Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3268: Zhan Ning Linchen

Chapter 3268: Zhanning Linchen


In the sky, Awakening, Ning Linchen said something.

When every word was spoken, golden words flew out, condensed from the sky, and finally turned into a life and death agreement.

This is the most orthodox agreement.

Go up to heaven and go down to the gods.

Like the god-devil contract, it has great binding force.

Under normal circumstances, no one dares to violate.

People looked at the signing of the life and death agreement, and there was such a surging meaning in everyone's chest.

Now all of this is ironclad.

Today, no matter whether you wake up or Ning Linchen, no one can repent anymore and must fight.

In fact, these two people had no regrets.

At almost the same moment, the two of them passed through the barrier of the life and death platform, entered it, stood in midair at both ends of the life and death platform, facing each other far away.

The space inside the stage of life and death is about thousands of miles around.

It was just right, Wake and Ning Linchen fought and fought.

"Luo Qing, presumably soon, you will regret your impulse, but it is a pity that there is no regret medicine for you in this world!"

Ning Linchen spoke.

At this moment, he no longer needs to hide anything.

There is no need to worry about it anymore, after waking up, you will regret it.

Therefore, he can be exposed without scruples, and at the same time, he can regain consciousness and put pressure on him.

"is it?"

However, in the face of Ning Linchen's oppression, he wakes up as calm as water.

"Luo Qing, I admit that you are growing very fast, but you are still too impatient. Maybe in a few years, you are qualified to fight with me, but now, you still seem too immature in front of me."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a strong aura of strength, which gushed out of Ning Linchen's body, much stronger than when Ji Bingyan's strength was fully erupted.

Obviously, Ning Linchen's combat power level has not only reached the ninth-tier peak of the Divine King Realm, but, like Suwaken, he is almost at the highest point of this level.

However, this is not all Ning Linchen relies on.

In a life-and-death battle, all the cards can be used, and those are the most unpredictable.

Even so, many people at this moment were surprised by the level of combat power Ning Linchen showed.

You know, even though Ning Linchen became a disciple of the inner sect earlier than waking up, on the whole, his entry time was actually not particularly long.

His growth rate is also fast.

Moreover, with his back on the Ning family, he has extraordinary wrists and a profound background.

All of this has made people more optimistic about Ning Linchen.

As he said, awakening now challenges Ning Linchen. In the eyes of most people, it is indeed too early and too impatient.

"Luo Qing, let's not use the hole cards, how about warming up?"

Ning Linchen spoke in a negotiating tone, but didn't give her a chance to regain consciousness at all. His figure rose into the sky and walked towards regaining consciousness.

With each step taken, Ning Linchen's aura rose rapidly.

Invisibly, there is a stronger sense of oppression, covering the awakening.

"It's Long Yun Nine Steps!"

Many people who watched the battle recognized the god-given magic skills Ning Linchen was performing at this moment.

Ning Linchen was just a simple stepping action, but it seemed particularly extraordinary. Obviously, he had cultivated this heavenly magical technique to the Beginning Void Realm, which was extraordinary.

Taking the fifth step, thousands of divine light rushed from Ning Linchen's body and went straight to wake up.

This is already a substantial injury.

At this moment, Long Yun's nine steps seemed to have undergone a transformation.

In everyone's field of vision, awakening is like a lone boat swaying in the wind and waves, which will be crushed by the waves at any time and turned into dust.

Suddenly, Su Xing raised his eyes and pointed out with a wave of his hand.


A bright sword light flew away.

With a very fast awakening, the thousands of divine lights were separated and cut in half abruptly.

With more sword power, he went straight to Ning Linchen.


At this moment, Ning Linchen took the sixth step.

The aura of his whole person rose again by a large amount, and there was a giant dragon rushing out from under his feet, making a sky-shaking roar, and the surviving power of the sword instantly collapsed and disappeared.

"The sword is coming!"

A magic sword condensed in the void between the awakening and probing hands.

Afterwards, he waved the divine sword with one hand, and a sharp sword light rushed out again.


The sword light collided with the giant dragon and burst into a huge roar.

The whole platform of life and death is like an ancient battlefield, and the Awakening and Ning Linchen in it are also like two ancient gods of war, seemingly so-called warm-ups, but in reality, they are killing them.

It's just that the hole cards are not used.

Soon, Ning Linchen took the seventh step. At this time, people finally discovered the essence of Yunlong's nine steps. With each step, his aura climbed.

It feels like endless.

However, he was awake and motionless.

The sword light cut out one after another, always able to stop Ning Linchen's offensive, and it appeared to be easy to do.

Soon after, Ning Linchen took the ninth step.

The offensive at this step is unprecedentedly strong, and no one dare to underestimate it.

However, awakening is still only a sword cut out.

The difference is that the power contained in this sword is also unprecedented.

The two powerful offensives collided fiercely.

Like a comet hitting the earth.

And Wake and Ning Linchen are also needle-pointing to Maimang.


Suddenly, the awakened figure disappeared from the same place.

The next moment, above Ning Linchen's head, spatial fluctuations emerged, the awakened figure stepped out, and a cold sword light slashed out between the waves.

Ning Linchen's reaction was also extremely quick, raising his fist to meet.


Awakening didn't have the idea of ​​winning with a single blow. Soon, he started a stormy offensive around Ning Linchen.

Invisibly, the two switched offense and defense.

Before that, Ning Linchen was attacking and waking up on defense. At this moment, it was the opposite.

Ning Linchen's face was calm, and in response to ever-changing changes, his fists moved in unison to quickly intercept the awakening offensive.

With Ning Linchen as the center, thunder was surging, endless sword light raged and fluttered, and even the void was shaking. The ground below was like a magnitude 12 earthquake. The scene was spectacular.

At a certain moment, Ning Linchen felt alert.

Suddenly, the awakened figure appeared behind him, and the man and the sword merged into one, coming straight towards Ning Linchen.

The blow was extremely harsh.

Even if Ning Linchen reacted in a timely manner, his fist strength still couldn't stop the blow, causing the whole person to be shaken off and back hundreds of miles.

It's a pity that even when he backed away, he appeared to be methodical and did not reveal the slightest flaw.

But despite this, after this scene happened, outside the stage of life and death, there were also exclamations. No one thought that the first person to be forced back was Ning Linchen.

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