Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3335: Surprise joy?

The third thousand three hundred and thirty-fifth chapter, unexpected joy?

In Ji Wuxiang's eyes, there seemed to be two fires of desire burning.

He is a very possessive man.

And the red moon gave him an extremely strong desire to conquer.

"Is the moon envoy of the Demon Sect? It's a young woman after all."

Ji Wuxiang sneered in his heart.

In his eyes, Hongyue was just a late-born junior after all, and the identity of Yueshi didn't make him jealous, but instead made him smell the chance.

Conquering the red moon can not only satisfy the pleasure of being a man.

More importantly, behind Hongyue stands the Demon Sect. She herself has a boundless future. Once it can be used by his Ji Wuxiang, then the future benefits will naturally be inexhaustible.

In contrast, the situation in the Renshui area is not important.

Of course, after conquering the red moon, you can also use the power of the Demon Sect to easily eliminate the Yue Family.

"What a perfect plan."

The corner of Ji Wuxiang's mouth twitched slightly, revealing an excited smile.

He likes this plan very much.

Who could have imagined that he would send troops to Yueyang Tianhu, but the target was not the Yue family?

The mist of the monster swamp was diffuse, quiet and silent.

I don't know when, Ning Kuo raised his eyes to look at the sky, and said, "Patriarch Ji, someone is here."


"It's actually them."

Ji Wuxiang also noticed that someone was trying to cross the beast swamp, but he was slightly taken aback by the fact that the person who came was not Hongyue, but a group of gods and elders from the Yue family, as well as a lot of masters at the pinnacle of crossing the sky. .

Among them, Ji Wuxiang discovered Zhou Daoyuan.

For Zhou Daoyuan, Ji Wuxiang naturally had some impressions, but it was just a glance. He generally did not pay much attention to the defeated opponents of his contemporaries.

"Yue Qing, Yue Zi?" A cold smile appeared on Ji Wuxiang's face.

"Patriarch Ji, what shall we do now?" Shen Gan asked.

"Since someone has brought it to the door, do we have any reason not to accept it?" Ji Wuxiang smiled slightly: "This is really an unexpected joy."

He didn't think about why Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others appeared here.

In his eyes, the opponent is already a group of dead people.

Where would he pay attention to the every move of a group of dead people?

"Bing Yan, Fu Xiao, you have to take a closer look at this kind of battle, it will allow you to increase your horizons and broaden your mind." Ji Wuxiang said flatly.

Not far away, Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao nodded and said yes.

It is worth mentioning that Ji Bingyan is Ji Wuxiang's nephew, and has been practicing alongside Ji Wuxiang since childhood.

This time, Ji Wuxiang also brought Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao.

Not to let them participate in the war, but to let them watch the battle between gods and kings, thereby increasing their horizons.

"Do it!"

Ji Wuxiang waved and ordered.


Soon, there will be five gods who are in charge of the formation, as well as hundreds of masters at the pinnacle of crossing the sky, and together they will open the formation that has been arranged long ago.

In an instant, the light pierced the mist and rose into the sky.

The Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others on the sky didn't react at all, and found that they were forcibly pulled into the formation.

Around them, a large number of people gathered.

Among them, the number of gods is far ahead of them.


"We are in ambush."

The expressions of Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others changed drastically.

They are too familiar with this scene.

Before, it was through this hand that Ji Bowen and others were beheaded.

Unexpectedly, one day I will be ambushed by others.

This is really a turn of Feng Shui.

Suddenly, Zhou Daoyuan in the crowd jumped fiercely, staring at a figure stepping out, and said solemnly: "Ji Wuxiang!"

At this time, Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others all discovered Ji Wuxiang.

For a while, everyone's mood sank to the bottom.

If they were ambushed by other people, they still have some strength and a glimmer of hope to escape, but since Ji Wuxiang is presiding over the overall situation, then they are probably in a disaster today.

"Ji Wuxiang, I'm very curious, when did you discover the truth?" Yue Qing said with a complicated expression: "As far as I know, whether it is killing He Biyun or Ji Bowen, we have left no trace. "

Obviously, Yue Qing misunderstood.

He thought that Ji Wuxiang's ambush was specially prepared for them.

No wonder Yue Qing thinks so.

It's hard for normal people to think that Ji Wuxiang's goal is the red moon.

As Yue Qing's voice fell, he found that the surrounding area was obviously quiet, and the needle drop could be heard.

Ji Wu is equal to each other, with strange expressions.

After a while, Ji Wuxiang frowned and said, "Yue Qing, you mean, He Biyun, Ji Bowen and others were all killed by you?"

Yue Qing's face changed slightly.

He also found that he seemed to have misunderstood.

It seems that Ji Wuxiang's goal is not on their own.


Yue Qing looked messy in the wind, and he didn't know what to say.

But at this time, it is obviously impossible to quibble.

Furthermore, whether they kill Ji Bowen and others, Ji Wuxiang cannot let them go.

Thinking of this, Yue Qing simply admitted: "Yes! We killed it."

"This skill of planting and blaming blame is a good game. I can't think of your Yue family. Someone has their brains." Ji Wuxiang paused and sneered again: "However, the Skynet is restored, and it is not leaking."

"You guys are still in my hands after all."

At this moment, Ji Wuxiang even felt a sense of destiny.

He was very surprised by himself, so he was so crooked and found out the truth about the death of Ji Bowen and others a few days ago.

Neither Yue Qing nor Yue Zi explained anything.

At this time, they all had a tacit understanding, and they didn't betray their awakening.

"Now that you have reached this point, everyone is ready to work hard!"

"Killing one is enough, killing two is earning."

There was a fierce light in Yue Qing's eyes, with a fierce look on his face.

They only hope now that they can kill more people. That way, the enemies that the Yue family will face will be much less, invisibly, it can be regarded as a contribution to the Yue family.

It's just that everyone knows that once they are all dead.

The Yue family is bound to suffer severely.

It is not a trivial matter to die a god, let alone losing ten people one after another?

Plus Zhou Daoyuan and others.

I'm afraid that even the Ji family can't bear such a loss, right?

"Do it!"

"Be careful and don't give them a chance to desperately."

"Also, a quick fight!"

Ji Wuxiang quickly ordered.

And he himself was the first to rush out.

In this battle, he needs to fight quickly, so as not to make too much noise and be noticed by the red moon that is still on the way, then the gain is not worth the loss.

In Ji Wuxiang's eyes, the lives of Yue Qing and others, even if they all add up, are not as precious as the red moon.

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