Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3387: Baoshan and Yaojun are both

Chapter 3387: Baoshan and Yaojun are both

In the sky.

He Tong and Jin Tong Baihu fought together.

The sky of sword light and endless golden light beams collided fiercely.

For a time, the fight was inextricably difficult.

On the other side, Gu Shanying, Yanfeng, and Yue Zhijun are joining forces against the flying giant cow.

Gu Shanying's combat power level has also initially entered the level of a god.

With Yanfeng and Yue Zhijun, the two heavenly kings ranked in battle to help each other, but they were also temporarily tied with Flying Giant Cow.

The surging divine light surging in the sky like a stormy wave.

The power of terror fluctuates and continues to wreak havoc.

In the end, the entire Baoshan was flooded with endless light.

Those survivors looked at this scene with amazement.

Obviously everyone did not expect that near Baoshan, there are still real masters hidden.

"Boss, do you want to take the opportunity to visit Baoshan?" Wei Si asked.

"No need!" Su Xing shook his head and said: "This treasure mountain, even a piece of soil and rocks, are considered very precious. If you search step by step, there will always be omissions."

"It's better to just move Baoshan away."


Kui Si was stunned.

Su Xing smiled, took a step forward, and appeared in the sky above Baoshan. Then, he took out the Chaos Pool and communicated with the golden bull inside.

Immediately afterwards, inside the Chaos Pool, an extremely majestic suction force was emitted.

Then, in the eyes of many shocking eyes, the towering Baoshan trembling violently, accompanied by a huge roar, was unexpectedly pulled out of the ground.

Strive to overwhelm the world.

If it was just an ordinary mountain, people would not be shocked.

But that is Baoshan.

There are countless cultivation resources in the mountains, even an ordinary rock is very precious.

Now, Wake is actually in front of the Golden Eyed White Tiger and Flying Giant Cow, wanting to take away Baoshan directly?




Jin Tong Baihu and Flying Giant Bull were completely angry.

This Baoshan is their home.

To wake up and take away their homes is to touch their inverse scales. This is an endless conflict!

Jin Tong Baihu and Flying Giant Niu made a decisive decision, abandoned He Tong, Gu Shanying and others, and rushed towards awakening.

They are all Tier 1 monsters, who are bent on avoiding war. He Tong and Gu Shanying are also helpless, unable to stop the Golden Eyed White Tiger and Flying Giant Cow, but they are not nervous either.

They didn't think that the golden pupil white tiger and flying giant cow could threaten awakening.

"Lao Huang, I'll leave it to you here. The performance is good. Let you taste the braised beef tonight." Su Xing said lightly.


In the Chaos Pool, Golden Bull always felt that there was something wrong with this sentence, but he didn't know what was wrong.

"Lao Huang, Lao Su seems to be braising you." Yuhuangji reminded him kindly.

"It's right for you to be braised." The golden bull rolled his eyes and observed. The flying giant cow and the golden pupil white tiger outside suddenly awakened through a voice transmission: "Boss, save them both."

Outside, the awakening action was a pause.

Although he didn't know what the Golden Bull wanted to do, he still agreed.

Later, when the golden pupil white tiger and the flying giant cow rushed up, Su Xing quickly shot, and slashed two swords at the two monsters respectively.

On the realm of Taoism, awakening is actually not as good as the golden pupil, the white tiger and the flying giant cow.

As the demon king, the other party has understood the true meaning of the law.

And the awakened kendo realm was far from the true meaning of the law.

However, although his awakened swordsmanship realm was a little worse, his strength was extremely tyrannical.

Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body, God Source of Good Fortune.

All this made the power of awakening far surpass the realm of one's own cultivation base and reach the level of the gods.


The power of the two swords broke out at the same time.

It was like two monstrous torrents rushing towards the golden pupil, the white tiger and the flying giant cow.

The two menacing monsters were awakened and forced to retreat for hundreds of miles.

"This guy……"

Seeing this scene, He Tong couldn't help but puff out his mouth.

How can she not see that awakening is just two swords at hand, the power is already extremely extraordinary.

If she shoots with all her strength, I am afraid she is not an opponent yet.

In the sky, the golden pupil white tiger and the flying giant cow were also very surprised. Obviously they did not expect that the level of awakening combat power was stronger than the two female dolls they had fought before.

However, when he saw Baoshan being continuously sucked into the Chaos Pool, the Golden Eyed White Tiger and the Flying Giant Cow were very furious and rushed to wake up again.

The demon spirit is rolling in the sky.

The two big eyes of the flying giant cow are already red.

This cow is going crazy.

Jin Tong Baihu's whole body, there is an extremely dazzling golden light emerging, it is also extremely angry.

In contrast, Su Xing looked calm and calm.

"Wind sword!"

"Mountain sword!"

He quickly displayed the two styles of the Heaven's Will Sword Art.

Among them, the wind sword hit the golden pupil white tiger, and the mountain sword hit the flying giant cow.

With the cultivation base breaking into the peak of the Ninth-order Divine King Realm, Awakening is already very confident in his own combat power.

Although the strength of the Golden Eye White Tiger and Flying Giant Niu is not bad, they are only in the early stage of the first-order god, and have not entered the middle stage.


Accompanied by a huge roar.

Jin Tong Baihu and Flying Giant Niu were knocked out again.

Moreover, compared to the last time, blood has spilled from the corners of their mouths, which is obviously injured.

The two monsters were angry and helpless.

Angrily, the awakening wanted to take Baoshan away, but helplessly, they found that they couldn't wake up at all.


Finally, Baoshan was completely sucked into the Chaos Pool.

The golden pupil white tiger and the flying giant cow screamed unwillingly, and then fled towards the distance.

They have seen the situation clearly, and they are not the awakened opponents at all.

There is no point in continuing to stay for a battle.

However, what made the Golden Eyed White Tiger and Flying Giant Cow both frightened and angered was that Awakening didn't even let them go, and directly pursued them.

"Human kid, don't bully the bull too much!"

The flying giant cow roared while running.

What does it mean to wake up?

Baoshan has been taken away by you, what do you want?

"Don't you two miss your home?"

"Just stay with me."

When the voice of awakening sounded, the person already appeared, in front of the two demon kings.

In front of the space monk, even the demon king, it is difficult to escape.


Jin Tong Baihu's eyes shone two terrible divine lights, as if it could destroy everything.

It doesn't want to talk nonsense with Awakening anymore, just shoot.

"The sword is coming!"

Awakening faintly waved, the Tianque Broken Sword appeared, and the next moment, it penetrated at an extremely fast speed.

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