Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3377: Ten tricks for you

Chapter 3377: Ten strokes for you

Among a hundred thousand undead substances.

Juechen only needs 10,000 to 20,000 catties.

Most of the rest were prepared for the red moon.

With the red moon's talent, the undead material needed is definitely many times more than ordinary spiritual cultivation.

However, this sale is a good deal.

The two favors of Red Moon are absolutely worth one hundred thousand catties of immortal matter.


Jiechen looked at the 100,000 catties of undead matter suspended in mid-air and swallowed subconsciously.

Undoubtedly, this is extremely tempting.

He Tong, Gu Shanying, Gong Kun, Yan Feng and others were equally surprised.

Even Hongyue's eyes flashed with surprise.

Everyone knows that when he wakes up, he has obtained a lot of undead matter, but he still didn't expect that once he shot it, it would be 100,000 catties of immortality.

"How much undead matter did you get?" Gong Kun's eyes were almost inseparable from the undead matter.

As the cultivation base stepped into the realm of God Sovereign, the god-destroying slave curse on him had also been lifted.

However, without the God Destruction Slave Curse, his cultivation speed would be greatly reduced.

But if he could obtain immortal matter and create an immortal body, the situation would be different, and his cultivation speed would even surpass before.

"Hundreds of thousands of catties," Su Xing said lightly.

"..." Gong Kun has an urge to be strangled and wake up. What is it called hundreds of thousands of catties?

Is that too little?

Next, wake up and distribute the immortal matter to everyone.

Basically, 10,000 catties of immortal matter are manned.

He Tong is a little different.

Like Hongyue, she had already cultivated an innate divine body, and she needed more immortal matter than others.

However, it is difficult for He Tong and Hongyue to create an immortal body.

They already have innate divine bodies, refining immortal matter, and can only grow and strengthen their divine bodies, so that their divine bodies also have the characteristics of immortality.

In the scene, the most promising person to wake up is Taniyama Sakura.

Gushan Ying is only one step away from shaping the innate body.

Not dead matter, just can give her that opportunity.

As for Gong Kun's thoughts, Awakening also understands, but he doesn't think the latter can create an immortal body.

Gong Kun's talents are relatively the lowest among the crowd.

Moreover, he is also a little older.

Although the potential was stimulated by the Divine Slave Curse, and then broke into the Divine Sovereign Realm, he still didn't possess the talents and conditions to create an immortal body.

It can only be said that it is difficult to succeed.

Unless Gong Kun really got lucky.

"Let's leave this place first!" Su Xing said.

His plan is that while everyone is waiting for the opening of the ultimate land, they will refine the immortal matter without delay.

However, at this moment.

A group of silhouettes quickly appeared not far away.

One of them, with nine wandering dragons flying behind him, is a magnificent sight, and it is the Jiulong Taoist.

Beside him is the Heavenly Sword Master with a giant sword.

This group of people actually came to the area where the palace is located.

"I'm a step late." Jiulong Taoist said with gloomy eyes: "Tian Jue, it seems that someone is one step ahead of me, and he is the first to board."

"It's a group of little clever ghosts." Tian Jue Sword Sovereign's eyes were very sharp. He glanced at Wake and others, and said lightly: "It looks like you have picked up a lot of omissions behind Sect Master Yan!"

When the direction of the palace, there was a terrible explosion.

Tianjue Jianjun and the others gave up their search in the high-rise compound.

They are keenly aware that this is a golden opportunity.

Yan Chongtian probably wouldn't pay attention to the many palaces outside the palace walls, so the guards inside the palace that experienced the explosion must have suffered heavy losses.

In this way, Tian Jue Sword Lord and the others have a chance to take advantage of.

The immortal matter in the palace, Yan Zhongtian looked down upon, but to them, it was very rich.

I don't know, I met a group of people who wake up.

"Let's go and see if the immortal matter in the palace is still there." Jiulong Taoist suggested.

"No need." Su Xing shook his head and said, "There is no undead matter in the palace."

Anyway, such a thing would be discovered sooner or later, and he simply admitted it frankly.

"You are quite honest." Tian Jue Jian Jue glanced unexpectedly and regained consciousness, and said: "If this is the case, then you must hand over the immortal matter!"

"Don't think that Sect Master Yan will protect you and fight for the undead. It is a very normal thing. If we are not a killer, Sect Master Yan will probably not bother."

Another second-tier **** said.

It was clear and sure enough to wake up a group of people.

I have to say that his speculation is indeed very accurate.

With Yan Chongtian's character, there is a high probability that he will not bother about these little things.

However, they underestimated the strength of awakening.

Su Xing said indifferently: "Why don't you hand over your storage bags and I will let you make a living?"


The Jiulong Taoists, Tianjue Sword Lord and others were taken aback.

They almost thought they had heard it wrong.

A young disciple of Xuan Tianzong, dare to be arrogant in front of himself and others?

Sword Master Tian Jue couldn't help but laughed out: "Boy, you are quite interesting! Come, don't say I won't give you a chance! Don't hesitate to take action, I will let you ten moves."


Hongyue, Juechen, He Tong, Gong Kun and others all looked at Tian Jue Jianjun with foolish eyes.

Is this guy sure he hasn't entrusted it?

"Ten moves are too many, one move is enough." Su Xing said modestly, as if he didn't want to take advantage of Tian Jue Sword Lord too much.

"It's okay! Just ten tricks. If you don't think too much, I can give you more opportunities to shoot."

Tian Jue Jianjun looked indifferent, and the Jiulong Taoists around him all thought it was a bit funny.

With the strength of Tian Jue Sword Sovereign, even if he stood there and didn't make a move, that Xuan Tianzong disciple couldn't hurt him at all!


No more words when you wake up.

Those people obviously didn't understand what he meant!

He just wanted to say, in fact, one move is enough, if ten moves go down, the soul of Heaven Jue Sword Lord will be gone.

"bring it on!"

"Go ahead!"

"Show it, your strongest means of attack."

Tian Jue Sword Monarch fought forward with an indifferent expression on his face.


A huge handprint appeared from the top of Tianjue Sword Sovereign's head in the wake of the probing hands and crashed down.

He was extremely fast, even before Tian Jue Sword Sovereign could react, the whole person was smashed on the ground by the hand of the void, blood gushing from his mouth.

The whole audience was silent.

Hongyue and others had already known in advance the changes in awakening, so it was not too unexpected.

But the Jiulong Taoists waited, watching this scene, one by one dumbfounded.

Their heads were full of question marks, and they didn't understand what was going on.

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