Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3327: A big win

Chapter 3327: Great Victory

Sirius can have it again.

But there is no Bai Yunfei in the world, he is dead.

Soul flies away, death disappears.

There is no chance of survival.

Perhaps it is because people are about to die, and their words are good, or Bai Yunfei has other purposes.

He left a black bead.

It seems to have something to do with the heart sword he cultivated.

This is extraordinary and extremely precious, and it is no longer possible to use Hunyuan Tianjing to measure its value.

Because the value is infinite.

This is Bai Yunfei's most precious treasure.

I thought that it would dissipate in the world with his death, but never thought, he kept it and gave it to awakening.

This is incredible.

Awakening can be described as his unworldly enemy, his unforgettable enemy.

In fact, it is precisely because of this that Bai Yunfei would do this.

Because it is an enemy, he understands awakening.

He knows how terrifying potential Awakening has and how many legends it has created.

From an objective point of view, his heart sword, who wants to shine with that supreme brilliance, is the most suitable candidate to wake up.

When death came, Bai Yunfei let go of everything.


Wake grasped the black bead in his hand, and after staring for a while, put it away for a while.

The Heart Sword is incomparable, and he must calm down before he can go in for enlightenment. No doubt, this period of time is not appropriate.

The most important thing right now is to help the Yue family tide over the crisis.

Su Xing raised his eyes and looked into the distance. The ten great gods, headed by Yue Qing and Yue Zi, surrounded Ji Bowen, Zheng Qisheng, and Shen Hong in groups, and kept killing them.

As for Zhou Daoyuan and others, the Demon Sect cultivators brought by Bai Yunfei were killed one by one.

This battle will soon end.

The three of Ji Bowen have no possibility of surviving.

Their disadvantages are too great.

"Red Moon, you gave me a surprise." The corner of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly. Compared to the killing of Bai Yunfei, the killing of Ji Bowen and three of them was the most important thing tonight.

Especially Ji Bowen, he is the commander appointed by the Ji family to come to Renshui.

He is dead. The five families of Ji, Ning, Zheng, Shen, and He are bound to be unstable. At least in a short period of time, it will be difficult to threaten the Yue family again, and it is difficult to attack the Yue family ancestral land in Yueyang Tianhu.

And these, the red moon undoubtedly played a vital role.

If she had not provided the information to Wake, Wake had no idea that Bai Yunfei, Ji Bowen and others would meet tonight.

Hongyue's original intention was to let Bai Yunfei to wake up halfway after the exchange with Ji Bowen, but he had a big appetite for waking up, so he wanted to do it all.

This is mainly because, Hongyue did not know yet, that Awakening had planted and framed the demon sect last night.

The specific cause of death of He Biyun and He Peng is unclear.

Otherwise, it should not be taken so lightly.

The world is in turmoil, and the light is brilliant.

Ji Bowen and the three men fought desperately, which did delay some time, but it still didn't help.

In the end, including Ji Bowen, all were beheaded.

Three gods died overnight.

Once things spread, tomorrow's Tianhe Water City will inevitably be a sensation, and the entire Renshui area will also be affected and become more chaotic than ever.

But for the Yue family, it is beneficial.

Yue Qing, Yue Zi, Zhou Daoyuan and others began to clear the battlefield.

Wipe away all the traces and unique aura left by the magical techniques they performed.

In this way, it will be difficult for others to trace their heads.

At this scene, there is no need to do too much disguise, because the existence of the Demon Sect monk is enough to make people imagine.

This time the passive is turned into active.

One is to resolve the crisis for the Yue family.

Second, awakening is also taking the opportunity to try to force the people of the demon sect out of the water.

The other party has been hiding under the water without showing up.

Then, Awakening directly pretends to be a demon, forcing the other party to show signs.

It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Luo Qing, the battlefield has been cleaned up, we can go now."

Not long after, Yue Qing and others all returned.

Including Yue Qing and Yue Zi, there are a total of ten gods.

Zhou Daoyuan and other fifty masters at the pinnacle of crossing the sky are all listed.

Everyone's expression is full of excitement that is hard to hide.

Ordinary things, it's difficult to make these really big masters and strong people's mood fluctuate sharply, but obviously, things tonight are not ordinary, it can be said to be a great harvest.

"Unexpectedly, Ji Bowen was solved so quickly." Yue Qing said with emotion.

The Yue family has always regarded Ji Bowen as a major concern, and even felt quite jealous. Killing Ji Bowen tonight gave Yue Qing and others a sense of unreality.

But in any case, it does not affect everyone's happiness.

"It's an unexpected surprise!" Su Xing smiled slightly, glanced at the crowd, and said: "Since the matter has been resolved, let's return!"

Soon, the surrounding banning formation was removed.

It was also at this time that the steps he was awakening to take were a pause.

Outside the formation restriction, on the peaceful Tianhe, stood a red curvaceous figure, tall and bright, with a face of immortality, and clear eyes that were cold as frost, not a red moon, but who?

Wake up did not expect that Red Moon would appear at this time.

Moreover, he is alone.

"Where did the little girl come from?"

"Huh? It seems to be from the Demon Sect?"

Yue Qing, Yue Zi and others noticed the special aura in Hongyue's body, and their eyes condensed.

"Luo Qing, do you want me to capture her and send it to you for disposal?" Zhou Daoyuan smiled in amusement.

"Ah!" Suwa Wake did not expect that Zhou Daoyuan would make such a joke, although he also expressed his approval in his heart, but he knew better that Red Moon was not a general.

Since the other party dared to appear alone, he must have confidence.

"Big Brother Zhou, Senior Yue, everyone, Shaoan."

Wake up and signaled everyone not to act rashly, then looked at the red moon and said, "Bai Yunfei is dead. Should you fulfill the transaction between us?"

"Sure enough, you are always unexpected." Hongyue calmly watched to wake up.

There were not many waves in those eyes, it seemed to her that there was nothing in this world that could make her move.

Compared with the time in the Northern God Realm, the red moon has also grown a lot over the years.

For people like her, three days away, it is enough to be respectful.

Not to mention a few years.

The cultivation base, Taoism, and even the state of mind, etc., have already been reborn.

"I'm over." Su Xing shook his head indifferently. How could he not hear the chill hidden in Red Moon's words? Obviously, he killed Ji Bowen and others in one fell swoop, causing Red Moon to move too. Some anger.

"Then... Tell me about the purpose of Demon Sect's coming to the Nine Regions of East Spirit?" Su Xing said flatly.

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