Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3364: Dilemma

Chapter 3364: Dilemma

Awakening seemed to be talking to the air.

This time, including Gong Kun, everyone looked puzzled.

Gong Kun even felt it carefully, but it was still nothing.

But the look of his awakening was in peace, with a certain sense of determination, as if he had confirmed that someone really exists in the dark, and he followed all the way.


Suddenly, on the ground in front of the crowd, faint black smoke overflowed.

Afterwards, a figure slowly rose from the ground, covered in black robe, and couldn't see his face. However, the breath exuding from him made Gong Kun smell an extremely dangerous smell.

Gong Kun's eyes became cold and sharp.

The opponent is not only powerful, but also extremely good at recluse.

He hadn't noticed before.

If the opponent shot at him, his fate can be imagined.

The black-robed man seemed to be a little curious, why he was able to find him when he woke up and asked, "How did you find me?"

"Senior's recluse method is indeed extraordinary, and I did not find you."

Su wakes up for a while, and then said: "However, I understand Hongyue, and with her style of doing things, since I cooperate with me, naturally, I won't, let me have problems when the ghosts are in the fog."

"So, someone must be sent to protect me in secret?"

Everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out to wake up by guessing...

However, he was really confident enough. Based on this alone, he was actually sure that there was someone from the Demon Sect in secret.

"You are very good!"

"No wonder the Moon Envoy will choose you."

After a while, the black robe talent spoke slowly.

"Then trouble senior, help me deal with the Xia family!" Su Xing said.

"Yes!" The black robe man agreed, and then he walked towards everyone in the Xia family.

He did not choose to fly, but to walk on foot.

However, the speed of his walking is no slower than flying, or even faster, his figure, as if on the vast ground, constantly flashing.

Every flashing can always span a very long distance.

"Is it agreed?"

Gong Kun was a little dazed, feeling unreal.

Even if the other party followed Red Moon's instructions, he didn't need to listen to everything to wake up.

He can completely take away the awakened group of people, and just leave it alone.

"He has his own demands." Su Xing said.

"That's it." Gong Kun already understood the meaning of waking up, but he said unwillingly: "The Xia family has gained a lot of undead matter during this period of time! Is it just like that?"

"With our strength, it would be difficult to take the Xia Family's undead matter as one's own." Awakening was clear.

In itself, when he calculated the Xia family, he had taken the black robe man into consideration.

And the immortal matter received by the Xia family was regarded as reward.

Otherwise, the black-robed man would not be able to help.

"It's a pity!" Yue Zhijun sighed.

Everyone understands the truth, but when I think of the immortal matter in the Xia family, I still feel a little tangled.

"The highlight is in the ghost capital of Wuyin, where the undead matter is the most." Awakening did not matter.

"The immortal matter of the ghosts in the fog is naturally extremely large, but the competition will inevitably be fierce. At that time, with our strength, we will be able to gain something?"

Gong Kun stared suspiciously and awakened: "Don't you think that Red Moon will give us undead matter!"

"I guess not."

Waking up is not so naive.

However, his real hole card is not Red Moon!

He didn't continue to explain anything, but raised his eyes and looked in the direction where the Xia family was escaping.

At this time, on the route of Xia's escape, the ground collapsed and turned into a desert with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. The yellow sand was rolling, raging like waves, and terrible power was born.

The black robe man made a move.

If the awakening is not wrong, the opponent is a strong man who understands the Daxing Dadao.

In addition, he has already understood the true meaning of Tuxing Avenue.

So he hides in the ground, it is difficult for other people to detect his existence.

So he is reluctant to fly, and is more accustomed to walking on foot, and will not let himself out of the ground.

The Xia family obviously didn't expect that someone would take action on their escape route.

Behind him is the white robe exorcist and the black robe in front of him.

The Xia family was immediately caught in a dilemma and was in a dilemma.

"Little Xiao Xiao, dare to stop my Xia family from the road, looking for death!"

Xia Hou roared, and fisted towards the long yellow sand desert.

In his eyes, the threat of the white-clothed ghost exorcist was obviously greater. He tried to smash the yellow sand desert in one fell swoop, continued to flee, and then got rid of the white-clothed ghost exorcist.

However, Xia Hou was a terrifying punch, but it did not cause much damage to the yellow sand desert.

I saw billowing yellow sand soaring into the sky, actually blocking Xiahou's fist.


In summer, his eyes sank.

He realized that the person hiding under the yellow sand was a strong enemy.

The eyes of everyone in the Xia family could not hide the panic.

There were blockers in front and chasers behind, and they had almost nowhere to escape.

However, their hole cards had already been used seven or eight when they rushed out of Bliss Town.

Otherwise, how can they block the pursuit of the four ghost exorcists in white clothes?

Even in summer, there is a feeling of end in life.


A master of the Xia family's extreme difficulty in crossing the sky, was slashed by a ghost knife turned into a ghost, and his body was torn apart, and his screams before he died were very sad.

He was not the first Xia family master to die.

On the way to flee, the Xia family had a master dead before.

"Everyone, the time has come to work hard!"

Xiahou said with cold eyes.

They made it clear that they were calculated, and they were calculated one after another.

There is a ghost exorcist before, and a "mysterious powerhouse" behind.

"If you can hand over the immortal matter, maybe I can consider letting you go." The black-robed man's deep and thick voice sounded from under the yellow sand desert.

"You dream!" Xia Xiao refused.

The immortal matter was only obtained by him with great difficulty, so where would he be willing to let others go?

Even if the Xia family master was lost because of this, it would be no hesitation.

The Xia family masters can still be cultivated if they die, but the immortal matter is something that can't be met.

"Since you are looking for death, then I have to send you to Huangquan Road for a while." The black robe man stopped speaking, and the yellow sand desert violently surged.

The next moment, an unprecedented dragon rushed out.

The head alone is hundreds of miles large.

It's incredible.

And the aura radiating from his whole body is even more terrifying.

The black-robed man was really murderous.

As Awakening expected, what the Heipao people care most about is the immortal matter in the Xia family.

Since he didn't want to take it out in summer, he had to take it himself.

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