Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3329: Tremor

Chapter 3329: Ren waters shake

No matter how powerful the red moon is, it belongs to itself.

One thing, but there is no doubt.

That is, the power she controls is extraordinary and unfathomable.

What makes Wakeup feel strange is that Hongyue is not too angry because of the death of Ji Bowen and others.

Originally, Awakening thought that the red moon represented the Demon Sect, and the purpose of coming to the East Spirit Nine Regions was to reorganize the situation in the East Spirit Nine Regions, and the Demon Sect would benefit from it.

It seems that things are not that simple now.

"With the background of the Demon Sect, I don't seem to care too much about the resources and wealth of the East Spirit Nine Regions..." Su Xing shook his head. He currently has too little information to deduce the true purpose of the Demon Sect.

Having said that, tonight is a big win.

However, Hongyue had already noticed it, waking up disguised as the Demon Sect, trying to provoke the contradiction between the Ji Family and the Demon Sect.

In this way, with the wisdom of the red moon, this misunderstanding can be easily solved.

Then, the purpose of resuscitation is difficult to achieve.

The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

This is indeed a very helpless thing.

However, Red Moon's next move made her awakening feel quite strange...

The next day!

The sky is clear and the sun is shining.

Tao Yi and a few friends sailed upstream from the lower reaches of the Yuxiao Tianhe River.

Along the way, they were enjoying the scenery of Yuxiao Tianhe while enjoying their wine and talking, which was so unhappy.

Tao Yi and his friends generally have low cultivation bases. Among them, Tao Yi, the strongest one, only has the sixth stage of the God King Realm. Looking at the nine regions of the East Spirit, this is really not outstanding, and can only be regarded as a member of all living beings. .

Fortunately, Tao Yi and the others have an easy-going mentality, and they didn't expect to be able to soar into the sky, and their lives would be at ease.

In fact, there are many people like Taoyi.

They are not particularly concerned about the current situation in the Renshui area. Whether it is the Yue family or the Ji family, whoever wins has no effect on them. At most, they are used as after-dinner talks.

From them, it is impossible to feel the tension in Renshui area.

The breeze came slowly and the white clouds drifted.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Tao Yi's clothes fluttered, and a poem was written, which caused everyone on the boat to applaud.

Poems are actually so-so, far from talking about ancient famous lines, but among friends, the most important thing is a lively and happy one, and other things do not need to be concerned too much.


Suddenly, the hull shook abruptly, as if it had hit something solid.

"Big Brother Amoy, our boat seems to hit the rocks!"

"Hahaha... That's really lucky, it's a little rare."

Tao Yi smiled indifferently.

Although his ship is not a particularly precious god-given artifact, it is still extraordinary. Things such as hitting the rocks have no effect at all.

In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, even if Chuang is knocked out of a hole, it is a big deal to repair it.

However, Tao Yi just finished laughing, and the entire ship was attacked again.

And it was countless times worse than last time.

Just hearing a roar, the huge hull shattered instantly and turned into countless fragments.

Fortunately, the people on the ship, amidst the screams, had already flew up one after another, which avoided the same fate as the ship's hull.


"Who is attacking me waiting?"

A group of people stood in mid-air, their faces uncertain.

Tao Yi couldn't laugh anymore.

"Big Brother Tao, look, is there a corpse in the river?"


When Tao Yi followed the other party's expectation, she couldn't help but sucked in countless breaths, only feeling a tingling scalp.

A body drifted down the river and hit its own boat. Then, the boat was shattered?

Tao Yi and his friends could hardly imagine how terrifying strength the corpse had before him.

"Big Brother Amoy, is the opponent a god?" Someone said tremblingly.

Tao Yi's heart was beating rapidly, and he had realized that he might have encountered some terrible event. After taking a few deep breaths, Tao Yi forced himself to calm down.

"Everyone, let's salvage all the bodies first."

In the end, Tao Yi made a decision.

About half an hour later, Tao Yi and others salvaged all the corpses to the shore.

The whole process was careful.

The river bank was quiet, and needles dropped.

The breeze hit, but many people shivered subconsciously.

There are more than twenty dead bodies on the shore.

Among them, the vast majority of people were shrouded in black robes, and there was a strong devilish energy remaining all over their bodies, exuding an aura of evil and corruption.

But the most shocking thing is the other three bodies.

Every corpse exudes an extraordinary breath, even if it is dead, it is still unabated.

"Three gods..."

Tao Yi and others felt a tingling scalp.

Three gods died in Hanoi in Yuxiaotian?

Everyone has realized that if this incident is spread, it will definitely cause a great sensation.


"How does this one look familiar?"

Tao Yi looked at one of the corpses, frowned, lost in thought.

After a while, his staring boss pointed to the body and said: "He...he, he is..."

"Who the **** is it?"

"Brother Tao, speak slowly."

When everyone saw Tao Yi's shocked appearance, they were also a little anxious.

"Quarterly Bowen!"

"The gods of the Ji family are old."

"At a grand event held by the Ji's family, I once saw him from a distance."

Tao Yi finally calmed down a bit.

But what he said undoubtedly set off an uproar, and fell into the calm lake like a thunder.

The Ji family, that was one of the three four-liuity heavenly races in the nine regions of East Spirit.

The fall of the gods of the Ji family is simply a big deal.

"Is this world crazy, or am I crazy?"

"The gods of the Ji family will be killed?"


Tao Yi and others have a messy face.

They don't know how to deal with this matter.

After a long time, Tao Yi spoke again. He looked around and said, "Since we have salvaged the body, we can't just leave it here. I should know the Ji family!"

No one has objections.

Although everyone is very unwilling in their hearts, they have nothing to do with this matter.

However, since we have encountered it, we must inform the Ji family.

Otherwise, once they are found by the Ji family, they are likely to be angry.

At the moment, Tao Yi asked his friends to stay in place to guard the bodies of Ji Bowen and others, while he hurried to Tianhe Water City...

About half a day later, Ji's family and Ma returned with Taoyi.

After that, the news about the death of Ji Bowen and others has spread like wildfire. If a whirlwind blows across the entire Tianhe waters, it blows across the entire Ren waters.

All of a sudden, the Renshui area was shaking.

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