Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3339: Fierce battle

Chapter 3339 Fierce Battle

As far as Su Xing is concerned, this time the plan is considered a plan.

He trusts his instinct and judgment.

When he felt that the five families of Ji, Ning, Zheng, He, and Shen were fraudulent in besieging Yueyang Tianhu, he quickly contacted Hongyue.

It is difficult for him to persuade Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others not to go to the Yue family to assist the Yue family. He is just preparing to inform Hongyue of his concerns, and then persuade the other party to join hands.

I don't know, things are simpler than waking up.

He didn't say anything at all, Hongyue appeared with Juechen.

The latter, I also saw a tricky thing.

I have to say that working with smart people is really simple, easy and extremely efficient.

Therefore, Suwa and Hongyue quietly followed Yue Qing and the others, and finally came to the monster swamp.

Then, there is the present scene.

It is worth mentioning that Juechen's formation skills have become very advanced over the years.

However, even though Hongyue only brought Juechen by her side from the beginning, he didn't show any worries or doubts along the way to wake up. He believed that with Hongyue's wisdom, he would not do anything uncertain.

Just like now, when Ji Wuxiang rushes towards the red moon, he will immediately retreat when he wakes up, without worrying at all.


Juechen urged the sword and thunder formation to kill Ning Kuo and others.

When he took over, the entire monster beast swamp had many formations arranged in advance, and this world was almost under his control. This was the terrifying aspect of the formation mage.

In addition to Ning Kuo and others, there are also a large number of elite masters.

But at this moment, with Juechen urging the formation, Ning Kuo and others had to step back and evade left and right amidst the sound of cursing. As gods, they were extraordinary, and for a time, there was no worry about their lives.

However, those elite masters of the gods are not so lucky.

In fact, the main target of Juechen's attack was the elite of the gods.

For a time, the screams were endless.

Before some **** kings could react, they were overwhelmed by the mighty force carried by the formation and vanished in smoke.

In this scene, Ning Kuo and the others could not help but gritted their teeth.

Those **** kings were all the elites of their families. I don't know how much effort was spent to recruit and cultivate them. Now, they are harvested like straw and fall quickly.

For several companies, the loss is not big.

Obviously, Juechen, as a demon cultivator, cannot be merciful.

He is dressed as a scholar, but he is a real, murderous demon.

I am afraid that in this world, only the red moon can convince him.

In addition, even if it is awakening, he is just regarded as a great enemy, and will not surrender.

You know, when he was in the North God Realm, he used the formation to kill Awakening and his friends. That time, Li Yixiao finally released the terrifying power in his body.

"What a terrible formation mage."

Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others looked at the elites of the gods and kings of various families, and they were quickly slaughtered, each with their faces full of surprise.

They are not sympathetic to each family.

Instead, I thought of what a terrible end would be if Juechen shot their Yue family.

"Wake up, let the gods of the Yue family and others take action! Cooperate with me to solve Ning Kuo and others." Juechen transmitted the sound to wake up.

"Aren't you claiming to be everyone in the formation? You can't solve it with just a little bit of God?" Su Xing said lightly.

"This is just the formation that I took over temporarily. How can I fully display my strength? If I give me time to set up the formation, I can also solve Ning Kuo and others..."

When Juechen scolded, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately reacted, cursing: "Damn! You guy is playing my words..."

When Juechen saw the slight tick at the corner of Su Xing's mouth, he couldn't help but want to twitch his mouth.

It was unexpectedly quick to speak, revealing his strength.

Wake up did not go to control Juechen anymore, but transmitted the sound to Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others so that they could cooperate with Juechen.


Soon, eight princes including Yue Qing and Yue Zi, who had surviving combat power, rushed out quickly.

And Zhou Daoyuan led the experts at the pinnacle of crossing the sky, rushing to the elites of the Ji family, the Ning family, and the Zheng family.

For them, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is naturally impossible to miss.

If this battle is successful, the situation in Renshui area will be completely dumped to the Yue family.

In addition, they had almost been besieged to death by people like Ji Wu before. Therefore, from Yue Qing, Yue Zi, and then to Zhou Daoyuan, everyone looked fierce and murderous.

In the sky at this time, the confrontation between Red Moon and Ji Wuxiang also became very intense.

Ji Wuxiang used the Little Wuxiang Heavenly Art to the extreme, his figure magical skills were unpredictable, with terrifying power from one move to one move, and the sky shook and trembled, and the momentum was amazing.

And Hongyue performed the Heavenly Demon Dress Dance.

The Heavenly Demon Neon Dress Dance is never a pure body technique, it has a huge origin and is mysterious.

The crimson mist is all over the sky.

Hongyue's figure disappeared.

She and Ji Wuxiang are actually the same type of players.

The styles of the two men tend to be fickle and are known for their mystery and weirdness.

Now let's see who has higher attainments.

This battle was also the most concerned by Awakening, even with his eyesight, it was even somewhat difficult to keep up with the rhythm of the confrontation between Hongyue and Jiwu.

too fast.

Often between the electric light and the flint, the red moon and Ji Wuxiang have collided dozens or hundreds of times.

Every blow was shocking.

Especially for Hongyue, her celestial demon neon dress dance is obviously more weird and unpredictable than Ji Wuxiang's little Wuxiang Tiangong. Where the crimson mist is scattered, the figure of the red moon is everywhere.

Ji Wuxiang's face was cold.

He finally realized the tyranny of Hongyue.

I finally knew what kind of ability the Moon Envoy of the Demon Sect had.

This battle was the first time he was suppressed by others in the same field since he practiced the Little Wuxiang Tiangong.

In the past, this was simply impossible.

Moreover, Ji Wuxiang also knew that the realm of Red Moon cultivation was far lower than his own. If the two were in the same realm, he was not even an enemy of Red Moon.

This is desperate.

It is also very unbelievable.

You know, Ji Wuxiang is not a general generation. He is the arrogant of the Ji family in the last era. It is rare that an opponent exists among his peers. Such a person is actually in the same realm, and he is not an enemy of the red moon?

So, to what extent is the potential and talent of the red moon exaggerated?

"Sky Profound Destruction Pill!"

With craziness burning in Ji Wuxiang's eyes, he took out a longan-sized pill between his hands.

On the pill, there were countless lines engraved, exuding bright light, and it seemed to contain incomparably explosive power.


Without any hesitation, Ji Wuxiang swallowed the pill.

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