Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3290: Dead end

Chapter 3290: Coming to a dead end


As if two worlds collided together.

With that momentum, no one in the vicinity dared to stand.

Especially when the palm of awakening is shot, it seems to carry the might of the world, giving people an unstoppable feeling.

An even more shocking scene appeared. Under the pressure of the Void Hand, Ning Kuo's fist gang quickly shattered and disintegrated, and then Ning Kuo's whole body was shaken out.

This seems too incredible.

You know, Ning Kuo is not an ordinary god. As the leader of the Ning family, even if an ordinary **** exists, he is not his opponent.

And when he wakes up, even if his strength has increased greatly, he has just crossed the threshold of the gods.

Its power level is only in the early stage of the first level of the gods.

It is hard to imagine that he could shock Fei Ning Kuan with a single blow, and his potential is terrifying and frightening.

"It deserves to be the Heaven's Solution."

Su Xing nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied with his palm.

The Heaven Solution created by his mother is truly profound and profound. With the increase of cultivation base and strength, the power that it can explode will rise geometrically, almost endlessly.

Unlike the ordinary god-given divine art, although the power of the divine cultivation will increase after the strength of the divine cultivation increases, there is absolutely no such exaggeration of the power of the divine solution technique.


Wake didn't go to take advantage of the victory and pursued it, and seemed not in a hurry.

Instead, he used the hand of the void to bring Gu Tianfeng, who had been hunted down in the sky, over the air.

With the current situation, saving people is far more important than killing.

If the Gu clan is destroyed, even if the Ning family, the Shang family, and the Ouyang clan are awakened, it will not be of great significance. The dead have already died forever and will never return.


Gu Tianfeng had just come to wake up, and another big mouthful of blood came out.

"Patriarch Tianfeng, heal your injuries first."

Su Xing left a sentence, it was a repeat of the old technique, using the hand of the void, to keep taking over the senior Gu clan members and ordinary Gu clan members on the battlefield.

The Void Hand is flexible, and if it is activated with the current cultivation base, he can reach any place in the battlefield as he wants.

Gu Hongyi is being besieged by five senior Ning family figures and is about to be killed.

Suddenly, beside him, a big hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed him involuntarily, and disappeared in place, causing the attacks of several senior Ning family figures to fail.

Similar things are constantly appearing on the battlefield.

Soon after, Wake turned out to rely on his own power to take all the surviving people from the Gu family behind him.

Sometimes, he can take away hundreds of Gu Clan members with one hand, which is extremely efficient.

However, those Gu members who have died in battle have been killed forever.

Su Xing felt emotional. After he bid farewell to Shou Zun, he was already on the road without stopping, but it was still a little late.

"Your kid has given us a big surprise, don't blame yourself, there are no undead in the war." Gu Tianfeng sensed the feeling of waking up and said with authority.

Wake up nodded, did not say anything.

He naturally understands the truth.

At this time, the originally huge battlefield gradually quieted down.

The Gu family were all awakened and rescued. Even if the Ning family, Shang family, and Ouyang family wanted to fight, they still had no goals.

But everyone understands that this battle is far from over, at best, it just stopped temporarily.

The three soldiers and horses, headed by Ning Kuo, Shang Zhixiang, and Ouyang Jinglei, have already gathered together. Looking around, the figures are densely packed with terrifying aura.

And above the sky, the battle gradually stopped.

The four figures flew back one after another. It was the four ancestors of the Gu family. Everyone was scarred and breathless.

When the Gu family saw this scene, a heart sank again.

The four ancestors suffered heavy losses one after another, which made the situation of the Gu family undoubtedly worse.

But this is not unexpected.

After all, the four ancestors such as Gu Tai faced the existence of ten ancestors including Ning Chengan. This battle itself was very unfair, and there was a huge gap between the two sides.

It is already extremely difficult for the four ancestors including Gu Tai to persist until this moment.

It is estimated that all the hole cards have been exhausted.

"Gutai, do you have any other cards that are useless? You can take them out together." Ning Chengan smiled lightly and said, with a gesture of winning.

"Ning Chengan, have the ability to fight alone." Gu Tai said coldly.

"Hahaha..." Ning Chengan laughed, naturally not fooled.

At this moment, Ning Kuo transmitted a few words to Ning Chengan. The latter's eyes soon fell on the awakened body at the forefront of the Gu clan, his eyes narrowed slightly.

At the same time, Gu Tianfeng apparently communicated with Gu Tai and other ancestors.

The four ancestors including Gu Tai looked towards awakening one after another, with hopes and surprises in their eyes that were hard to conceal.

"Luo Qing, I've heard Tianfeng repeatedly mention you, it's really scary!" Gu Tai said with a smile. I have to say that, as the ancestor of the Gu family, he has been practicing for many years, and his demeanor is not comparable to ordinary people.

Even at the moment of life and death of the Gu family, he did not have Liushen Wuzhu.

"Does a mere little boy want to stop us? The destruction of the Gu family is the general trend. Anyone who violates the general trend will surely be wiped out." Ning Chengan snorted coldly.

"Also, you dare to kill my Ning Family Tianjiao, so today, you don't even want to leave alive." Another Ning Family elder said, squinting his eyes.

The Ningjia Tianjiao in his mouth naturally refers to Ning Linchen.

It stands to reason that in the life-and-death battle between Su Xing and Ning Linchen, the forces behind the two sides should not intervene and get revenge afterwards, but obviously, the Ning family did not think that way.

It's just that, I don't know how emboldened they are, they dare to speak grandiosely, wanting to kill the godly disciple of Xuan Tianzong to wake up.

Su Xing did not pay attention to Ning Chengan and other ancestors, but looked at Ning Kuo and said indifferently: "Why, the master of the dignified Ning family, don't you want to avenge your son?"

"Isn't it all said that the hatred of murder is not shared?"


Naked provocation!

Or in other words, it was sprinkling salt on the Ningkuo wound.

No one thought that Wake was so arrogant and arrogant. Was he not afraid of being drowned by the Ning family's army?

"It looks like you really think that you are living longer." Ning Kuo's eyes narrowed, and an unprecedented cold light burst out. The words awakening not only made his heart angry.

And it was tantamount to driving him to a dead end, and had to fight Wake.

Imagine that if you kill a son and an enemy openly provoke him, is there any reason to be a Lao Zi?

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