Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3418: Climbing the stone steps

Chapter 3418: Climbing Stone Steps

The mood of Jiulong Taoist, Tian Jue Sword Lord and others is even more uncomfortable than eating dead flies.

They thought that waking up only robbed them once.

But in the end, wake up but robbed them twice?

Are you surprised or surprised?

Obviously, the Jiulong Taoists do not want such an accident.

There are not a few people at the scene who are in the same mood as the Jiulong Taoists. There are many Baoshan robbed by mysterious people. Every time, many people are angry and helpless.

However, no one dared to think of revenge.

There is no other reason, it can't be beaten.

So many demon monarchs obeyed the order of Awakening, who would dare to do anything to Awakening?

Even Hua Yunkong dare not.

"That's it!"

At this time, Elder Xuan Qi couldn't help but smile, and explained to Lei Zhenying and Situ Lan: "The steps here need to be climbed by their own strength."

"Those demon monarchs and other people, staying among the treasures of space, awakening and leading them to climb the steps, are equivalent to being alone, bearing all the pressure."

"That's why he was shaken out repeatedly."

Hearing this, not only Situ Lan and Lei Zhenying, but everyone suddenly realized.

Elder Xuan Qi didn't lower his voice, obviously it was there, explaining the meaning for the awakening.

However, Hua Yunkong's expression looked a little ugly.

He was the happiest and most gloating person before, but now he is undoubtedly unable to laugh.

Sure enough, waking up at this moment and then climbing the stone steps, there is no pressure, and it is completely idle.

"Boss, isn't that guy who has been laughing at you?"

The three-headed Black Jiao and the others stared at Hua Yunkong with an unsound look.


Hua Yunkong's face changed slightly.

Even if he was superior in strength, he was a little frightened by being watched by so many monsters.


"A group of evildoers, my son doesn't care about you."

Hua Yunkong left a word, that is, to continue climbing the steps faster than before.

However, it seemed that it would give people a feeling of fleeing in embarrassment. It seemed that he was worried and was chased by others.

"Go up the mountain first, looking for opportunities."

Su Xing did not immediately find Hua Yunkong to settle the account.

The steps here are very strange and not suitable for hands-on with people.

However, the most urgent task is to find opportunities.


He Tong has already taken the lead.

There is a powerful force in her petite body. She rises up, and she crosses hundreds of steps in one breath, and then continues to move forward fiercely.

"Sure enough, is it a breakthrough?"

Waking up to see this scene, nodded slightly.

During this period of time, He Tong stayed in the Chaos Pond to practice, and with the help of the divine fruit of Heaven's Evil, he had already begun to cross the trilemma, and his combat power level had been improved compared to before.

Excluding He Tong, everyone's overall strength has increased.

Among them, Gu Shan Ying also broke through to the level of real difficulty, and her combat power was also greatly increased.

It's just that her character, unlike He Tong's blatant and unscrupulous, is more willing to choose to stay with Su Xing.

A group of people climbed up the steps unhurriedly.

Soon after, most of the spiritual cultivation was left behind.

But He Tong, with a very fierce momentum, had already caught up with Lei Zhenying and Situ Lan.

Palaces began to appear on both sides of the five thousand steps.

However, people like Hua Yunkong don't look down on ordinary palaces. Their goal is bigger, palaces with more than 10,000 floors. Those palaces are very large.

If there are treasures, they are bound to be even more precious.

"Let's not go too far, start searching from the five-thousand-story palace." Elder Xuan Qi said towards Lei Zhenying and Situ Lan.

He didn't mean to compete with Hua Yunkong.

Compared with Hua Yunkong, the talents of Situ Lan and Lei Zhenying were still a lot worse.

Not to the end, the watermelon was not obtained, and the sesame was lost.

Situ Lan and Lei Zhenying nodded, they were also very self-aware.

Soon after, Hua Yunkong became the first person to reach the 10,000th floor after Luo Qingxue.

However, he still didn't mean to walk into the palaces on both sides.

His goal is actually higher.

I have to say that although Hua Yunkong is a bit arrogant and domineering, his talent and strength are indeed extraordinary.

He didn't seem to be particularly struggling even if he reached more than 10,000 steps.

Wanjun and Weishan Lake also climbed 10,000 steps, and they began to walk into the palaces on both sides to obtain the treasures of chance.

The exterior of the palace exudes brilliant light.

The strength of Wanjun and Wei Shanhu was stronger than Hua Yunkong.

However, the strength within these steps is very peculiar. It does not mean that stronger strength can occupy an advantage.

On the contrary, the strength within the steps will adjust the corresponding pressure according to the individual's cultivation.

Such as Wanjun and Wei Shanhu, they are under much greater pressure than Hua Yunkong.

Soon after, He Tong also climbed 10,000 steps. However, she did not choose to enter the palace, but just like Hua Yunkong, she continued to climb upwards.

The demon monarchs around him stopped after seven or eight thousand steps.

They felt a lot of pressure and struggled.

Although there are many palaces on both sides of the steps in this area, the pressure of competition is great.

Because most gods can reach this area.

"I will take you up."

Soon, Su Xing made a choice.

He took advantage of the Chaos Pond and took the Jintong Baihu in.

Then, quickly walked towards the upper steps.

This scene was noticed by many people, and for a while, everyone's expressions were uncertain.

You know, if you bring a person, the pressure will increase exponentially.

Before waking up, he had suffered from this incident, but he didn't want to. He dared to do so.

But this time, Awakening was not shaken down the stairs.

He didn't have much problem with just bringing one person.

Soon, he sent the golden pupil and white tiger to the thirteen thousand steps.

Then, he went back to the 7000-storey steps, made according to law, and sent the flying giant cow up.

"Boss, I'll help you one."

Long Ritian grabbed the three black dragons.

"I can too."

Shigui also brought another monster with him.

Soon after, Awaken sent all the demon kings up 10,000 steps.

The competitive pressure here is much smaller.

Most people have difficulty reaching this area.

Yanfeng also stayed in this area.

Yue Zhijun and Wei Si stopped on the fifteen thousand steps.

Afterwards, Wake up, Gushanying, Longritian, and Shigui continued to climb together.

Many people watched this scene, both envious and jealous.

However, no one can follow suit.

After all, it is already very difficult for everyone to climb the stone steps on their own.

As time passed, a group of four people awakened and they had already climbed 20,000 steps.

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