Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3300: One hundred knives in one

Chapter 3300: One Hundred Swords

Time is long.

Unconsciously, the Gu family moved to Zuyang Mountain for four years.

In other words, it has been five years since waking up into suspended animation.

Five years is not long, and short is not short.

For those older generations, five years is just a blink of an eye, naturally nothing, but for awakening such arrogant generations, five years is very precious.

They are in the development period of their own potential.

Every year's time is very precious, and every year passes, the strength of cultivation will be greatly improved.

If five years have not progressed, others will inevitably catch up.

For example, Gu Shanying, Ge Lingyi, etc., in the past five years, their cultivation strength has been fully improved, especially Gu Shanying, whose current level of combat power has already entered the ranks of the three difficulties.

Now, she can be regarded as Gu's high-level combat power.

Even the average senior Gu Clan was no longer Gu Shan Ying's opponent.

This naturally made the Gu family happy.

The four ancestors, Gu Tianfeng and Gu Tai, were all very pleased.

The four ancestors including Gu Tai pointed out Gu Shanying's practice together, and had great expectations for her, and regarded her as the hope of Gu Clan returning to the Nine Realms of East Spirit.

However, despite the substantial increase in their own strength, their status has risen.

In the past five years, people rarely saw Gu Shanying's smile.

She often sees that Gu Shanying often goes to Tianzu Peak, and there are people she has aspirations for.

On Tianzu Peak, birds and flowers are fragrant and the environment is pleasant.

There are many people living here, such as Gong Kun, Yan Feng, Kui Si, Golden Bull, and Jade Phoenix Chicken. As for awakening, they have been sent into the Chaos Pool by the Golden Bull and Jade Phoenix Chicken without disturbing them.

"Jade Phoenix, Brother Luo hasn't woken up yet?"

"Sakura girl, come on, come on!"

The answer of the Jade Phoenix Chicken did not make Gu Shanying feel better. She had asked the same thing many times, but the Jade Phoenix Chicken was always the same.

But five years have passed, and I haven't woken up yet.

Gu Shanying didn't stay for too long, she needed to seize all the time to practice.

If there are only two things in her life, cultivation, and coming to Tianzu Peak to ask about the situation.

However, when Gu Shanying stepped out, she found that in the room where the Chaos Pond was, there were brilliant rays of light shooting out.

Gu Shanying stared blankly, tears streaming down her eyes.

She felt the breath that was long-lost and very familiar.


"This kid is really going to wake up."

Yuhuangji's eyes widened. He admitted that he had deceived Gu Shanying, but this time, he was right...

"My God!"

"I finally look forward to this day!"

Gong Kun rushed out of the room and couldn't help laughing.

Yan Feng and Kui Si looked at the room expectantly, as if it was the beginning of all miracles.


Xuan Tianzong, Hou Shan.

Stone house near the sea of ​​bloody sand.

At ordinary times, here is always so peaceful and lonely, no one is disturbed, and of course no one dares to disturb.

The only difference is that in the past five years, Stone House has become more angry.

Get rid of the little-spoken Ye Dao old man, there is also a little girl like pink jade, but the little girl always looks old-fashioned when she speaks.

This little girl is naturally He Tong.

Behind the stone house, a simple training ground was opened up at some point. The reason it was said to be simple was because there was no other building except for the temporary formation.

In the center of the training ground, there is a stone pillar 100 meters high.

On the stone pillars, there are many knife marks, of different depths and sizes, I don't know what kind of torture has been experienced.

At this moment, in front of the stone pillar, He Tong stood with a knife.

The knife she was holding looked like an ordinary kitchen knife.

Capacity, swing a knife, cut out.

The whole action was completed in one go, and it was as fast as lightning.

In an instant, He Tong cut out ninety-nine knives, and every knife fell in the same position. Unfortunately, the stone pillar was so strong that it didn't fall down like melons and vegetables.

"Old man Ye, I should go now!"

He Tong stared at the stone pillar and said without looking back.

Behind him, Ye Dao walked up unhurriedly, shook his head and said: "Hey girl, we said yes at the beginning, if this stone pillar falls, you can't leave, do you want to say nothing?"

"You think too much." He Tong turned his head and showed a brilliant face toward Ye Dao, with a sly smile, and said, "How difficult is it to want this stone pillar to fall."

While talking, she mentioned the kitchen knife again.

This time, she only slashed out, and the stone pillar behind her collapsed.

"One hundred knives in one!"

Ye Dao's eyes couldn't help but shrink slightly.

With his cultivation base and state of mind, it is difficult to have anything that can move him, but at this moment, he is obviously really surprised.

Since he rescued He Tong five years ago, he taught He Tong a sword technique called "Chiba Sword Technique".

This belongs to the true inheritance of Ye Dao and is extremely difficult to cultivate.

Once the cultivation is successful, its power is extraordinary.

Ye Dao and He Tong had an agreement, that is, if He Tong cuts off the stone pillar, she can leave freely, otherwise, she needs to continue practicing.

Now that the external situation is chaotic and complicated, Ye Dao's original intention was to trap He Tong with this agreement.

He is also considered a success.

In the past five years, He Tong has not left the stone house and has been practicing with great concentration.

Originally, Ye Dao thought that it would take at least seven or eight years for He Tong to sever the stone pillar. By then, the external situation had basically settled.

Unexpectedly, He Tong managed it in only five years.

You know, ordinary people practising the Qianye Sword Technique, even if they spend a hundred years, it is difficult to reach the realm of one hundred swords.

More importantly, even Ye Dao didn't know when He Tong cultivated to the realm of one hundred knives. Looking at the latter's knife just now, he obviously had reservations.

In other words, He Tong's own realm was even higher than the unity of a hundred swords.

All these shocked Ye Dao.


"Old man Ye, thank you for your care over the past few years."

"However, I always have my own things to do, Lao Su's bad embryo, if I'm not by her side, I'm afraid he can't handle many things alone."

He Tong waved his hand at Ye Dao, and then walked towards the distance. The petite figure, chic and lonely, was pulled long and long by the setting sun.

"Take this knife!"

The leaf knife didn't stop it, but a long and narrow knife flew to He Tong quickly while waving his hands.

The kitchen knife is only used for cultivation. If you want to exert the true power of the Chiba sword technique, the long knife is the most suitable.

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