Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3375: Demon suicide

Chapter 3375: Ghost Blasts

Ghosts in the mist.

Outside the palace walls, inside a certain palace.

The awakened figure appeared almost out of thin air, standing at the top of a tower in the palace.

However, the ghosts in this palace also reacted extremely fast.

Almost at the moment of awakening and appearing, all the ghosts were noticed, and there were more than five ghost exorcists in white who appeared around the awakening and besieged him.

Five white-clothed ghost exorcists are equivalent to five second-order gods.

The strength of this force is enough to make people fearful.

However, his waking expression was as calm as water, as if he hadn't noticed the great danger around him.

"Bold evil spirits, dare to trespass into the palace, today, I will tell you to come and go."

A ghost exorcist in white was sipping.

It is clear that he is surrounded by ghosts, but he has a righteous look.

Waking up to this scene, it is no surprise.

Excluding the blood-robed man in the gun suit, and the blood ancestor, the worldviews of the other ghosts have been completely distorted.

There is no reason to say.

Wake up and shoot.

The fire of the void, centered on him, quickly swept away.

In the end, it spread directly across the entire palace.

Five ghost exorcists in white, as well as countless ghosts, are all in the fire.

The flames of the void at this moment are terrifyingly powerful. Even the five white-clothed ghost exorcists, after holding on for a while, are all gone, and the other ghosts are instantly turned into dust.

Soon, there was only one person left in the entire palace.

He stepped forward and appeared in a palace, and soon he put the immortal matter weighing more than a thousand catties in the palace into a storage bag.

Then, he awoke and went to the next palace.

His own cultivation is still at the ninth level of the Divine King Realm.

There is no change in Taoism and other aspects.

The only change is that he can now mobilize the special spatial power in the ghost capital of the mist to turn it into his own use.

This alone made him become unpredictable.

Its combat power level is also infinitely higher.

Even if it is a ghost exorcist in white, it is not enough to see him in front of him.

Next, with extremely high efficiency, Awaken took all the undead substances in the nearby palaces as his own.

When the royal palace in the nearby area was "emptied", there were already tens of thousands of catties of undead material in the awakened storage bag. Probably get rid of Yan Chongtian, and no one can gain more than him.


Wake up one step forward, standing on the sky, looking at the palace in the distance.

At this time, the battle in the palace did not end.

However, it is also approaching the end.

Awakening can feel that Yan Chongtian steadily takes the upper hand, with a strong and majestic momentum. Between his gestures, the crushed blood-colored gunman can't breathe, hard to resist, and steadily retreat.

But suddenly, the man in Scarlet Gun clothes went mad.

His body swelled rapidly, and he actually chose to blew himself up!

Even Yan Chongtian immediately pulled away and backed away.

He and the Scarlet Gunfu man are in the same realm, one is a ninth-order **** and the other is a ninth-order ghost.

A ninth-order ghost king blew himself up, and his power was inestimable.

Even Yan Chongtian didn't dare to face the terrible explosion.

However, the Scarlet Gunfu man, since he is mad and wants to explode, how can he not be prepared?

He wanted to take Yan Chongtian to bury him.

He will die together.


On the palace wall, thick columns of air rose into the sky.

The black air column exudes a monstrous spirit.

Not long after, a huge formation quickly formed.

Yan Chongtian was trapped in the palace.

The formation in the palace is extraordinary. Even Yan Chongtian needs a lot of effort to break it down, but what he lacks most now is time.

"Insult me, die!"

The man in Scarlet Gun clothes let out the last roar.

Immediately afterwards, his rapidly expanding body exploded.

In an instant, there was a terrifying light that quickly spread to the surroundings, engulfing everything along the way.

The Jinluan Temple was shattered, and many palace buildings were completely wiped out.

You know, every plant, one tree, one brick and one stone in the imperial palace, because of the blessing of immortal substances, is solid and immortal, and it is difficult to be destroyed.

But at this moment, it's like tofu dregs, vanishing.

Even the Golden Temple, which was made of a large amount of undead material, was torn to pieces.

too frightening.

At this moment, countless divine cultivators in the ghost capital of the fog all felt that the terrifying power aura in the palace was shocking, and it was difficult to hold on to it.

However, countless ghosts cried bitterly and wailed loudly.

The man dressed in blood is smart and cruel.

He knew that if he died again, Yan Chongtian would tear down the Golden Temple and take away the undead.

Anyway, he can no longer be resurrected.

Simply self-destruct, to bring Yan Chongtian to the funeral.

At this moment, Yan Zhongtian had already retreated to the edge of the palace wall, but the formation barrier behind him prevented him from getting out of trouble.

Yan Chongtian, who has always been calm and composed, is also a little anxious this time.

He took a deep breath, took out a lot of life-saving cards from his storage bag, and prepared to resist it as hard as he could. In the end, even if he did not die, he would suffer severe damage.

"Is it going to capsize in the gutter?"

Yan Chongtian smiled helplessly.

However, at this moment, Yan Zhongtian was shocked to find that the formation barrier behind him was suddenly torn open.


Yan Chongtian couldn't help being taken aback.

How strong this formation formation was, he had already tried it just now.

With his strength, it is impossible to do it, and it is shattered with one blow.

But now, it actually cracked silently?

Just when Yan Chongtian felt that he might be the son of heaven, and his fortune was deep, an untimely voice sounded: "Sect Master Yan, if you don't come out at this time, when will you wait?"


Yan Chongtian admitted that he was thinking too much.

The relationship was saved by someone!


His figure flashed and left the palace, behind him, the terrifying light completely submerged the noble and luxurious palace.

The whole fog hidden ghosts are shaking violently at this moment.

Countless ghosts cried sorrowfully.

The divine cultivation of all races is beyond shock.

Even Su Xing and Yan Chongtian looked at the terrible power fluctuations in the palace, and felt emotional.

After all, that is after all a ninth-order ghost monarch, a superior existence.

How many people dream of its strength cultivation base?

But now, he just died.

"If you don't become a **** ancestor, you are an ant after all!"

Yan Chongtian murmured.

After thinking about it carefully, with his current cultivation base, his greatest pursuit is indeed to become a **** ancestor.

For Shinto, the last great realm.

Who is not longing for?

Becoming a **** and being an ancestor is the ultimate goal of millions of gods in the gods.

However, few people can reach it.

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