Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3255: Catch it all

The third thousand two hundred and fifty-five chapters

The black figure caught up with the gray-robed old man at an extremely fast speed.

The next moment, a shrill scream sounded.


"Lin Mo, you take advantage of the danger, you have to die."

On the ground ahead, two powerful extremely yin ghost auras were fighting, but they did not last long. The other extremely yin ghost aura quickly gained the upper hand.

In the same place, He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yan Feng, Yue Zhijun, Huang Yulong and others all showed surprise.

"This Lin Mo... is going to swallow the gray-robed old man?"

"Couldn't he just made this idea from the beginning! Using us, caused the gray-robed old man's injury to become more serious, and then succeeded in one blow?"

"This guy... so insidious!"

They didn't expect that Lin Mo would make a sudden move.

I thought Lin Mo was awakened and persuaded.

Only when he regained consciousness, his expression was abnormally calm, indifferent, and he quickly said, "Don't be stunned. If you have any hole cards on your body, you will come out and catch them all at once."

The voice fell, and Wake was the first to rush out.


A group of people stared their eyes wide.

They realized that Lin Mo had known Lin Mo's intentions early in their wake.


With such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, everyone responded in a timely manner and quickly followed up.

Soon after, Su Xing stood in mid-air, took the lead in taking out all his trump cards, and after pouring it into the power of the gods, he threw it forward.

"Luo Qing, you and my well do not offend the river, why do you need to force people on the road to the dead." Lin Mo sounded with an angry voice.

"Don't pay attention to him, hurry up and lose your hole cards." Su wakes up.

"……it is good!"

Huang Yulong, Yue Zhijun, He Tong, Gu Shanying, Yanfeng...

Everyone took out their hole cards.

This is the last resort.


On the horizon ahead, a huge ray of light swallowed thousands of miles in a radius, a scene of apocalypse, the earth was like a hundred-magnitude earthquake, and the void was shaking endlessly.

"The young patriarch can grow all the way to this day, it really is not an ordinary generation."

"You deserve to be the heir of the Empress!"

Inside the White Jade Palace, Bai Muzhi's gaze penetrated through the space. Looking at this scene, he couldn't help but sigh slightly.

With her strength, naturally she wouldn't care about the trump cards of those who wake up.

However, the resolute and resolute method of waking up this time was to make Shiraki move his face.

After more than half an hour, the fluctuations on the horizon ahead gradually disappeared. Looking around, an endless pit came into view.

The first one who woke up and looked cold walked over.

Soon after, he found Lin Mo and the gray-robed old man in the deep pit.

Unexpectedly, Lin Mo was already gone, but the gray-robed old man hadn't died yet, and the shroud on his body was gleaming.

Obviously, it was the shroud that saved his life.

However, although the gray-robed old man was still alive, he was still dying. Anyone on the court at this moment could easily take his life.

"help me!"

The gray-robed old man looked at his awakening, with a thirsty light in his eyes: "I...I was wrong. From now on, I will be your servant."

He doesn't want to die.

He gave up his dignity and tried to get a life.

He has seen the great horror between life and death, knowing that life is more important than anything else.

"No need!"

Wake up coldly refused.

He has decided to kill. What's more, the gray-robed old man is always treacherous and cunning. Is he sincerely surrendering this time? Once he recovers, who can control him?

I don't want to experience things like anti-servantism when I wake up.


The sword lightened up.


"Do not kill me!"

The gray-robed old man begged with all his face, but he woke up completely indifferent.

The sword light passed, and the gray-robed old man's soul flew away.

No one feels sympathy.

On the way, the gray-robed old man had repeatedly murdered them, and he had treated them as food for a long time, and only waited until this matter was over.

Such a person is not a pity to die.

Everything is calm.

Everyone stared at the bodies of the gray-robed old man and Lin Mo, and they couldn't help being startled.

Everyone has a dreamlike feeling.

These are two yin monarchs!

Now, it turned out to have died in their hands. When this kind of thing is said, no one believes it, after all, it is too incredible.


The bodies of the gray-robed old man and Lin Mo glowed with light.

Immediately afterwards, the corpses of these two people turned into extremely yin ghost energy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

They are yin monarchs, the so-called physical bodies are also formed with extremely yin ghost energy.

Before reaching the level of yin-yang conversion, once the soul flies away, the body will not survive for long, and will dissipate soon, leaving no traces.

"That's okay, it's considered ruined. If the Blood Lord comes back, let's say Lin Mo and the gray robe old man have gone out to hunt for treasure." Yue Zhijun said.

"Do you think that with the strength of the blood king, you will not be aware of the clues?" Huang Yulong pointed to the devastated battlefield, and said blankly.

Not to mention the Blood Lord, I am afraid that anyone can tell that fierce fighting has broken out here.


Yue Zhijun opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

He glanced around, with a nervous expression on his face, for fear that the blood king would suddenly come back.

"Don't be too nervous, Lord Blood shouldn't avenge these two." Su Xing knows that Lord Blood has left, so naturally he won't be nervous and worried, but he still has to act out the trick.

"Not nervous, not nervous." Yue Zhijun stubbornly refused to admit it, but he subconsciously muttered: "It is best that the blood king also touched some restriction, it is already dead."


Suddenly recovered from a cough.

Exists like the Blood Lord, God knows whether she has the ability to know that others are cursing her secretly.

He didn't want to be implicated by Yue Zhijun.

"What are you coughing? Shouldn't you be afraid?" Yue Zhijun stared suspiciously to wake up.

"As long as you talk a lot, now there are no obstacles, let's not hurry up to hunt for treasure." Su Xing slapped Yue Zhijun's forehead, and walked forward.

This dog thing almost made him exposed.

"Look at your timid appearance, you think my brother is like you!" Huang Yulong stared at Yue Zhijun contemptuously, and quickly followed the pace of awakening.

Others also moved forward.

Everyone is still very much looking forward to the opportunity. After all, this time has gone through many dangers, so that it is the final harvest moment?

There was no one everywhere, and the cold wind swish.

Yue Zhijun shrank his neck subconsciously, feeling like he was worried by some existence.

He didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly chased him toward Suwa and others.

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