Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3242: Space Supreme Crystal

Chapter 3242: Spatial Supreme Crystal

In Yue Zhijun's eyes, those who oppose Suwaken basically have no good end.

Don't look at the latter's seemingly weak, but it can always work miracles.

On the vast ancient continent, awakening and walking in the forefront, the gray-robed old man was not far behind him, followed by Huang Yulong, He Tong and others, and then the Blood Lord and Lin Mo.

And behind the two of them, there are a large number of evil spirits.

However, the evil spirits just followed from a distance, did not launch an attack, and did not know what they were waiting for.

The atmosphere seemed depressed and low, as if a storm was coming.

Awakening did not care about the things behind him. After the death of the Blood Lord and Lin Mo, the problem was not big. He focused on observing the things in front of him.

Regarding the two reasons for the Lord of Darkness to retreat, Awakening is actually more inclined to the latter.

But in order not to cause panic, he did not say it.

In addition, when facing danger, everything needs to be considered for the worst. Otherwise, when the big danger comes, people will panic the first time and don't know how to respond.

While walking, he wore a bracelet on his left wrist without awakening.

Turning over a small hill, the terrain in front stretches downwards, like a not deep basin, with a vast area, and in the mud, it seems that there is drenched brilliance leaked out.

"There are treasures!"

The gray-robed old man discovered the situation for the second time, his eyes flashing with greed.

"Don't lose big because of small."

Su Xing glanced at the gray-robed old man and warned.

"I want your kid to talk more."

The gray-robed old man awoke with a fierce stare, but he didn't make a move to dig the dirt.

At this time, behind the group of people, the evil spirits seemed to have discovered something, and they were communicating with their souls.

"Death Basin!"

"The group of people has reached the Death Basin."

"Go in! Go in quickly."

"Hehehe! As long as they enter the Death Basin, we can take action."

The evil spirits are the natives in the Great Black Abyss. They naturally know a lot about everything here, and they know the dangerous places on this vast ancient continent.

The basin in front of Wake and others is one of them.

Those buried under the soil are not treasures, but great murderous intent.

Unfortunately, Awakening didn't mean to walk into the basin at all, but chose to detour.

"Damn it! That kid who leads the way is terrible."

"Kill him, you must kill him."

"Let him fly away, and never live beyond life."

The evil spirits resented the sky, staring coldly at the awakened back.

They were very dissatisfied with the choice of waking up, but they were helpless. They were still very afraid of the strength of the Blood Lord and Lin Mo, and did not dare to act hastily.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a matter of time. Their goal is the Death Mountain. Sooner or later there will be a chance to appear."

"That's right! Death Mountain, that is a forbidden place that even we dare not set foot on."

"The guys are dead."

Outsiders could not hear the exchanges of evil spirits.

It's just that when he wakes up, he can feel that those evil spirits have locked his killing intent for a moment.


The corner of Su Xing's mouth evoked a cold arc.

With his wisdom, how can he not guess what the evil spirits think.

Suddenly the killing intent erupted, naturally because he broke their good deeds.

"In this way, these evil spirits can be used." Su Xing already had an idea in his heart.

Soon after, he woke up and came to a chaotic grotto area. His footsteps couldn't help but stop. Soon, he felt the killing intent of the evil spirits.

"Bad your good thing again?" Su Xing laughed in his heart.

The biggest weakness of evil spirits is their inability to control their emotions.

He didn't hesitate to wake up and chose a detour.

"Boy, there are no treasures in this place, why should we choose to take a detour?" The gray-robed old man pointed to the desolate grotto.

"If you don't want to, you don't have to go around." Su Xing left a word, and ignored the gray-robed old man.

"Looking for death!" The gray-robed old man stared at the awakened back with gloomy eyes, and said viciously in his heart: "Little devil, wait until you have no use value, and see how arrogant you continue."

In the end, the gray-robed old man still did not choose to go straight through the chaotic grotto.

He is always cunning, so naturally he will not take risks for no reason.

Soon after bypassing the chaotic grottoes, it was a weedy area, and occasionally there was light flashing, as if there was some treasure in the weeds that were a few people tall.

"Go around!"

The gray-robed old man can now turn a blind eye to ordinary treasures, so he is ready to make a detour by choosing simply and neatly.

Unexpectedly, Awakening did not pay attention, but went straight to the weeds ahead.

"Your kid is crazy?"

The gray-robed old man couldn't help but stunned.

According to previous experience, places with treasures are generally dangerous, so he subconsciously prepared to go around.

He was not worried about the safety of waking up, but worried that no one would lead him.

Mr. Xue and Lin Mo also noticed the strangeness. The two of them also showed confusion, but they also knew that waking up was not a person of volition, and most of what they did was reasonable.

I saw a large swath of divine light spreading between the wake of the wave, and all the weeds in the area of ​​a thousand miles were wiped out.

In the next moment, bright rays of light rose to the sky.

After the weeds are removed, the orbs on the ground will no longer be covered with dust, and the pure energy will spread out.

"This is... the best **** crystal!"

Yue Zhijun screamed. It was not that he had never seen the best **** crystals, but the large number of them made him feel shocked. This is definitely a huge wealth.


One by one, the best **** crystals rose into the sky, and quickly flew towards the awakening.

"What are you doing in a daze."

"Can't the Supreme God Crystal also attract you?"

The voice of awakening sounded, Huang Yulong and the others also flew out immediately.

Soon after, all the best **** crystals were divided up.

Among them, it was like the earliest awakening operation, and no one was vying with him, so he got the most Supreme God Crystals, a total of 100,000...

The best crystals are different from ordinary crystals. Each one is quite extraordinary, containing different attributes of energy and great insights, which are of great benefit to practice.

Especially, the superb divine crystal with spatial attributes is extremely precious.

And this time, when he woke up, he got more than eight hundred supernatural crystals of space, which was of great benefit to him practicing Heavenly Solution.

"Boss Luo, I still have more than a dozen supernatural crystals here."

"I have it here too."


Huang Yulong and the others gave the supernatural crystals they had obtained to Suwaken, a total of about two hundred.

As a result, the number of Spatial Supreme Crystals on Awakened has reached more than a thousand.

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