Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3271: Nine Profound Sword Order

Chapter 3271: Nine Profound Sword Order

The body of the dragon swallowing python is hundreds of miles long, like a majestic mountain that stretches across the sky.

That huge head, like a giant peak, stood high, and then exploded forward at a very fast speed, opening the mouth of the blood basin at the same time, and the momentum was terrible and frightening.

I have to say that the bloodline left by this kind of wild alien species is born with a demeanor of the king of beasts.

Its strength is even more difficult to underestimate. The general 9th-order peak **** king may not be his opponent, such as Ji Bingyan, who may have to go through a **** battle, and may not be able to win this dragon-swallowing python.

At this moment, Tianque Broken Sword is being used to launch an offensive against the Golden Palace.

As a result, there was no sword in the hands of Awakening.

If you want to fight the Dragon Swallowing Python, most of you need to recall the Tianque Broken Sword.

Ning Linchen's trick was to surround Wei and save Zhao.

However, Awakening was indifferent and didn't mean to take off the Heavenly Broken Sword. Instead, within him, the purple jade vines flew away quickly.


Purple jade vines rise against the storm.

Soon, it turned into a giant vine to the sky, fighting with the dragon swallowing python.

As soon as the two sides touched each other, Cooke Flower steadily gained the upper hand.

Compared with the dragon-swallowing python in front of us, the God of Eater Flower is truly a wild alien. It is no exaggeration to say that the dragon-swallowing python has encountered the ancestor.

The suppression from blood is very obvious.

"come back!"

Ning Linchen was in pain. In order to cultivate the Dragon Swallowing Python, he had spent a lot of money and invested an unknown amount of cultivation resources, and he was unwilling to destroy the Dragon Swallowing Python.

"Since you are here, don't leave."

However, Awakening obviously wouldn't let the Dragon Swallowing Python go there. He wanted to take the opportunity to kill and break Ning Linchen's right arm.

In addition, after all, the dragon-swallowing python has a bloodline flowing in it, which is definitely a great tonic for the **** of food flower, rare, and quite precious.

Needless to say, the talent of Cookery Flower is also extremely fast.

Most of the time, I stayed in the awakened body to practice.

The consumption of cultivation resources is also a huge amount, and the awakening wealth is still rich, but it is gradually a little unable to afford it.

And this time, he got another chance.

This led to the fact that the power of the God of Cookery was one point behind him invisibly, but it also entered the ninth-level peak of the God King Realm. If it can swallow the Dragon Swallowing Python, it may directly catch up to wake up.



In the void, the Cookery Flower and the Dragon Swallowing Boa fought fiercely.

Awakening suppressed Ning Linchen with the Tianque Broken Sword, causing the latter to be unable to assist the Dragon Swallowing Python.

"Wake up and Ning Linchen, really are not ordinary people! They have cultivated such trump cards, the dragon swallowing python and the giant vine are all very terrifying."

"Obviously, the awakened giant vine is stronger."

"In this way, Ning Linchen's move can be regarded as stealing the chicken and not losing the rice. I am afraid that his dragon swallowing python will end up miserably and will become other people's food."

Outside the stage of life and death, the inner sect disciples who watched the battle talked a lot.

This trip is worthwhile.

The confrontation between Wake Up and Ning Linchen was extremely intense and exciting from the beginning.

The two pointed at Maimang.

But after all, awakening prevailed everywhere.

Now let's see if Ning Linchen has any powerful hole cards, whether it can be used for a decisive victory.

"Brother, you are still thinking about it. Ning Linchen is really not a awakened opponent. In this way, the Nine Profound Sword Order you lent to Ning Linchen will play a key role."

On the cloud, Xia Fuxiao said towards Xia Sen.

"At the beginning of Scarlet Sand Overseas, I saw that I hadn't tried my best to wake up, and my strength was good." Xia Sen smiled unceasingly, and said: "However, he is still too tender after all, so he dared to initiate such a challenge. It is equivalent to giving us a chance."

"So how can you not use it."


In the stage of life and death, accompanied by a stern roar, the huge body of the dragon swallowing python was entangled and tightened step by step by the vines of the **** of food, and the next moment, the **** of food activated its natural ability to eat.

Numerous fine thorns plunged into the body of the dragon swallowing python.

The latter roared in pain.

After a while, the roar became smaller and smaller, until there was no breath.

The Dragon Swallowing Python was beheaded by the Flower of Food God.

"court death!"

Ning Linchen's extremely stern voice sounded.

Obviously, the death of the dragon swallowing python made him very heartbroken and angry.

"Luo Qing, there is no need to procrastinate anymore, you...give me to die!" Suddenly, hundreds of millions of rays of light burst out of the golden palace, with unparalleled momentum.

The huge Tianque Broken Sword was turned off directly.

Then, a golden divine sword rushed out from the golden palace, and at the same time, Ning Linchen's figure soared into the sky.

Looking from a distance, he holds a golden sword, and his whole person exudes an extremely sharp aura. Countless sword auras shuttle around him, setting off him extremely extraordinary.

"What a terrible sword."

People looked at the golden divine sword in Ning Linchen's hand, and they couldn't help showing shock.

That sword feels terrible.

As if there was nothing in the world, it was indestructible by that sword.

"I remembered, it was the Nine Profound Sword Order, it seemed to be Xia Sen's saber..." Someone exclaimed, and the words came to an abrupt end. They looked at Xia Sen's location with some fear.

However, Xia Sen did not look at the man.

In fact, many people at the scene recognized the Nine Profound Sword Order, but this did not violate the rules of a life and death battle.


"The Xia family also got mixed in."

Gu Chen, Ge Lingyi and others were naturally filled with righteous indignation, but in life-and-death battles, fairness has never been emphasized. Both sides rely on methods. Even if they are dissatisfied, they can't blame Xia Sen for it.

In the life and death stage, Ning Linchen was surrounded by infinite sword energy.

He looked indifferently to wake up: "Luo Qing, do you think you have won? With this sword in hand, you are destined to die here today."


As Ning Linchen waved his hand, a terrible sword light whizzed out.

"Luo Qing, aren't you good at swordsmanship?"

"Then today, I will kill you in your best field."

The sword light, like the Milky Way, flew towards the awakening at an extremely fast speed.

Su Xing's gaze condensed, and his figure flickered one after another, and backed away. He was not jealous of Ning Linchen, but the Nine Profound Sword Order in Ning Linchen's hand, which was indeed quite extraordinary.

There seems to be a power that destroys the world.

Rather than regretting it rashly, even if he wakes up, there is a possibility of being hit hard by a sword.

"Luo Qing, aren't you good? How do you know that you are hiding now?" Ning Linchen's ironic voice sounded, and at the same time, he strode forward and swung his sword to wake up again.

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