Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3321: Plan started

Chapter 3321 The plan begins

For example, Zhou Daoyuan, who is ranked in the top 10,000 in the ranking of the kings of heaven, is not only very strong in his own right, and can even compete with the gods, but also has great potential.

After becoming a **** in the future, he will be much stronger than ordinary gods, and his realm will increase faster.

Such as Yue'an Mountain, it used to be like this.

When he was still the king of gods, he successfully made it to the top of the heavenly kings list, and was ranked more than seven thousandths, higher than Zhou Daoyuan's rank of nine thousand or so.

This is normal.

How could Yue'an Mountain be the head of the Yue Family, a talented person.

In general, among the ten elders of the great clans, Yue Qing and Yue Zi are the strongest, and the fifty top masters who have survived the sky are led by Zhou Daoyuan.

The eyes of everyone fell on the awakened body.

Before they came, Yue Anshan had already informed the purpose and plan of the matter.

As for awakening, everyone has already heard about it.

Among them, the most impressive thing is that when he woke up, he used his own power to turn the tide and pulled the Gu family back from the brink of destruction.

This is incredible, it is a miracle.

Therefore, whether it is Yue Qing, Yue Zi, or Zhou Daoyuan, they all have a hope for awakening in their hearts and hope to create a miracle again.

Wake up happy to see this effect.

Otherwise, it would be really difficult for him to command these big shots.

"Luo Qing, how confident are you?" Yue Qing asked.

"Five percent!" Su Xing said.

"It's only 50%! Isn't this too little?" a master who had survived the pinnacle muttered.

"You go on your way? Are you coming to save the Yue family? Don't say 50%, you can be 20-30% sure, I will listen to you after Zhou Daoyuan." Zhou Daoyuan glared at the Yue family's pinnacle master.

The latter looked a little ugly, but he didn't dare to refute anything.

The realm of the two is the same, but the level of combat power is not at the same level.

Zhou Daoyuan didn't bother to pay attention to the other party anymore, looking at Luo Qing and said: "50% sure, it's not low anymore, you can just give orders directly, we won't put on any airs, whoever refuses, tell me."

He is a very direct person, saying everything, never hiding it.

It is precisely because of this character that he has completely integrated into the Yue family, and no one will reject him because he does not have the surname Yue, because in contrast, everyone is willing to get along with people like Zhou Daoyuan.

At least not tired!

Don't worry about being calculated.

"Thank you!"

Wake up with a smile.

There is one thing, he did not say it.

Fifty percent is just the grasp of the current plans.

He has another 50% certainty, coming from other places.

Adding the two together is ten percent.

In other words, if everything goes according to the plan of awakening, the Yue family crisis will definitely be resolved.

Of course, the changes in reality are sometimes more unpredictable, and the plan that may not be awakened can be perfectly implemented, especially his opponent is Mozong, the Ji family.

Night, the starry sky is quiet!

A huge manor was built on a floating island above Tianhe Water City.

On the house number plate outside the manor, there are two vigorous characters carved, Hefu!

The atmosphere in the manor is very depressing.

The guards wearing divine armor stood neatly and uniformly. In front of them, there was the high-level He family with a solid cultivation base, and at the top was He Peng.

He Peng is a middle-aged person, who can be regarded as a high position in the He family.

His cultivation is also very good, and he is already at the pinnacle of crossing the sky.

He is He Xinxuan's father.

The son was killed, and the father was naturally furious.

It's just that He Peng didn't take action immediately, he just sent people to monitor Yueyang Tower's every move, and then quickly mobilized the manpower secretly. What he wanted was not only to avenge his son, but to awaken the murderer.

He also took this opportunity to take down Yueyang Tower in one fell swoop.

This is not all He Peng's thoughts, but the result of discussions with the He family's senior leaders.

Although the man was not killed by Yue Zhijun, the incident happened in Yueyang Tower. The He family wanted to make a fuss. This is a bit far-fetched, but who makes the current He family full of confidence?

Eliminating He Peng on the scene, there are also seven masters who have survived the peak.

This strength is indeed enough to take down the Yueyang Tower, after all, the strength of the Yue Family is basically concentrated in Yueyang Tianhu.

Of course, even if an accident happened, He Peng didn't care.

Because their He family also has an ancestor of a god, who sits in the middle of Tianhe Water City.

"Tonight, you must step down to the Yueyang Tower. No one can let it go. As for the one named Luo Qing, he wants to pay for it. What about the disciple of Xuan Tiantian Sect?"

"If you dare to kill my son, you will also have one life for another."

In the past, He Peng did not dare to do so, nor would he have such an arrogant tone.

However, now that Xuan Tianzong chose to watch the fire from the shore, he had issued a recall order to his disciples outside. If he did not return, he would be conceited and he would have no worries about the future.

"set off!"

He Peng waved his hand.

However, before everyone rushed out of the Hefu Manor, a figure in black appeared in the air.

The opponent was slender, young, and calm, giving He Peng a familiar feeling. Suddenly, his eyes burst into light: "It's you... Luo Qing!"

He Peng finally recognized the awakening.

He was suddenly frightened.

In terms of who it was, it was probably the same reaction as He Peng.

Killing his own son, he still dared to show up grandiosely?

"You seem to be ready to attack me?" Su Xing glanced at He Peng with a plain expression, and said, "Why do I need to go to Yueyang Tower so troublesome? I'll just come over by myself."

"Luo Qing, you really think your life is too long! Since you took the initiative to deliver it to the door, I will accept it all." He Peng said.

"Is it just your hands?" Su Xing shook his head: "He Peng, your son He Xinxuan, but on Huangquan Road, waiting for your father and son to reunite."

"you wanna die!"

He Peng could no longer bear it.

However, before he could do anything, he saw that behind him, black shadows appeared one after another, and everyone's cultivation base aura was thick and terrifying.

Moreover, they all wore black robes to cover their true appearance, even the soul thought could not penetrate.

"Come on, send friends on the road."

As the awakening sounded softly, the black robe figures behind him moved quickly.

Everyone is a cultivation base at the pinnacle of crossing the sky. Compared with He Peng, he is only strong but not weak. In terms of number, he holds a huge advantage. The outcome of this battle can be imagined.

The terrifying light flooded the entire island.

However, the starry sky was still quiet, without the slightest fluctuation.

Everything was banned by the formation, and only when the formation dissipated the next day, when everyone saw the dilapidated manor, would they understand what happened that night.

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