Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3315: Purple Qingdao Fire

Chapter 3315: Purple Qingdao Fire

Alone men and widows live in the same room.

Stayed a full night.

Wake up to see the special eyes of Gong Kun and others looking at him, knowing that the misunderstanding has become too big.

"Boy, this speed is pretty fast!" Gong Kun showed a meaningful smile. In words, he seemed to be complimenting that he had taken Gu Shanying so soon after waking up.

"Lang is sentimental, concubine is intentional, can you be unhappy!" Yan Feng smiled discouragedly, looking like an old world.

"Congratulations, boss!" Kui Si congratulated sincerely.

"Heh! Man, it really isn't a good thing." He Tong glanced contemptuously at awakening, and then said to Gu Shanying who was next to awakening: "Sakura Sakura, if this guy dares to bully you in the future, just follow me. we have a deal."

"Auntie directly turned him into a monster that is neither male nor female."


The corners of Su Xing's mouth twitched, and he glared at He Tong: "Shut up."

Gu Shanying next to him was already very shy and didn't know what to say.

"Give me in and tell you something."

Awakening left a word, he was the first to return to the room, and opened the magic circle restriction hidden in the room.

When everyone saw this, they also realized something was wrong.

Soon after, when he awakened in the room and talked about the battle with Hongyue from the North God Realm, and after talking about the various things that Gushan Ying was controlled by Hongyue, the atmosphere immediately became a little depressed.

This time, waking up was also an opportunity to tell everyone their true identity.

There were all people he absolutely trusted, sharing hardships, life and death, and seeing each other frankly was nothing.

As for the origin of waking up, although everyone was a little surprised, they quickly accepted it.

The most important thing is to be shocked by the tyranny of the red moon.

Before this, everyone on the scene hadn't noticed the abnormality of Gu Shanying being controlled by the red moon. Everyone was slightly embarrassed, including He Tong, who was never afraid of heaven and earth.

It is worth mentioning that Suwa omitted the charming period that Hongyue controlled Gu Shanying and lingering with him, except that Hongyue suddenly became troubled.

And this also let everyone know that they did misunderstand just now.

This night, not many beautiful things happened, and some were just the emergence of life and death crisis, which made people thrilling.

"Boy, according to what you said, that red moon is indeed very remarkable. It is estimated that in the future, it will be a person who can stand on the gods!" Gong Kun exclaimed.

Although his cultivation base has greatly increased during this time.

However, I was still shocked by the potential of the red moon, and even looked up.


Wake up nodded, he has never doubted the potential and talent of Red Moon.

"This is simply a peerless witch!" Yan Feng said with emotion. When he said this, he glanced at He Tong subconsciously. The latter was like a virgin version of a peerless witch.

"Look at it! Hongyue and I are not the same kind of people. Auntie will definitely be better than her in the future." He Tong said proudly.

"Boy, what are you going to do?" Gong Kun looked to wake up.

"The appearance of the red moon means that most of the people of the Demon Sect have already arrived in the nine regions of the East Spirit. This is the most important thing." Su Xing said in a deep voice: "What I am worried about is the chaotic situation of the nine regions of the East Spirit. Zong is related."

"Why don't you directly report this to Xuan Tianzong? They shouldn't just sit and watch the people of the Demon Sect and mess around on their own territory, right?" Yan Feng suggested.

"I'm afraid not." Gong Kun shook his head.

"Why?" Yan Feng was puzzled.

"First, we don't have any evidence now. Will Xuantianzong believe it if we just rely on a single word?"

"Secondly, with Hongyue's enchanting wisdom, I am afraid that these things have already been taken into consideration. It is estimated that if we really return to Xuantianzong, we will be intercepted."

Gong Kun said with a deep face.

I have to say that he, an old fox, really considers things very comprehensively.

"What should we do then? Are we just sitting there waiting for death?" Yan Feng said helplessly: "Red Moon controlled Shan Ying this time. I don't know what conspiracy and tricks will be used against us next time."

"Reporting to the senior level of Xuantianzong is really useless, not to mention, whether Xuantianzong has the internal response of the demon sect, we ourselves are lighthearted."

Su Xing shook his head and said, "The most important thing now is to find the real reason why the Demon Sect came to the Nine Regions of East Spirit."

"Yes!" Gong Kun nodded, "Only when we find the reason, we can prescribe the right medicine."

"Don't Xiaoyao Tower claim to be omniscient? Why don't we go and ask them?" Yanfeng suggested: "Or, go and ask the business alliance of God."

The Alliance of Gods also has a service for selling news, but it is not as professional as Xiaoyao Building.

The latter's intelligence network can be described as spreading across the entire God Realm.

"Then or else, just look for the Xiaoyao Building branch in Tianhe Water City?" Gong Kun looked at Reawakening.

"Good!" Su Xing nodded.

Now, he has no other better way.

"It's not too late, then go now."

Soon, the group left the Royal Island Villa.

Xiaoyao Tower is not like the business alliance of the gods. Its branches have always been hidden, and most people don't know it, but it is not hidden to the extent that it is not found.

After all, Xiaoyao Building is open for business.

If no one can find them, then how to do business.

After several inquiries, the group quickly found out that Xiaoyao Tower's branch in Tianhe Water City is located above Ziqingdao. However, when everyone rushed to Ziqingdao, they discovered that a fire broke out here. .

This is very unusual.

Where can an ordinary fire start?

A breath of God repair was enough to blow it out, but the flames on ZiQingdao showed purple and blue, which was extraordinary. There were even **** kings who were burned by the fire and died on the spot.

"Friend, what happened to Ziqingdao?"

Su Xing grabbed a divine cultivator who had just escaped from Ziqingdao and asked.

"Oh! Don't mention it."

"The fire of the Ziqing Earth Mother just broke out under Ziqing. I don't know how many people died."

The divine cultivator sighed and left quickly.

"This is a coincidence? We are going to Ziqingdao to inquire about the news, what happened here?" Yan Feng said in astonishment.

"I'm afraid there are some people who don't want us to inquire about the news." Su Xing's face darkened. Naturally, he didn't believe in such a coincidence, but the demon sect's methods also made him feel frightened.

"What shall we do now?" Gong Kun looked towards awakening.

"Go back!" Su Xing said solemnly.

"Is this going back?" Yan Feng was slightly taken aback: "The distribution of Xiaoyao Building may still be there."

"It's impossible to be there anymore, the other party prepared it for us." Wake up without any fluke mentality, when he turned around and prepared to go back home, he stopped in his footsteps.

On the street ahead, a graceful red figure stood quietly.

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