Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3277: Split the troops

Chapter 3277: Soldiers are divided into two ways

Xuan Tianzong is as always.

The majestic and majestic mountains of Tongtian Shenshan and the vastness of the back mountains symbolize the unwavering supremacy of Xuantianzong.

The Gu clan’s fall into distress would not have any impact on Xuantian Sect, and did not even make many waves. First, the news did not seem to reach Xuantian Sect. Second, for Xuantian Sect, the Gu clan was actually very Small.

Therefore, even if the news about Gu's shaking comes, it is estimated that it will only cause some discussion in a small area, and will not cause too much waves.

For the vast majority of spiritual cultivation, the third-rate Celestial Clan like the Gu family can be said to be superior.

However, since ancient times, the destruction of the middle and third-rate Celestial Clan is not uncommon, especially for the Gu family, whose background is relatively shallow.

The fourth-rate Celestial Clan, such as Xia Family and Ji's Family, rank the top among the third-rate Celestial Clan.

However, the Xia family and the Ji family also have their own pursuits and worries. They want to go one step further and enter the top three fashion lists.

Yue Zhijun also left shortly after Elder Gu Chen left.

He is going to return to Yue's house this time.

Although the Yue family's background is not comparable to the Xia family and the Ji family, it is no small thing. At least it is much stronger than the Gu family. If the Yue Zhijun can move from the Yue family to the rescuer, then it will undoubtedly be a help for the Gu family.

"Boss, don't worry, even if my prince Yue fights his blood, he must take the old stubborns at home and go to the Yeming Mountains for reinforcements."

Yue Zhijun now respects awakening very much, so he did his best to do things this time.

However, it is still unknown whether he can speak to the top of the Yue family.

After all, there was no friendship between the Yue family and the Gu family before, and it was a big deal to help the Gu family. The senior Yue family also needed to weigh the pros and cons, and would not just nod their heads to agree with a word from Yue Zhijun.

According to Elder Gu Chen's intention, it is to wake up and the others, don't leave the back mountain during this time, don't interfere with this matter.

This is not only to protect and awaken them, but at the same time, it is also to leave behind.

In case the Gu clan was destroyed, at least the fire would be left behind.

However, whether it was waking up or Gu Shanying, obviously they didn't like this arrangement of sitting and waiting.

So not long after, the group also left the Diaolong Garden, walked out of the Tongtian Mountain, and then saw Gong Kun in Wangyue City outside the Tongtian Mountain.

"This matter is a bit difficult! Just relying on the strength of those of us, there is no effect at all." Gong Kun had received the awakening message in advance, and was shocked about this incident, but also felt weak.

The opponent wanted to destroy the Gu Clan, his wrist and strength were naturally extraordinary.

Even ordinary gods, I'm afraid they can't turn the tide, you know, within the Gu family alone, there are about four or five gods.

Even they can only huddle in the Yeming Mountains. When the others went, it was moths fighting the fire.

"Leave these people to you, no matter what, to ensure their safety." Su Xing said towards Gong Kun. Today's Gong Kun is no longer what it used to be.

He was planted by the Sovereign Lord to destroy God's Slave Curse, and although he was subject to awakening, he also obtained huge benefits.

Relying on the God Destroying Slave Curse, his strength during this period of time can be said to have advanced by leaps and bounds. Now, even when he wakes up, he can't penetrate the realm of Gong Kun's cultivation base, and most of them have entered the level of the trilemma.

"What about you?" Gong Kun froze for a moment. He heard the meaning of awakening, as if he was going to act alone.

"I need to invite someone out of the mountain." Su Xing glanced at Gu Shanying, Yanfeng, Ge Lingyi, Xun Yu, Di Fei and others, and said: "Everyone should act according to Gong Kun's intentions during this period. Don't be impulsive. ."

"……it is good!"

Gu Shanying nodded gently.

She looked calm on the surface, but she just didn't want to affect her awakening because of her own emotions. In fact, in her heart, Gu Shanying was already very worried.

Gu Shan is her home.

"We all listen to Senior Gong Kun."

Ge Lingyi, Xun Yu and others all agreed.

In everyone's mind, there is also a bit of surprise.

I've never heard of other people's friendships with Su Xing before, and looking at this posture, Su Xing seems to be going to invite someone.

It is definitely not easy to be able to save Gu's people in distress.

It's just that no matter how many doubts in your heart, it is hard for everyone to ask questions.

"I'll be with you." He Tong said, looking at Su Xing.

"Okay!" Su Xing nodded. Anyway, He Tong followed Gu Shanying and the others, and it didn't help much. It didn't matter if he followed him.

"I'll leave it to you here."

Su Xing glanced at Gong Kun one last time, and then left with He Tong.


Tongtian Mountain.

On a beautiful mountain peak, there are several figures standing at this time, their eyes are looking into the distance, and their expressions can't tell the happiness, anger, sadness or happiness.

But if you wake up here, you can recognize it at a glance. This group of people is headed by Xia Sen and Xia Fuxiao.

Soon after, a light talisman flew to it.

Xia Sen caught it, glanced casually, and threw it to Xia Fuxiao beside him.

"Brother, the opportunity is here."

After Xia Fuxiao read the Transmission Light Talisman, her eyes brightened.

"The Gu's death gave us a good opportunity." Xia Sen said nonchalantly: "Since Luo Qing wants to do that to turn the tide, then we should let him see the reality clearly."

"Luo Qing, you are dead this time." Xia Fuxiao squeezed his fist heavily, killing intent fluttering in his eyes.

If they wake up and stay in the back mountain, they naturally have no chance. Even Xia Sen can't help him for a while, but once they leave the back mountain, the situation is different.

The vast area is mostly buried.

Xia Sen accurately grasped the trend of awakening.

This is difficult to hide.

With the Xia family's background, naturally there are many eyes and ears, and awakening is not alone. It is really difficult to leave the back mountain quietly.

Xia Sen thought that it would take some time.

Unexpectedly, this "surprise" came so quickly, and the life and death battle between awakening and Ning Linchen had just ended.

For thousands of miles in the sky, white clouds floated.

"Old Su, I said which rescuer you want to move! I haven't seen any great people you know! Could it be that you want to ask the Gods Business League for help, but they don't seem to interfere with these things!"

He Tong looked at his awakening curiously.

After the soldiers were divided into two groups, Su Xing and He Tong left in Wangyue City's teleportation formation.

He Tong thought that he knew well about awakening, but now it seemed that there were many secrets in awakening. She didn't want to study awakening thoroughly, she was just curious about it.

"It is not the business alliance of the gods, but a predecessor who is quite congenial." Su Xing said.

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