Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3355: Boatman

Chapter 3355 The Boatman

The wooden boat is very small.

But more than ten meters long.

Compared with the flying boat carried by the gods, it is really insignificant.

The wooden boat is full of decadence.

The hull is very old, and in some places it rots badly.

But at the bow, there was a boatman wearing a hood and black linen. His voice was hoarse and very ugly, like a demon from hell.

All this gives people a very uncomfortable feeling.

However, the boatman didn't realize it, and even took the initiative to ask if everyone needed to take a boat.

"Junior Brother Luo, please!"

Xia Sen sneered coldly.

Obviously, he will not take the risk personally, but want to wake up to be cannon fodder.

"There is no free lunch in the world. What do we need to pay for riding your ship?" Suwaken ignored Xia Sen, but looked at the boatman and asked.

The boatman was silent for a while before he sighed, "It is true that fees should be charged in the past, but this time, I don't know why, so many people died this time."

"Especially it's a shame that you lost your life at a young age like you."

"The old man will give you a ride for free!"

The boatman seemed to have a good temper and dealt with well.

Looking at Su Xing and others, he moved a little compassionately.

However, everyone's face is not pretty.

"Hello! You mean, we are already dead?" He Tong stared at the boatman and couldn't help asking.

"Yeah! Is it possible that you are still alive?" The boatman shook his head, his face hidden under the cloak should have a smile and helpless expression.

"Old man, what about me?" Xia Sen asked.

"Aren't you dead too? There isn't a living person among you!" The boatman sighed.

"You fart!" Xia Sen said with a sullen face: "Don't be here to confuse the crowd. Will we not even know whether we are dead or alive?"

Not only Xia Sen, no one in the room would believe the boatman's words.


The boatman was not surprised, but sighed slightly.

As if for this scene, he was already taking no surprises.

People are always unwilling to accept reality, unwilling to face the worst results.

But what can we do?

Nothing can be changed.

"Is this old guy lying on purpose, or is there something wrong with his brain?" He Tong asked in a low voice.

"He shouldn't lie." Su Xing frowned, he could feel that the old man's mood was not in the slightest hypocritical, and there was no intention of conspiracy.

So, here comes the problem.

Why does the old man think that his party is already dead?

Frankly speaking, whoever encounters this situation will feel quite uncomfortable.

Too unlucky.

"So, I would like to thank the old man."

Reawakening arched his hands towards the old man, and then boarded the wooden boat first.

He Tong and others all believed very much in regained judgment.

Everyone has experienced the adventure of the Great Black Abyss together. Although everything in front of you, although weird, they have not panicked. The overall situation is relatively calm.

"You're welcome!" The boatman shook his head indifferently, then looked at Xia Sen and the others: "Aren't you leaving? If you don't leave, then the old man will leave first."

"However, you must not try to cross the sea of ​​Wangchuan."

"That will only make you fall into disarray."

The reason why the boatman talked a few more words was because some people had not listened to his advice before, and they were swallowed up one by one by the sea of ​​forgotten rivers.

Among them, it also includes several gods.

"Let's go too!"

In the end, Xia Hou and Xia Sen made a decision.

They also boarded the wooden boat.

"Sit down!"

"set off!"

The boatman yelled and rowed the oars, the boat broke the water and moved forward.

The speed does not seem to be fast.

However, that's because there is almost no change in all the scenery in this sea of ​​Forgotten Chuan.

In fact, the speed of this boat is reaching its extreme.

Even if the gods catch up at full speed, I am afraid it is beyond the reach.

However, the strange thing is that Awakening did not feel any cultivation base aura on the boatman, and there was no power fluctuation at all. The other party seemed to be an ordinary person.

This is puzzling.

In fact, everyone has many questions in their hearts.

"Senior, the name of this sea is the Sea of ​​Forgotten Chuan?" Su Xing asked.

Since the old man speaks very well, it is better to pass him through and learn some useful information before talking.

Wake up has heard folklore and is no stranger to the word Wangchuan.

However, in folklore, Wangchuan is the Wangchuan River, not a sea.

There should be a Naihe Bridge in the Wangchuan River.

However, there is obviously no bridge at this moment.

This is not bad news.

In folklore, the sceneries of Wangchuan River and Naihe Bridge are full of unknowns only after a person has died. It is naturally good to be able to meet one less frequently.


The old man nodded.

He has a good sense of awakening, gentle and polite.

Unfortunately, he died at a young age.

"Is there any danger in this sea of ​​Forgotten River? Why can I only cross it with the help of a senior's boat?" Su Xing asked again.

"It's not clear what is the specific danger."

"I just heard people say that there are so many evil spirits living in the Sea of ​​Forgotten River, which is very scary."

"My ancestors have been boatmen for generations. This boat, regardless of its age, is sheltered. As long as you stay on the boat, there will be no trouble."

The old man was quite talkative and took the initiative to chat about many things.

He even comforted and regained consciousness, saying: "Young man, since you are already like this, just accept the reality! The regrets of this life, it is a big deal to make up for the next life."


Even with a regained state of mind, there is a bit of a response in my heart.

This feeling of being treated as a dead person is really uncomfortable.

"Then how big is this sea of ​​Forgotten River?" Su Xing asked again.

"I don't know." The old man shook his head and said, "I only know that when the sun rises tomorrow, the boat will dock! It's like this every time."

"That's it!"

Wake nodded, and fell silent temporarily.

After analyzing and talking with the old man, he got a lot of news.

Judging from the current situation, the old man should feel that he himself is a living person, and Awakening, Xia Sen, etc., are all dead.

The ancestors of the elders have been boatmen for generations, relying on boats for their livelihoods.

All this looks very ordinary.

However, there are many loopholes, for example, ordinary boatmen, can the speed of the boat be faster than the speed of the king's full flight?

Will ordinary boatmen go to carry dead people?

Of course, the biggest puzzle is, why the old man has been determined that they are dead when they wake up?

Everyone has been listening to the conversation between Awakening and the elderly, and at this moment, they are all thinking about these issues.

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