Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3292: One enemy three

Chapter 3292: One Against Three

The master of the dignified Ning family unexpectedly lost to an offspring.

More importantly, the young man had a murderous heart and thought he could kill him.

It is estimated that Ning Kuo has not received such a big contempt in this life. It is conceivable that his heart is full of anger. Besides, Ning Kuo is also quite frightened.

When the dense sword rain hit, he felt an extremely strong and dangerous aura.

This shows that Awakening really has the power to kill him.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Ning Kuo gritted his teeth and pushed his probing hand forward. The turquoise shields quickly flew out, densely intertwined, and turned into a vast sky, blocking the front.


The sword rain bombarded the shield canopy with a huge roar.

More tyrannical power aftermath raged wildly.

Seeing that dense cracks quickly appeared above the curtain, Ning Kuo dared to hesitate and swept down quickly. This was already a very good protective trump card on his body.

Unexpectedly, it can't stop how long it takes to wake up.

The latter is like a killer god.

However, as a space cultivator, Su Xing wanted to escape in front of him, but it was not an easy task. Just when Su Xing was about to use the void shuttle to hunt down Ning Kuo, the corner of his eyes suddenly jumped.

He saw that Ning Cheng'an punched in the air, blasting towards the direction of the Gu family.

The fists are mighty and majestic.

Gu Tianfeng and Gu Tai were all wounded, and it was difficult to stop Ning Chengan's punch. It is not difficult to imagine how many people would die on the spot with this punch.


Su Xing's eyes froze, and his figure flickered before appearing in front of the Gu family.

Then, the Tianque Broken Sword pierced forward, accurately hitting the vast fist, and erupted with a terrible roar, and the aftermath of power quickly raged.

Waking up in a wave of hands, sweep out all the aftermath of the impact.

Lifting his eyes, staring at Ning Chengan with awe-inspiring gaze, he regained consciousness and said coldly: "Sure enough, the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Your Ning family's style of behavior is always mean and ugly."

After successfully surrounding Wei and rescuing Zhao, Ning Chengan was in a good mood, but he didn't know that when he woke up, such direct scolding caused Ning Chengan's face to sink instantly.

Given his status, where would anyone dare to be disrespectful to him?

"Boy, how much waves do you think you can make today?" Ning Chengan's eyes narrowed.

"If you don't try it, how can you know?" Su Xing said lightly.

"Arrogant! Then let you know today what the real heritage of the Celestial Clan is." Ning Chengan said with cold eyes, and waved his hand: "Ning Kuo, there is no need to tell this kid any rules, you, Shang Zhixiang, Ouyang Jinglei, Go together and kill that kid."

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The countless cultivators who stood in the distance watching the battle all looked incredible.

No matter how you put it, Su Xing is just a late-born junior. Ning Kuo, Shang Zhixiang, and Ouyang Jinglei are all the masters of the dignified Celestial Clan, so they want to join forces to deal with Su Xing?

In this battle, regardless of success or failure, the reputation of awakening will probably be pushed to a peak.

It's a pity that no matter how high his reputation is, he can't enjoy it, because in everyone's eyes, he is definitely dead.

"Luo Qing, you go!"

"Where there is life, there is hope."

Gu Tianfeng's expression changed drastically, and he was about to wake up and leave immediately.

"Patriarch Tianfeng, I know it in my heart, no need to say more." Su Xing said without turning his head, but with a firm face, no matter how much Gu Tianfeng said, he didn't intend to leave.


Gu Tianfeng sighed.

He has no idea what to say.

Awakening is good, but there is a stubbornness and stubbornness in his bones. Once he has made up his mind to do something, others cannot persuade him.

Probably, this is also the reason why Awakening can grow all the way to today.

Without this stubbornness and stubbornness, he would not be so good.

"Patriarch Tianfeng, protect everyone!" Su Xing left a word, raising his eyes to look at the three of Ning Kuo, Shang Zhixiang, and Ouyang Jinglei who had come out together.

One enemy three!

And the opponent is the three heavenly masters.

No one is optimistic about waking up.

However, Awakening didn't mean the slightest nervousness, on the contrary, there was a strong will to fight in the body, and it turned out to be eager to try.

Such a posture naturally made Ning Kuo, Shang Zhixiang, and Ouyang Jinglei very upset.

I want to shout, why?

"Go to heaven!"

Waking up to the sky, the pace was not fast, but with each step, the whole person's momentum rose by one point, and more water emerged from him. Soon after, when the awakening stepped into the sky, a vast ocean appeared beside him.

The starting hand style of the sea nine swords.

He stood on the vast sea, like an ancient sea god.


Amid the terrible roar, Ning Kuo, Shang Zhixiang, and Ouyang Jinglei appeared in the three directions of the sea, invisibly surrounding the awakening.

This is to prevent him from fleeing.

Awakening saw through Ning Kuo's three people's thoughts, disdainful, but too lazy to speak out.

He came today, there is no reason to give up halfway.

"Luo Qing, the sudden increase in power has made you overconfident. Now, it is time for you to pay for your self-confidence." Ning Kuo said coldly.

"The defeated generals are brave enough to speak up?" Su Xing glanced at Ning Kuo indifferently.


Ning Kuo was furious.

Awakening is simply picking up which pot or not, and constantly revealing his scars.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill!"

Ouyang Jinglei was full of thunder light, and his whole person looked like a **** of thunder.

The next moment, Ouyang Jinglei punched out.

The fist gang whizzed and zoomed in quickly, and it hit like a sea of ​​thunder, trying to disintegrate the vast sea around Wake up in one fell swoop, making him lose support.

"Thousand feathers!"

Shang Zhixiang gave a soft drink and waved his hands, there were countless feathers flying out quickly.

"Myriad Army Killing God Palm!"

When Ning Kuo saw this, he didn't say much. He slapped hundreds of palms in one breath, saw countless palm prints flying into the void, and then quickly fell towards the vast sea.

The three parties all shot, which made it clear that they wanted a quick fight.

After all, they dignified the action of the three heavenly masters, and if they couldn't solve the awakening quickly, they would appear to be too incompetent.


Facing the offensive coming quickly from the three parties, he woke up and looked calm as water.

In the next moment, in the vast sea, the sword light quickly rushed out. The power of each sword was completely shocking. When viewed from a distance, it was the momentum of a thousand swords.

Along with the surge in power, the power of the nine swords of the sea is many times more powerful than before.

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