Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3353: Forbidden to open

Chapter 3353 The Forbidden Land Opens

White clothes wins snow, elegant and refined.

Luo Qingxue is like a fairy Guanghan who does not eat the fireworks in the world.

Even people like Wanjun and Wei Shanhu are proud to be able to say a few words to Luo Qingxue, let alone other people. Seeing Luo Qingxue’s fairy face, you feel that you have no regrets. Up.

And the women, in front of Luo Qingxue, are mostly embarrassed.

Rugu Shanying, her own appearance, in fact, is not too different from Luo Qingxue, but in terms of temperament, it is a little worse.

This is related to Luo Qingxue's long-term practice of following Qinglian Taoist ancestor.

And the looks of the gods are actually pretty good, because at this level of cultivation, not to mention a complete reincarnation and a facelift, but it is easy to do some "fine-tuning" to improve their appearance by several levels.

The biggest difference is actually temperament.

Temperament needs time and environment to cultivate, and some are inherent and difficult to imitate.

Luo Qingxue has an immortal temperament and is very sacred, making people unable to have any thoughts of profanity.

People face her as if a mortal face a god.

"Everyone, since everyone wants to enter the forbidden area to find opportunities, then my Xuan Tianzong will not be stingy. However, the forbidden area is perilous, and even the existence of the gods may not be able to save their lives."

"So, it's best for everyone to consider the stakes first."

"If I die in the forbidden area, my Xuantianzong will not be responsible."

Yan Chongtian spoke gently.

But as the Sect Master of Xuan Tianzong, he was born with a sense of majesty.

After these remarks, many people fell into hesitation.

Now, Yan Chongtian's sentence, the **** may not be able to save his life, it is still a bit scary.

"Then, Sect Master Yan, is there really such an unworldly opportunity in the forbidden area to become an innate divine body?" Jiulong Taoist asked politely.

Countless people also showed their attention.


Yan Zhongtian nodded.

"Then I'm afraid of a fart! I'm asking for wealth and danger."

"Yes! Rather than doing nothing for a lifetime, it's better to be vigorous once."

"Life is a master, and death is a ghost."

At this time, the frying pan was all around.

In the eyes of countless people, a sense of madness emerged.

Those who were a bit hesitant before, the look in their eyes at this moment also gradually became firm.

The temptation to become an innate **** body is too great.

That is the chance for people to reinvent themselves and have a different life.

Especially, after Yan Chongtian gave an affirmative answer.

Even figures like Wanjun and Wei Shanhu are still in high spirits, and their eyes are bright.

In the eyes of others, they are indeed very powerful.

However, if there were no accidents, their lifetime achievements would probably have stopped.

They were obviously not reconciled, but were respected in the Eastern Realm.

They want to go to a broader stage, in the central realm, to become the top big man there, and finally, to reach the impeccable shinto, overlooking hundreds of millions of creatures.

I have to say that Wanjun and Wei Shanhu are indeed much higher than Ji Wuxiang.

This is probably the reason why the two of them are far stronger than Ji Wuxiang.

If the mind is not static, people will always make progress.

Yan Zhongtian looked at the countless gods who were full of energy, and didn't say much, as if nothing could move him.

"Now that everyone has a choice, I won't say more."

"The time has come, the forbidden area is open!"

As Yan Chongtian's voice fell, countless rays of light emerged from the sky not far away, and soon the powerful restraining force covering the sky quickly dissipated.

At a certain moment, when the power of prohibition completely dissipated.


"The fate is mine."


Between the sky and the earth, it was like a terrifying earthquake of hundreds of magnitude erupted.

Countless divine lights soared into the sky, rushed toward the forbidden ground, and quickly penetrated the light curtain.

However, most of them are ordinary gods who will act so impatiently. Those with real strength and background are not particularly anxious.

Although the fate of the world is good, it is not so easy to get.

People are willing to let ordinary gods and cultivators break in the forefront and act as cannon fodder for them.

Having said that, Jiulong Taoist, Heavenly Sword Sovereign and others, soon took action.

They penetrated the light curtain at extremely fast speeds and disappeared.

After the Jiulong Taoist, Tianjue Sword Lord and others, another group of people stood up, mostly unfamiliar faces, and didn't know how to wake up.

"They are from the Zhong family."

"The young man at the head, named'Zhong Feiyu', is the most outstanding figure in the Zhong family in recent years."

Yue Zhijun whispered in his awakened ear.

Awakening nodded slightly, Zhong's family and horses are not only numerous, but also extraordinary in style. Each of them has a feeling of superiority, as if not focusing on the world.

"Sect Master Yan, our Zhong family chose Scarlet Sand Sea."

Zhong Feiyu arched his hands towards Yan Chongtian.

He directly stated his choice, because he didn't want Xuan Tianzong to cross his feet.

"The **** sand sea is the blessed place of the Zhong family, and your choice is quite good." Yan Zhongtian smiled slightly and said: "Then I wish you all a good journey, and the Zhong family will have another chance for nothing."

"I hope I can borrow from Sect Master Yan." Zhong Feiyu smiled.

"Congratulations to Brother Zhong." Xia Sen and others started talking, seeming to have a good relationship with the Zhong family, and they knew early on that the Zhong family would choose Scarlet Sand Sea.

The innate body of the Zhong family, Zhong Shenqiu, was originally a fate from the **** sand.

He mostly knows a lot about Scarlet Sand Sea.

The Zhong family's choice of Scarlet Sand Sea is indeed very beneficial to them.

"Let's go too!"

Wake up soon after speaking.

There is no need to continue to stay.

"Have you finally left?"

Xia Sen has been paying attention to his awakening. Upon seeing this, the corners of his mouth could not help but evoke a cold arc, shouting: "Junior Brother Luo, how about our peers?"


Waking up, he stopped and turned to look at Xia Sen: "What if I say no?"

"It doesn't matter!"

"Anyway, Junior Brother Luo can't walk the road in the forbidden area alone."

Xia Sen didn't care.

He did not conceal his hostility, nor did he choose to follow.

Because of the relationship between the two parties, they are already in the same situation.

It's better to be straightforward.

Saying that he is a peer, naturally he wants to find an opportunity to kill him when he wakes up.

It is simply not too convenient to kill in the forbidden area. Afterwards, it can be said that it was awakening and entering the dangerous place, which caused the entire army to be wiped out!

Anyway, countless people must have died in the forbidden area.

Even if the awakening party is wiped out, it won't seem abrupt.

"just kidding!"

"Since Senior Brother Xia wants to go with him, how can Junior Brother refuse?"

Suddenly said with a smile.

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