Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3237: Life and death

Chapter 3237 The Gate of Life and Death

The moment the black shadow appeared, he woke up with a feeling like an ice cellar, as if his body had been completely frozen, and there was an incomparably violent and evil aura that eroded his body.


At the moment of crisis, Awakening displayed a void shuttle, and his body moved laterally.

Also at this time, a blood-colored light glided above his head, colliding with that black shadow.


In the dull sound, that dark shadow instantly vanished.

The figure of the blood king appeared not far from waking up, stared at him, and didn't say anything, but started to check this righteous village.

She was bold and talented, and the coffin that had not been opened was opened by her.

Soon after, Lin Mo and the gray-robed old man also participated in the act of opening the coffin. It seemed that there was something they needed in the coffin.

"Brother, are you okay?"

Huang Yulong, He Tong and others came over.

They had also seen it just now, and a dark shadow fell from the sky, attacking and awakening.

"The strength of the evil spirits here is extraordinary, and the lowest level also has the cultivation base of the ninth-order **** king. The evil spirit that attacked me just now has the strength of the ninth-order peak of the **** king realm."

"This place is extremely dangerous."

Su Xing glanced at the people, and said: "No matter what happens, everyone must not do things on their own."

Gather the power of everyone, and only when you encounter dangerous things, you will have the power to protect yourself.

"Is it so terrible?" Yue Zhijun said with a pale face: "Then if there are no such three Yin Monarchs, but if we just break into this place, wouldn't it mean that we will send the sheep into the tiger's mouth?"

"What do you mean? It's an honor to be the cannon fodder of others, isn't it?" Huang Yulong sneered.

"I'm just talking about things. It's unlucky to be a cannon fodder, but I got some protection because of it, right?" Yue Zhijun said.

The two often quarrel, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

Not long after, Lord Blood, Lin Mo, and the gray-robed old man had finished unpacking the coffin. Seeing the smiling face of the gray-robed old man, it seemed that the three had gained something.

Behind the Yizhuang, there is also a pontoon bridge connecting with another floating island.

"It's okay to fly directly. Wherever you need to use a pontoon bridge, do nothing." The gray-robed old man complained: "There are not a few floating islands in this area. If you go step by step, you have to search for when."

He had benefited just now and was a little anxious now.

"If you want to fly, I don't stop, but I only walk on the floating bridge." Su Xing said.

"Little devil, do you dare to disobey my orders?" The gray-robed old man stared at Awakening with gloomy eyes and grinned grinningly: "It seems that you need to let your kid know how good the old man is."


A ray of light surged in his palm, and between his hands, a ray of light fell on Lan Yi's body.

Suddenly, Lan Yi's face turned blue and purple, revealing an extremely painful color.

But suddenly, a ray of blood flashed across, interrupting the old man's spellcasting, and his original idea of ​​swallowing Lan Yi fell to no avail. He couldn't help but look at the blood lord: "Blood lord, what do you mean?"

"Each of them's life is useful." Xuejun said flatly: "Also, Luo Qing hasn't finished speaking, please listen to it first."

After Lan Yi gasped for breath, he was already wet with sweat, but due to the timely stop of the blood monarch, his life was worry-free.

The gray-robed old man stared coldly at Wake: "Little devil, I really want to hear, what can you say."

Su Xing said with a blank expression: "Flying is not an ability, but why is a floating bridge built here? There must be a reason for existence. Once you fly out of the floating bridge, terrible things are likely to happen."

"Really?" The gray-robed old man was dubious.

"What he said makes sense, if you don't believe it, you can try it." Lin Mo said.

The gray-robed old man glanced at the endless abyss below the pontoon bridge, and in the end, he did not try.

Wake up and say nothing, and walked forward.

Soon, he arrived at the third floating island, where flowers were everywhere, vegetation grew wildly, and a vibrant scene, which looked very different from the previous two floating islands.

However, when everyone saw the truth clearly, their scalp numb again.

Under this floating island, there seem to be countless corpses buried. Those flowers are bright corpse flowers, and the vegetation is also corpse grass, growing from the corpses.

For the Blood Lord, Lin Mo, and the gray robe old man, these things are naturally great treasures.

They collected quickly.

The awakened group of people stood by the pontoon behind the floating island, waiting for them.

"Look, there are evil spirits appearing again. I think it's better not to touch the things on these islands, it will wake up the evil spirits sleeping here." Yue Zhijun said.

"Do you still have to say it?" Huang Yulong rolled his eyes: "But do you think those three will listen to us?"

"Is Lan Yi okay?" Su Xing looked at Lan Yi.

"Boss Luo, I'm okay." Lan Yi was almost swallowed by the gray-robed old man. Although there was nothing serious now, his face was a little pale, and he was still in shock.

However, in order not to worry about awakening, he still tried to control the fear in his heart.

"Don't worry, the old guy will die here sooner or later." Wake patted Lan Yi's shoulder, his eyes flickering coldly.

On the island, when the Blood Lord, Lin Mo, and the gray-robed old man were picking corpse flowers and corpse grass, a battle broke out with a few evil spirits. Those evil spirits are extraordinary in strength, but they are not the opponents of the blood kings.

Some were wounded and fled, and some were directly obliterated.

But everything has just begun, and no one knows whether there is an "evil prince" comparable to the Yin prince here. If there is, then there will be a real fierce battle.

When the three of Xuejun finished picking the corpse flower and corpse grass, the group awakened and continued to lead the way.

Awakening is still walking in the forefront.

When we arrived at the fifth floating island, three floating bridges appeared here, leading to three different places.

And this time, the pontoon was very long, extending into the darkness, and it was hard to see what was at the end.

"You choose one." Blood Jundao.

"Me?" Reawakened for a moment.

"Your luck seems to be good, and the choice is up to you." Blood Jundao, after thinking about it carefully, there was indeed no major danger on the way, and it seemed that the way to wake up was really good.

"Then choose this one!" Su Xing pointed forward.

"Yes." Xue Jun nodded and agreed.

The pontoon bridge in the middle is extremely long. It took more than half an hour to reach a desolate floating island. The most eye-catching thing is that there is an ancient stone gate in the middle of the island.

Shimen is about a hundred meters high, with three ancient characters written on the top, the gate of life and death!

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