Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3257: Xuanhuang Erqi

The third thousand two hundred and fifty-seventh chapter

Dao Chi is in the sky.

However, even if Huang Yulong and others looked up, they couldn't notice the slightest abnormality.

Under the great power of Baimuzhi, Daochi and the many lakes below seem to be located in space and time, but they are not. The two sides are completely in two different spaces.

By doing this, I don't want anyone to disturb my awakening.

Bai Muzhi used to be the maid of the Empress Void, and she has a very good relationship with the Empress. Based on this relationship, she is dedicated to awakening.

There are some opportunities that do not give you awakening, such as the second life Dao Guo and the third life Dao Guo. That is because awakening simply cannot bear it.

Opportunity also needs to choose the most suitable one.

It is worth mentioning that what Bai Muzhi is best at is actually cultivating Tao fruit, magical medicine, etc. She was responsible for these things when she used to be by Empress Void.

Tao fruit is very unusual.

After removing the white wood branches, very few people can cultivate them.

Similar to the top great powers and top heavenly clan in the Southern God Realm, it is not easy to produce Dao Fruit.

And because of being in the Great Black Abyss and the environment constraints, the white wood branches could not be cultivated. The more powerful Dao Fruit, the Three-Time Dao Fruit, was almost her limit.

Time passed day by day.

The entire Great Black Abyss gradually fell into silence, as usual.

In the lake below, there will sometimes be a roar after breaking through the realm.

Obviously, Huang Yulong, Gu Shanying and others have all benefited.

In the sky, Daochi is quite quiet.

The only difference from the previous one is that the water in the pool keeps decreasing until it reveals a waking figure.

He is surrounded by precious light, his eyes are slightly closed, making him look sacred and extraordinary.

"Isn't it enough?"

Perceiving the state of awakening, Bai Muzhi couldn't help but be slightly surprised: "What kind of divine body is the young patriarch cultivated, and has such a big appetite?"

Originally, Bai Muzhi thought that only one Tao fruit was enough.

But I don't want to, wake up is simply a big stomach king.

Bai Muzhi had already guessed that Awakening must have cultivated some kind of divine body, which did not surprise her. After all, she was the heir of the Empress Void. How could she not cultivate a divine body?

However, the strength of the awakened divine body still exceeded Bai Muzhi's expectations.

"Then give the young patriarch another lick of fire."

Bai Muzhi quickly took out a Dao Fruit, refined it into pool water with great mana, and poured it into Dao Pool again.

Soon, the waking figure was submerged again.

But unlike before, only one day later, the pool water bottomed out again.

"So fast?"

Bai Muzhi was surprised again.

She didn't stingy with Dao Guo and directly took out the third Dao Guo.

What happened in the next few days almost broke Bai Muzhi's cognition.

The fourth, fifth, sixth...

Until the ninth Tao fruit was taken out.

In Daochi, the state of awakening gradually stabilized, it seems that the body has gradually reached a saturated state.


"It's almost unheard of, the young patriarch is the cultivation base of the Divine King Realm!"

Bai Muzhi really couldn't figure out why his awakened body could absorb such a large amount of Tao fruit power, which was simply not in line with common sense and broke the routine.

Bai Muzhi was determined, and ordinary divine bodies couldn't do it at all.

The light in Bai Muzhi's eyes was exquisite, and he couldn't help but be full of expectations.

If you are not afraid of the evil patriarch, you are afraid of not enough evil.

Daochi was dry, awake and sitting still, his breath returned to peace, but it gave people an indescribable sense of oppression, like a huge storm is about to come.


Suddenly, the awakening breath broke the limit and reached a new height.

This is a breakthrough in his cultivation realm, and he has entered the fifth stage of the **** king realm in one fell swoop, and is still climbing.

But at this moment, what really caused the shock was another kind of breath.

Ancient, prehistoric and unruly.

That kind of breath, as if not in the five elements, detached from the world.

It was as if the ruler of heaven and earth had come.


The storm finally came.

Countless bright lights rushed out of his awakened body.

At the same time, the sky changed and the sky shook.

Immediately afterwards, two incredibly powerful rays of light emerged from the sky and the earth at the same time, converging towards the awakening, and forming an absolute field with him as the center.

At this moment, even Bai Muzhi's cultivation base was difficult to see through and awaken.

"Xuanhuang Erqi!"


"Is the young patriarch's first weather condition so terrible?"

Bai Muzhi exclaimed.

In her state of mind, even if she was so gloomy, it was enough to see how shocking what she saw.

Generally speaking, after the innate divine body is shaped, there will be a corresponding antecedent phenomenon.

According to the strength of the congenital divine body, its pre-existing weather phenomena are also different. For example, the blood sun divine body of He Tong, the birth of the blood sun pre-existing weather phenomena is quite extraordinary.

At this moment, the two black and yellow qi around Wake are the strongest weather conditions in history.

Any kind of present world is bound to cause a great sensation.

"This mother and son are really a pair of evildoers!"

Bai Muzhi couldn't help but sounded the first weather phenomenon of Empress Void, Void Kingdom.

And, the pre-existing weather phenomenon of the dark goddess, the dark night!

Those are the most terrifying visions.

In the void, Xuanhuang's second qi surged for three days and three nights, and finally it gradually submerged into his awakened body.

At this time, his eyes opened slowly.

In an instant, two thunderbolts penetrated the void, giving birth to terrible power.

However, after a while, Suwaken frowned. He tried to stimulate the two qi of Xuanhuang and resurfaced, but found that he couldn't do it.

This has nothing to do with the realm of his innate divine body.

The Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body is different from the general innate divine body. Once it reaches the innate level, it can directly activate the pre-weather phenomena to help oneself fight.

It's just that Xuanhuang's two qi is too heavy, as if heavier than a world.

"Young patriarch, don't worry!"

"With your current cultivation level, it is definitely impossible to directly stimulate the two qi of Xuanhuang, you can try and use it alternatively."

The voice of Bai Muzhi sounded.

He woke up thoughtfully, after a while, he urged the nine-layer body guard divine light, and found that compared with before, the nine-layer body guard divine light was contaminated with the aura of black and yellow.

Not only its defensive power, it is far superior to before.

And when he was running the power of the gods, when the offensive rushed out from the nine-layer body guard, he could also be tainted with a hint of black and yellow aura, making the offensive stronger than before.

In this way, the nine-layer body protection divine light has the magical effect of both offense and defense.

"From now on, why not call you "Xuanhuang Shenguang"!"

Su Xing murmured, gave the nine-layer body guard Divine Light a new name, which was more appropriate than before.

"Actually, did you break through to the late fifth stage of the God King Realm?"

After regaining awareness of his own cultivation realm, he couldn't help but startled.

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