Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3405: A flying knife

Chapter 3405: ​​A Flying Knife

Waking up, how can he not see that Luo Zhao is completely slanderous.

To put it bluntly, I was afraid of death.

This is understandable, because it is human nature to fear death.

Although Luo Zhao is the first disciple of the Daocheng and the heir to the suzerain, there is no exception.

Moreover, Tianjiao, who has a great future like him, is often more afraid of death than ordinary people, and is less willing to let go of what he has now.

At a certain moment, Luo Zhao stopped.

He stared at Awakening and said solemnly: "Luo Qing, do you know who I am? My ancestor is the hidden power of Xuan Tianzong. If you kill me, you will definitely die."

Luo Zhao saw that the killing intent had been determined by Awakening and had to move out of his true identity.

This identity does have a considerable deterrent.

The hidden world power in Xuan Tianzong is a powerful person like Ye Dao, even if it is not as powerful as Ye Dao, it is absolutely extraordinary.

However, Luo Zhao became the first disciple of the Daocheng, and he became the heir to the suzerain. Naturally, there was a reason for his hidden ancestor.

In other words, it was the hidden ancestor who supported Luo Zhao behind his back.

He wanted to support Luo Zhao as the next lord of Xuan Tianzong.

From this point of view, the other party obviously values ​​Luo Zhao very much.

Under this circumstance, if Awakening kills Luo Zhao, it is tantamount to ruining it with one hand. How can the other party give up on the hidden and powerful arrangement?


The response to Luo Zhao was an extremely fierce and swift sword.

This sword caught Luo Zhao off guard, because in his opinion, after he moved out of the Hidden Ancestor, he would definitely be afraid of waking up, so his mentality was slightly relaxed.

This sword directly caused Luo Zhao's head to be different, and even more fierce sword aura, quickly integrated into his body, destroying his vitality.

At the critical moment, an extremely powerful force emerged from Luo Zhao's body.

That power does not belong to Luo Zhao at all.

Not only was it dissipated in an instant, the sword qi remaining in Luo Zhao's body was awakened, and Luo Zhao's body and head were quickly pulled together.

This is a real life-saving hole card.

It will only be triggered when Luo Zhao is on the verge of real death.

However, this kind of trump card is definitely not something ordinary people can display.

What's more, it is not difficult to see from Luo Zhao's face of surprise and surprise that even he himself does not know that he has such a life-saving hole card.


"Luo Qing, you can't kill me at all."

"Damn, you dare to chase me down, today, I want you to die without a place to be buried."

Without the threat of life, Luo Zhao immediately laughed wildly.

Obviously, he was just making false claims before, not really softening to wake up. Once he was given a chance, he would immediately launch a crazy counterattack.

And this is also one of the main reasons why Su Xing insists on killing Luo Zhao.

Wake tried to retreat, but found that the space around him was completely blocked by a terrible breath of power, so that he could not even show the void shuttle.

This real way to reach the sky.

In the face of this method, Awakening has no resistance at all, just a lamb to be slaughtered.

Despite this, Awakening did not show any flustered look. Compared to Luo Zhao's reaction when facing death, it was not known how many times more than Luo Zhao's reaction.

Su Xing's eyes were dim, staring behind Luo Zhao.

There, a terrible power rose up and gradually transformed into the figure of an old woman.

Although the other party's beard and hair are white, and the face is old, but his eyes are beyond the depth, and they are extremely sharp, and his breath does not have the slightest sense of old age.

On the contrary, it makes people feel unpredictable, as if facing the vast sky.

"The ancestor!" Su Xing's heart sank slightly, and he realized that the other party was the hidden ancestor that Luo Zhao said, a living ancestor.

Although the other party would never come to the real **** at this moment, but the terrifying aura was still beyond his ability to resist.

"Uncle, the **** ancestor is also embarrassed to attack the **** king, do you want to shame?"

Long Ritian tried to rescue and wake up, but in the face of that terrible pressure, he was also unable to move, so he could only curse in a low voice.

"My younger generation, how can you kill an ant?"

The other party's gaze fell on the awakened body.

That gaze was mixed with five points of indifference, three points of contempt, and two points of coldness.

"Fengshui takes turns, Luo Qing, is life full of surprises and surprises? Have you ever considered this situation before killing me?"

Luo Zhao looked at his awakening sarcastically.

However, it was directly ignored by the latter.

The awakened gaze fell on the old ancestor behind Luo Zhao, and then his gaze moved slightly upward, and then the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Old witch, you...can't kill me."

"you wanna die!"

The old woman's eyes suddenly became sharp.

With her identity and cultivation base, how many people dare to contradict her? Not to mention, shouted the old witch.

However, without waiting for the old woman to act, there was a gap between the sky and the earth above her head, and then, the terrifying and unmatched breath suddenly impacted.

That is the real power of heaven and earth.

It was far more terrifying than before, when the ancestors of the Zhong family were killed.

Even if it was the old woman, she had to raise her hand to meet her, not daring to be careless.


The old woman raised her hands, and the tyrannical force quickly surged up.

I have to say that she is worthy of being a **** ancestor, and she actually blocked the heaven and earth power temporarily.

At this time, the accident happened again.

I saw that in that gap, a flying knife rushed out quickly, the speed reached the extreme, and, with an indescribable terrible coercion, with a single knife, the old woman and Luo Zhao were beheaded. .

Where the flying knife passed, there was nothing that could stop it for a moment.

too frightening.

It seems that any power in the world is as fragile as paper in front of that flying knife.

Whether it's the old woman or Luo Zhao, even if there is no time to scream, it will be wiped out and killed on the spot.

"What a terrible knife."

Long Ritian watched this scene until the flying knife disappeared and the gap between heaven and earth healed again. He recovered and couldn't help taking a few breaths.

But, still unable to suppress, shocked in my heart.

The countless divine cultivators in the distance were all dumbfounded at this moment.

In itself, the appearance of the old woman shocked everyone. The terrible breath suffocated people, and even the soul was trembling.

However, the gap between the world and the earth was opened, and the sharpness of the flying knife once again refreshed everyone's cognition.

A mountain is really higher than a mountain.

Even the old woman can't stop the power of a knife.

At this moment, everyone understood that in this ultimate land, you must absolutely abide by the rules and must not show the aura of cultivation above the gods.

Otherwise, you will die.

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