Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3234: Yin Jun appeared

Chapter 3234: Lord Yin Appears

A large amount of extremely yin ghost energy surging in front of the cold body, rapidly producing endless changes, intertwined with mysterious runes, turned into a circle, and moved quickly.


Jian Guang is so fierce that it actually penetrated a large number of mysterious runes in an instant.

It’s worth mentioning that the dark forest is now part of the Five Elements Shadow Realm, so although the space power here is not as good as when Huang Xiao and others used the Big Five Elements Closing Formation in the central lake, it is far greater than the outside world. Rich.

Therefore, when Awakening casts Heaven's Solution, the power is equally impressive.

This is also his confidence in daring to commit danger.

Changing to another divine cultivator, the divine art of resentment cold can play a great role, but in front of awakening, it is not enough.

"kill you!"

Wake up and spit out two words coldly.

The next moment, Tianque Broken Sword burst into a more dazzling light, and then a sword penetrated through the void, tearing the body of Yuan Leng.

He has not been torn like Li Yuan before, and he can be reorganized.

The moment when the body is shattered, it means that the soul is scattered.

This is because, in the awakening style of swordsmanship, there is an extremely powerful space force.

Whether it is **** cultivation or Yin god, both need to rely on space to survive.

Therefore, the power of space also has a powerful lethality to the Yin God, and under the space, the world is like an ant.

The cloud dissipated and he awoke and returned to the woods.

The battle between the forests has also come to an end. There are more than ten Yin Gods who have appeared this time, but they are still not as many as Huang Yulong and others.

And in terms of strength, they have the upper hand.

"A group of arrogant ghosts don't learn a lesson after they die, so they want to hunt us with such a handful of manpower?" Huang Yulong couldn't help cursing after solving the last Yin God.

In fact, it's not that the Yin Gods are too arrogant.

But in their view, the dark forest is their territory, and any outsider is basically their prey, so they have an illusion that they can't resist their hunt.

Unexpectedly, this time I encountered a hard stubble.

But the most important thing is that when the Yin Gods meet a living person, they will become a little irrational, just like a person who has been hungry for a long time. After discovering a good meal, they will think about a desperate meal.

"Hurry up!"

After waking up, he walked forward first.

Just now, although he wanted to make a quick battle, the movement of the fight was not small.

Moreover, they are a group of living people with very strong spiritual aura, which will definitely attract more and more Yin Gods to approach.

They must reach the Great Black Abyss as quickly as possible.

Sure enough, yin gods soon came out to block the way, but they were all in twos and threes, each with a hideous look, full of evil and hostility, and the scene was frightening.

In accordance with the requirements of awakening, everyone made a quick decision and rushed to the fastest speed.

"All come to me."

At a certain moment, Su wakes up and screams.

In front of them, there was a huge roar from the woods, accompanied by a scalp tingling scream, that was an innumerable yin god, coming towards them like crazy.


Spatial fluctuations emerged around Awakening and spread rapidly.

Soon, with a flash of light, the group of people disappeared from the same place.

When they appeared again, they had already crossed the group of Yin Gods and appeared behind them.

If it were from the outside world, it would be somewhat difficult to bring so many people to complete the void teleportation at one time with the awakening of today's spatial knowledge, but the space here is strong, but there is no major problem.

"It's really convenient to have a space monk by his side."

Many people have come up with this idea.

In the following time, Awaken frequently turned on Void Teleportation, leaving a large number of Yin Gods behind.

But as the disturbances grew louder and louder, the entire dark forest seemed to have become a huge man-eating monster, and more and more Yin Gods emerged from all directions.

This caused Su Xing's face to sink slightly, and the pressure he was under increased.

More importantly, once the movement is too loud and wakes the sleeping "Yin Monarch", the consequences will be very terrible.

With the terrifying power of Lord Yin, I am afraid that it will be enough to kill them by exploring the hands.

In the soul-locking bottle, Li Yuan looked at everything outside, feeling like he was going crazy, his face was desperate, and he muttered infatuatedly: "It's over, I'm going to die again."

Because I died once, I felt the horror between life and death.

Therefore, many Yin gods are extremely afraid of death, and Li Yuan is one of them.

Li Yuan's intestines are almost regretful.

Knowing this, he would never provoke a group of people to wake up, this is simply a group of disaster stars!


A sharp blade of light flashed, and a Yin God was cut in half by He Tong, and the fire burned out of thin air, extinguishing the soul of the Yin God and the ashes of the burning.


With a palm of the flame, the hurricane screamed, strangling a Yin God into ashes.

"Swish swish!"

The willow branches are like a whip, moving quickly through the forest. Once the Yin God is drawn, it is basically the end of the soul. It can be seen that when Gu Shanying beat Li Yuan before, she actually reduced a lot of strength.

Despite this, there are still Yinshen rushing out continuously, infinitely.


Awakening once again opened space teleportation.

Finally, the group of people was getting closer and closer to the Great Black Abyss.

At this moment, among the tops of a towering tree, stood a man in black. His face was as pale as paper, and his body was lingering, but what was shocking was that he was not a soul body. .

He looked like he had his own flesh and blood.

And Yin Shen, thinking of possessing a flesh and blood body, then he must break into the realm of God Lord and become a Yin Lord.

The black-clothed man's gaze seemed to penetrate everything in the world, awakening the line of action of a group of people, clearly emerging in his eyes, and after a while, he muttered: "Does the target point to the Great Black Abyss? It's interesting."


The figure of the man in black disappeared instantly.

The Great Black Abyss, located in a clearing among the forests, looked like a huge black cave with no bottom. Looking down from a height, it was more like the mouth of a prehistoric monster.

With Da Hei Yuan as the center, there is no yin **** approaching at ordinary times.

About a hundred miles away from the Great Black Abyss, spatial fluctuations emerged, light like tides, and then a group of silhouettes rushed out, it was the group that awakened.

Soon, when he woke up, his eyes condensed, and he saw the black man standing calmly in front of the Great Black Abyss.

"It's over!"

Inside the soul lock bottle, Li Yuan let out a desperate wailing, and the last glimmer of hope in his heart was also shattered at this time.

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