Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3232: Dark forest

Chapter 3232 Dark Forest

"A bunch of stinky boys, you are looking for death!"

The Yinshen with three heads and six arms was very angry, roaring constantly, but could not break free from the shackles of willow branches.

Regarding this, Awakening was not surprised. The flower spirit divine body cultivated by Tani Shanying was inseparable from the power of the spirit and belonged to the branch of the soul cultivation. It was used to deal with the yin god, and the natural effect was remarkable.

"Brother Long, that girl is not only beautiful, but also extremely powerful!" Lan Yi pointed to Zhigu Shanying and whispered towards Huang Yulong, "It's a pity that she likes Luo Qing boss."

"Oh! A flower is really stuck on top of the cow dung!"

Luo Lang and others nodded in agreement.

I have to say that the aesthetics of the Five Elements Shadow Clan is a bit strange. They have the same aesthetics for women as normal people, but they differ greatly in the aesthetics of men.

Yue Zhijun was the most ugly man in the world in their eyes, and he was just plain looking when he woke up.

In terms of appearance alone, in the eyes of the Five Elements Shadow Clan, a hundred awakenings are not worthy of Gushan Ying.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Huang Yulong glared at Lan Yi, then looked at Gu Shanying and Wake, lowered his voice and said, "Although Luo Qing's boss looks a bit ordinary, but the strength of his family is there, even if he is cow dung, it is still full of connotations. Cow dung."

"Brother Long, is there a difference?" Lan Yi said with a puzzled expression.

"The difference is big." Huang Yulong's face was serious, and he was about to explain the difference with Lan Yi. When the difference between them, he suddenly felt a little chill in his body, and when he raised his eyes, he happened to see that Suwa was staring at him.

"Ahem! Brother, what shall we do with this Yin God?" Huang Yulong hurriedly changed the subject.

Wake up as if not hearing Huang Yulong's words, turned his head to look at Yinshen, and said: "I heard that you like to **** the essence of living beings. What do you think of Huang Yulong? It's the little black charcoal."

"Don't! Brother, we have something to say well." Huang Yulong was full of spirits, and he was unwilling to be sucked by the Yin God and turned into a pile of bones.

"Boss Luo Qing, please be merciful! Brother Long has no other shortcomings except that he has a big mouth, loves to hold grudges, loves to instigate divorce, and is careful." Lan Yidao.

"That's right, Long Ge is usually very nice. He is not very good at things like peeking at other girls' baths and like doing light bulbs." Luo Lang followed closely.

"... Enough for you!"

Huang Yulong's face, which was already very dark, was already black and purple.

Is there anyone like this?

A group of ungrateful people, it was clear that you were the first to start the topic, okay?

"Huang Yulong, you have a lot of hobbies!" Su Xing said lightly, and deliberately made the word hobby a little harder.

"Ah! Don't listen to the nonsense of Lan Yi's group." Huang Yulong would naturally kill him and would not admit it.

"A group of stinky men, there is no good thing." He Tongren's little ghost cursed, with a look of contempt, and then kicked Yue Zhijun next to him: "Go away from me, the most ugly man in the world. "


Yue Zhijun was at a loss.

I seem to have never said a word from beginning to end! How can this be implicated?

Taniyama Sakura couldn't help laughing out loud.

But after such a disturbance, the originally very tense atmosphere has also been somewhat relieved.

"A bunch of little ghosts, are you the air as an old man? Ignore the old man and look for death!" At this time, the three-headed six-armed Yin Shen was angry. It was the Yin Shen that everyone talked about. These guys didn't even know how to be afraid.

Yin Shen felt that his dignity was insulted.

"Shan Ying." Su Xing shouted, Gu Shanying understood, Qianqianyu pointed her hand forward, and after a while, three more willow branches flew out, not to tie the Yin God, but to use it as a whip.


The willow whip pulled down, sparks flew everywhere.

Even if they were separated by some distance, everyone was a little frightened.

This whip is really unambiguous at all!

Everyone can finally see that under Gu Shanying's beautiful and moving appearance, there is a tough and determined heart, not a weak woman.


In the woods, the screams of Yinshen resounded.

If it was just an ordinary whip, it would not be the case. The willow whip of the mountain cherry blossoms in the valley contains the power of the soul, which has a restraining effect on the yin god, and the pain of the whipping hurts the soul.

Gu Shanying ignored the yin god's screams, and she continued without stopping when she woke up.

Soon, hundreds of whips went down.

The Yin God could no longer be called out, and was dying. His soul body gave people a feeling that it would be wiped out at any time. He was already very badly injured. It is estimated that with a few more whips, his soul will disappear.

"You should know what I want to know."

"There is only one chance."

"That said, I will spare you not to die. If you don't say it, you will be lost in spirit."

Awakening is straightforward.

The three-headed and six-armed Yin God looked at his awakening and calm appearance, feeling that his soul was trembling. He had never seen such a decisive and cruel junior, who was simply a murderous murderer.

After half an hour, the three-headed and six-armed Yin God basically confided what he knew.

This central basin was originally called "Dark Forest".

The time of its existence is extremely ancient, and it seems that it has existed since the ancient times.

The Yin God with three heads and six arms, whose real name is "Li Yuan".

Before he was alive, he was a Tier 1 God King, and he went to the dark forest with his companions to take an adventure, and then he was left here forever. After becoming a Yin God, he had cultivated for nearly one hundred thousand years before finally possessing it. The strength of the peak.

As for how to become a Yin God, Li Yuan himself didn't know. When he woke up after death, he was already Yin God.

According to Li Yuan, the dark forest is very mysterious, and he has not been able to fully understand the situation here.

Many places were forbidden to him, and he dared not approach them at all.

In addition to him, there are many Yin gods in the dark forest. Some of them have reached the level of gods and are called "Yin Monarchs".

However, Lord Yin is mostly in a state of retreat and practice, which is equivalent to a deep sleep.

If there are no special circumstances, they will not be awakened.

Li Yuan also revealed that Yin Shen is very sensitive to the breath of creatures, and can often perceive the breath of creatures from a very long distance, so awakening a group of people is likely to have been targeted.

"If you live in the dark forest, don't enter. If I were you, I would try my best to reduce my aura. I leave as soon as possible. If I stay here, sooner or later, I will be surrounded by a large number of yin gods and eventually become bones."

The yin gods in the dark forest mostly come from a long time ago.

Like Li Yuan, he was a person from 100,000 years ago.

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