Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3317: Yue Zhijun appeared

Chapter 3317 Chapter Yue Zhijun Appears

Su Xing roughly guessed the reason why Hongyue wanted him to kill Bai Yunfei.

Presumably, it is not convenient for Hongyue to do it herself.

After all, she and Bai Yunfei now belong to the same Demon Sect, and if they kill each other, they will probably be stopped.

The group went home.

When everyone returned to Huangdao Villa, they found an acquaintance, Yue Zhijun.

"Boss, it's really you!"

When Yue Zhijun saw the awakening group of people, his expression was full of surprise.

Calculating carefully, since the last time they parted in Xuan Tianzong, the two sides have not seen each other for five years.

Yue Zhijun seemed to be in good condition, and he didn't worry about the current dark storm in Renshui area. Of course, this may also be because he did not show it.

In the evening, Yue Zhijun acted as an **** to pick up Wake and his party.

In the Tianhe Water City, the Yue family has a large number of industries, many eyes and ears, and a complicated intelligence network. This is why Yue Zhijun discovered the reason for awakening the group in time.

And for this banquet to wake up the party, Yue Zhijun chose Yueyang Tower, the largest and most brilliant restaurant in Tianhe Water City!

The whole Yueyang Tower, interwoven by continuous buildings, is located on a floating island.

Standing in the attic window and looking out, you can have a panoramic view of Tianhe Water City.

The interior layout of the restaurant is elegant, and a seemingly simple piece of decoration is often extremely precious. In the silence, it shows the luxury of Yueyang Tower.

Yueyang Tower is the property of the Yue family.

As the youngest member of the Yue family, Yue Zhijun was the most outstanding prince of Tianjiao. He invited friends. Yueyang Tower naturally did his best, provided thoughtful and considerate service, and presented all the wines and delicacies of many town shops.

"Boss, I'll fine myself three cups first."

"What happened last time was that I didn't work well and failed to provide reinforcements to the Gu family."

Yue Zhijun stood up and drank three glasses of wine in one breath.

Five years ago, when the two sides were separated in Xuan Tianzong, Yue Zhijun was going to the Yue family for help, trying to help the Gu family, but in the end, there was no news and never appeared.

This matter, he was ashamed.

"It's ok!"

"I know you did your best."

Su Xing shook his head, saying nothing.

This matter cannot be blamed on Yue Zhijun. After all, he did not control the power of the Yue family, and the Yue family would not be transferred by his will.

"Thank you, boss for understanding."

Yue Zhijun's eyes were red, and he drank three more glasses.

In fact, in order to persuade the Yue family, he did his best back then, and finally had a huge conflict with his father, who was the head of the house. After that, Yue Zhijun was suppressed by his father and kept in confinement for a full five years.

This shows how much trouble this incident is.

Later, after hearing that he woke up and showed his power, the Gu family resolved the crisis, Yue Zhijun breathed a sigh of relief, and then he stayed at the Yue family to practice with peace of mind. Until recently, he left the gate and walked out.

And now, Yue Zhijun and his father Yue Anshan still face each other coldly.

Yue Zhijun didn't want to be hypocritical, so he didn't tell him about these things.

"Don't drink it!" Su Xing patted Yue Zhijun on the shoulder, and asked: "The situation in Renshui area has already been surging. Does the Yue family have any arrangements?"

"There are some arrangements."

Upon hearing this, Yue Zhijun's face became heavier.

Especially when he saw that his father Yue Anshan's face was much more haggard than before, he was inevitably worried.

Although the father and son of the two sides are still cold-faced to each other, in Yue Zhijun's heart, it is naturally impossible not to care about his father.

Su Xing looked at Yue Zhijun's appearance, knowing that the Yue family was probably in serious trouble this time.

"Have your father ever thought about moving and evacuation?" Su Xing asked.

"I don't know." Yue Zhijun shook his head and said: "Father won't let me intervene. The news I have heard is from other uncles and elders."

"It seems that Yue Family's request for help has encountered great resistance."

"Either the letter for help and the troops were blocked and killed, or the Yue family's allies did not respond. In short, the Yue family today seems to be in a situation of isolation and helplessness."

Su Xing nodded to express understanding.

At the beginning, the Gu family was not like this.

Unlike the Gu family, the Yue family is now on the cusp of the storm, even if it wants to evacuate and migrate, it may not be possible.

Perhaps the opponent was waiting for the Yue Family to walk out of Yueyang Tianhu.

Having lost the natural defensive advantage of Yueyang Tianhu, it was easier for the other party to take advantage of the Yue Family's migration to block them and kill them, and eventually annihilate them in one fell swoop.

However, there is no Heavenly Charm available for Awakening now.

Then he imagined it as before, relying on his own power to turn the tide and help the mansion to rise, it is naturally unrealistic.

At this time, there was a sudden clamor outside.

"Master He, the eldest master is banqueting the distinguished guests. We have been told not to disturb, you can't break in at will."

"You get out of me, what distinguished guest can Yue Zhijun invite? He Xinxuan is not allowed to take a look?"

There was a bang.

The valuable wooden door of the box was forcibly pushed open.

Immediately afterwards, a young man broke into the box surrounded by the guards. After scanning his eyes, he finally fell on Yue Zhijun and said with a smile: "Brother Yue, you are really here. It."

"He Xinxuan, who gave you the courage to be presumptuous in front of me." Yue Zhijun's eyes sank.

"Brother Yue is such a big air!" He Xinxuan smiled faintly, not caring.

As usual, he naturally didn't dare to offend Yue Zhijun, but now, the situation is different. Their He family has the upper hand in collisions with Yue family in many places.

Even with that, He Xinxuan felt confident in front of Yue Zhijun.

"Get out!"

Yue Zhijun shouted coldly.


"Then you enjoy it slowly."

When He Xinxuan was about to leave, he saw a young and beautiful maid not far away, with an evil light in his eyes: "Isn't this Le Yao? Come with me today!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a salted pig's hand, ready to touch the maid's white and tender face.

"Master He, please respect yourself." The maid quietly took a step back, lowering her head, not daring to show anger.

"Do you dare to hide? Le Yao, please listen to me. Today, you have to accompany me, or if you don’t accompany me, you have to accompany me if you don’t. Ashes are gone."

He Xinxuan's eyes were cold, but his hands were not honest, ready to take the maid away directly.

"He... Master He, Yueyang Tower runs a formal business, you... please don't mess around." The maid named Le Yao, with tears pouring out of her eyes, was obviously frightened.

"How about regular business? This young master wants to have some fun with you." He Xinxuan's cultivation is obviously much stronger than Le Yao, and his figure flashed, and he directly suppressed Le Yao.

Then, he was ready to take the latter's jade hand and forcibly take it away for fun.

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