Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3383: The ultimate place

Chapter 3383 The Ultimate Land

"Kowloon, what are you doing?"

Tian Jue Jianjun's expression changed and he hurriedly shouted.

"Kowloon, come back soon."

The rest of the gods and powerhouses also began to discourage them.

Although they also have a competitive relationship with each other on weekdays, they are not going to cause life and death.

Tracing back to the source, they can be regarded as the same school as their teachers, and they have all been instructed by Old Man Canghe.

Therefore, you don't want to see Jiulong Taoists seeking their own way.

"My body is out of control, I can't stop it at all!" Jiulong Taoist was anxious, screaming with horror on his face, he didn't understand why such a strange situation happened.

"how is this possible?"

Tian Jue Jianjun and others were shocked.

However, they could also tell that the Jiulong Taoists would not make jokes about their lives.

"Everyone, work together to save Kowloon."

Sword Master Tian Jue shouted with a calm face.

"it is good!"

Many gods and powerful people nodded one after another.

In the next moment, they shot together, and their supernatural power whizzed out, enveloped the Taoist Jiulong, trying to pull him from the sky back to the ground.

However, something stranger happened.

I saw Tian Jue Jianjun and others, also flying off the ground to the sky.

"How is this going?"

"Why is my body out of control?"

"Ah! There is a special force that is controlling our body."

Tian Jue Jianjun and others screamed and exclaimed.

They finally understand now that the Jiulong Taoist feels helpless and desperate, step by step towards death.

This almost collapsed.

Finally, the first Jiulong Taoist to fly has come to the gate of God, and his body is sucked into it.

Tian Jue Jianjun and the others stared at the Jiulong Taoist unblinkingly. The latter's miserable end was what they were about to experience immediately, but no tragedy happened.

I saw the body of the Jiulong Taoist, like other **** kings, disappeared from the gods.


Tian Jue Jianjun and others looked puzzled.

Soon it was overjoyed.

As the saying goes, it's not a blessing to know it!

Under normal circumstances, they would not be able to pass through that divine gate, and would be instantly obliterated by terrifying power.

Sure enough, Tian Jue Jianjun and the others soon successfully passed through the **** gate and disappeared.


"Isn't it that the gods and the strong cannot enter the ultimate land?"

"Why does this happen?"

After seeing this scene, Yue Zhijun couldn't help being full of question marks in his head.

"There is no absolute in the world."

"There are always ways to circumvent the perceptual ability of the gods, so as to get through."

Juechen shook his head indifferently, and said: "However, even if the Jiulong Taoist and Tianjue Sword Sovereign people are mixed into the ultimate land, it doesn't matter."

"They dare not reveal the cultivation of the gods in the ultimate land."

"Otherwise, it's still a dead end."

Yue Zhijun suddenly realized.

To put it bluntly, the actions of the Jiulong Taoists are cheating.

However, for the real Tianjiao, it is innocuous, because as long as the Jiulong Taoists dare not reveal the cultivation of the gods, it will not be a threat.

"What are you thinking about?" Hongyue asked while looking at her awakening.

"Who shot in the dark and controlled the Taoist people in Jiulong?" Su wakes up.

"If you get rid of the old man Canghe, who else will?" Hongyue shook her head plainly: "Don't tell me, you don't think so."

"Almost!" Su wakes up.

Judging from the current plot, Elder Canghe's suspicion is indeed the biggest.

"Boss, let's set off too!" Yue Zhijun looked eager to try, refining the immortal matter, but he failed to shape the immortal body, so he placed his hope in the ultimate land.

People with the same thoughts, there are Juechen.

"it is good!"

Su Xing smiled and nodded.

He also hopes that the people around him will get a huge opportunity this time.

"Leave Gong Kun to me!"

"I can take him to the ultimate place."

At this moment, Hongyue said suddenly.

Wake up thinking for a while, nodded and agreed.

He had no way to bring Gong Kun into the ultimate land.

To blind the perception of the gods, not everything can be done, and it is extremely difficult.

It is possible to use the Chaos Pool to try it, but if it fails, Gong Kun will die, and he can't take Gong Kun's life to try and risk it when he wakes up.

Soon, Wake and his group set off first.

And Hongyue was one step behind, a bright moon appeared behind her, signaling Gong Kun and the black-robed man to enter the bright moon.

When everything was in place, she set off with Juechen.

Su Xing took notice in secret. Originally, he thought that Red Moon would also need to use some methods of shielding the breath of cultivation base to blind the perception of the gods.

However, the red moon did not.

When her figure penetrated the divine gate, her cultivation base aura leaked.

Su Xing vaguely caught that Red Moon's cultivation level was at the level of the middle trilemma, but he didn't know exactly which difficulty it reached.

However, at the middle level of the trilemma, you can have the battle power of the second-order god, and I am afraid that few people can do it if you remove the red moon.

Wake up this time to get huge benefits.

Both his cultivation base and physical strength have improved, but his combat power level is only comparable to a Tier 1 god.

This is not to say that waking up is not as good as Red Moon.

It was Red Moon's special talent ability that made her special.

She can seconde the power of others and turn it into her own use.

There is an extremely bright light in front of me.

The sacred and unmatched breath envelops the human body and soul.

It feels warm and comfortable.

But he couldn't see everything around him, as if he was walking in the sea of ​​time.

I don't know how long it has passed. When everything returned to normal, I woke up to find that I had come to a magnificent and beautiful world.

The glowing moss under the feet is soft as a floor.

Towering trees stand on the ground, forming a vast sea of ​​forests.

Many big trees are crystal clear, like carved from **** jade, even exuding a soft light, very beautiful.

These are obviously not ordinary trees.

Enough to be called the sacred tree.

In the forest, magic medicine is everywhere, like a vast and huge medicine garden.

It can be said that just staying here to practice, you can get huge benefits.

"Is this the ultimate place?"

Even with a rich experience in waking up, I couldn't help but take a deep breath at this moment.

The ultimate place is worthy of its name, and it is almost a treasure.

It's no wonder that countless gods cultivate here crazy.

Awakening spreads his soul thoughts, looking for Yue Zhijun, He Tong, Gu Shanying and others.

Soon after, everyone appeared in his soul thought.

The farthest person was He Tong, but he was only tens of thousands of miles away from awakening. He sensed the power of space and found that the laws of space here are normal.

In this way, he could not use space power.

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