group of the strongest cultivators such as Xiaobai, Xiaoqiang, and Xiaoqi. The God Transformation Heavenly Tribulation was really no face in front of them, and there was no dignity at all.

Xiaobai transformed into his original form, and the thousand-foot-long white-scaled ancient snake opened its mouth and spit out a natal demon pill, which was exactly the demon pill refined from the three-headed holy king. This natal demon pill greatly increased Xiaobai's strength, and his magic power was vast and inexhaustible. Xiaobai flicked his tail, and under the protection of his natal demon pill, rushed into the calamity cloud covering hundreds of thousands of miles, and then opened his mouth wide and swallowed the calamity cloud cleanly.

Xiao Qiang was also fearless. He rushed into the calamity cloud with a bright moon sword in his left hand and a star-slashing knife in his right hand. The sword and knife energy rolled out. The thunder calamity was chopped into pieces by Xiao Qiang before it even had its first strike, and turned into the five elements of energy.

Xiao Qi's calamity-crossing process was even more outrageous. He rushed into the calamity cloud vortex with his bare chest, allowing the thunder calamity to hit him. The devastating thunder calamity not only failed to break his body, but also helped him temper his body, making his body more resilient. After absorbing the power of the thunder calamity, his body carried the power of the calamity cloud, and his every move contained the power of destruction.

The other spirit insects also had strange and bizarre tribulation processes. Some swallowed the tribulation cloud, some froze the tribulation cloud, and the most bizarre one was Xiaochou. He drilled into the tribulation cloud and farted. The purple cloud spread out. The tribulation cloud seemed to be polluted, and a thunder tribulation was not released and dissipated...

As time passed, more and more spirit insects rushed to survive the great tribulation of the demons and achieve the stage of transformation. Ye Lin's overall strength was rapidly changing.

After Ye Lin's breakthrough, he finally got busy. Although he practiced hard, he spent the daytime in the training room. The hard training was no longer just to relax and plant the bloodline seeds. More importantly, it was to improve his cultivation by borrowing the heavenly rules of the complementary yin and yang qi.

In Ye Lin's training room, the senior sister sat opposite Ye Lin, and the senior sister's face was slightly serious.

"My husband, although our strength has increased dramatically now, the more people there are when we ascend collectively, the more dangerous it will be. There is a balance rule between heaven and earth. After a hundred years, my husband's spirit insects in the transformation stage will probably exceed one thousand, and the danger of the ascension path will be thousands of times that of other cultivators."

"So my husband must refine Jianmu into a second soul before ascending, so that he has an extra powerful trump card. Next, I will teach my husband the method of refining the second soul."

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