Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3263: Leave far away

Chapter 3263: Get Away

Void, wake up without any explanation.

Since Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao have repeatedly grabbed him and held on to them, they should just play with a big one.

Didn't these two question his strength?

Then all suppressed.

At that time, who would dare to question? Shut up all!

He Tong retreated and stood with Gu Shanying, Yue Zhijun, Yanfeng and others.

They didn't worry about anything, but looked forward to it.

After staying with awakening for a long time, he will have an inexplicable confidence in him, not to mention, on the way back, awakening also exposed some strength.

As a result, He Tong, who was ready to fight with him, fell into hesitation.

"Two idiots who don't know the height of the world."

He Tong glanced at Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao, his eyes showed contempt.

"Sure enough, following the boss, it's so exciting!"

Yue Zhijun rubbed his hands in excitement, his name for Awakening, unknowingly became "Boss", and the thief who shouted smoothly, this was really convinced.

This has nothing to do with Puppet Dan.

Now, even if there is no puppet pill, Yue Zhijun is willing to follow Wake up.

There is no other reason, it is exciting, exciting, and beneficial.

This is much more interesting than his previous life.

People with the same thoughts, and Yanfeng, the latter is also full of excitement, as if watching a good show.

Gu Shanying's delicate and flawless face was faintly, and there was also a touch of expectation.

This place was already lively, but as news spread of the fierce battle with Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao about to wake up, more disciples from the inner sect continued to come.

The news blew out like a whirlwind.

This has led to the emergence of great figures, such as very old disciples of the gods, the elders of the inner sect, and so on.

These are only on the bright side. In that dark place, I don’t know how many people are watching.

This sensation is actually normal.

After all, Awakening, Ji Bingyan, and Xia Fuxiao can be said to represent the most peak talent and strength of this new disciple, especially Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao, who have extraordinary identities.

If there are no accidents, they can definitely become the senior officials of General Xuantian.

Its future can be described as unlimited.

"Mountain Sakura, how could it be like this!"

Among the crowd, a group of people walked towards Gu Shanying and the others. It was Elder Gu Chen, Ge Lingyi, Xun Yu, Di Fei and others who had arrived after hearing the news. Everyone looked at with worry and stood on the open space in front. Awakening.

But, I didn't dare to disturb him.

Originally, when Elder Gu Chen learned that Wake and his party had walked out of the **** sand sea safely, it was a surprise in his heart. Who would have thought that Wake had actually had such a big conflict with Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan.

Elder Gu Chen is inevitably worried.

"Elder, it's okay." Gu Shanying smiled slightly.

"This can still be called okay?" Seeing that Gu Shanying could still laugh, Elder Gu Chen couldn't help complaining: "You...the heart is too big."

"What can we do then! The battle has been decided, but I can't withdraw it." He Tong said.


Elder Gu Chen was choked for a while and was speechless for a while.

But he also knew that what He Tong said was reasonable, and now he has an arrow on the string and he has to send it.

If he regained consciousness and retreated, his reputation would suddenly drop to the bottom, and he would even become notorious. It is one thing to lose a battle, but to flee without a fight is another matter.


In the end, Elder Gu Chen could only let out a long sigh.

Neither Gu Shanying nor He Tong explained anything. With the current mentality of Elder Gu Chen, even if he explained it, he would not believe it, and would only take it as a word of relief.

Simply, let Elder Gu Chen go and see the results with his own eyes.

"Luo Qing, your ability to build up everywhere is getting better and better."

In the crowd, a group of people walked out, looking teasingly at the awakening in the open space in front.

"Ning Linchen!"

Wake up tilted his head and looked at the crowd headed by Ning Linchen.

"Among your newly promoted disciples, the two most powerful ones are Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan. Even I dare not provoke them easily. Unexpectedly, you offended them all at once."

"I admire you!"

"so amazing."

Ning Linchen gloated with misfortune.

Ever since Suxing joined the Xuantian School and became a disciple of the Inner Sect, Ning Linchen has actually been looking for opportunities to try to solve the awakening, but he hasn't left the back mountain yet.

As a result, it was difficult for Ning Linchen to find opportunities for a while.

He didn't want to just wake up with a lesson, what he wanted was to wake up directly.

Therefore, we need to wait for a good opportunity.

He must wake up and leave the back mountain to be able to take action unscrupulously. In the back mountain, the Xuan Tianzong has many prohibitions and visits, and there is no opportunity to start.

Unexpectedly, the good opportunity was not found, but it was time to wake up with news of a conflict with Ji Bingyan and Xia Fuxiao.

Ning Linchen would naturally come to watch the battle.

How could he miss it, regaining his embarrassed appearance.

"Are you finished?"

Su Xing stared at Ning Linchen flatly: "When you're finished, just get out of the way."

"what did you say?"

Ning Linchen almost thought he had heard it wrong.

Wake up, dare to let him go directly?

"I said, let you go away."

Su Xing spoke again, ruthlessly, and without any fear.

To this day, he is considered to have gained a firm foothold in the East Spirit Nine Realms. He has become a godly disciple of the Xuantian Sect, and has a good relationship with the Gu family, and his cultivation strength has greatly increased.

Naturally, when he faced Ning Linchen, he would not be the least polite.

"you wanna die?"

Ning Linchen narrowed his eyes.

When so many people watched at the scene, he couldn't help his face.

"If you want to do it, I'll accompany you to the end." Su Xing said without relenting: "However, you'd better go to the back in line. If you insist on jumping in line, then first ask Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan if they can agree."

Obviously, Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan couldn't agree.

The confrontation is about to begin, who wants to be crossed?

"It's probably not needed anymore."

"Then I will be watching how you were stepped on the soles of your feet by Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan."

Ning Linchen suddenly suppressed his anger, smiled coldly, and turned away with a group of people.

Half an hour is not too long.

Xia Fuxiao's injury was not too serious. It was not that He Tong had left his hand before, but that Xia Fuxiao's protective clothing was extraordinary, helping him to resolve most of the sword energy.

Time goes by every minute and every second.

The scene gradually quieted down.

But before the battle, there was another commotion. A stalwart young man came to the scene. He just stood there and attracted countless lights.

"Daocheng disciple, Xia Sen."

"There are only a handful of true evildoers in the entire Eastern Realm."

He is also the elder brother of Xia Fuxiao's compatriot.

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