Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3219: Defeated

The third thousandth chapter is defeated


The azure light condensed from the chest of the patriarch Shuiying, and then, a azure jade mirror emerged, and the water waves on it swirled into a shallow whirlpool.

At this moment, Venerable Yancha's fist gang slammed.

With a bang, the fist gang bombarded the azure jade mirror, waves of water rippling away, it turned out to be the fist gang of Venerable Yancha.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the patriarch Shuiying swept back and temporarily distanced himself from Venerable Yansha.

"Venerable Yancha, although I can't defeat you, it is impossible for you to defeat me." Patriarch Shuiying stared at Venerable Yansha calmly, and continued: "Because of my defensive ability, Ranked first among the five patriarchs."

"My water mirror is a supreme treasure of softness and strength."

The azure jade mirror danced around the patriarch of Shuiying, exuding ripples like water.

Venerable Yancha's eyes condensed, his face sinking slightly.

Yu Jing's defensive ability really made him feel tricky. Just now, it was a blow that was clearly aspirational, but it was resolved. The feeling was like a punch in the air.

"Venerable Yancha, I'll help you." Xia Fuxiao flew out with a cold expression, and his ten dead soldiers were acting with him.

The ten dead men all wore silver armors, with divine light flowing on them, looking sacred and extraordinary.

Venerable Yancha didn't say a word. He was boasting that he went to Haikou before, but in the end he couldn't get the head of Shuiying, which made him look dull, but he couldn't refuse Xia Fuxiao.

At this time, being upright is a taboo.

"Our plan cannot be affected." Ji Bingyan's figure flashed, and also flew into the lake with ten dead men. Today is the most critical link, and there can be no variables.

"I know." Venerable Yancha nodded.

The eyes of the three people all fell on the patriarch Shuiying.

"We can't fight one-on-one, so we have to hug them. Do you really think that our Shuiying Saint Clan has no one?" Along with a cold shout, behind the Shuiying Patriarch, a group of figures emerged one after another.

At a glance, there are thousands of people.

Suddenly, above the momentum, Venerable Yancha, Xia Fuxiao, and Ji Bingyan lived.

"Since the war is in full swing, then come!" Yue Zhijun yelled and rushed to the surface of the lake. At the same time, the prisoners who followed Venerable Yansha also acted one after another.

Swords are drawn and the battle is about to start.

From the original peak duel, it has risen to a full-scale battle.


Venerable Yansha moved first and continued to rush towards the chief Shuiying.

"Yue Zhijun, the others will leave it to you."

Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan carried ten dead soldiers, and they also joined the battle.

Obviously, they wanted to capture the thieves and the king first, and solve the patriarch Shuiying first. Once the patriarch of Shuiying fell to his death, other people would not worry about it. They were free to kill the Quartet.


Venerable Yancha's domineering fist gang, blasted out fiercely, surrounded by wind and thunder, leaving a scorched area in the air, as if the space had been shattered.

However, the water mirror appeared accurately and stood in front of Fist Gang.

The water mirror that has been enlarged to the size of ten meters in radius, the ripples of the water wave spread quickly, not only blocking the fist of Venerable Yancha, but even the aftermath of power is cancelled.

"No Phase Book!"

Xia Fuxiao's combat power was fully deployed, and the move was a killer move.

By his side, the power of the ten dead men all penetrated into his body.

Soon, golden ancient characters flew out, turned into a long river of characters, and swept toward the patriarch Shuiying.

This long river of words contains a very powerful force.

In terms of momentum, it was even more terrifying than Venerable Yansha's boxing gun.

This is mainly because this magical technique is extraordinary. It is said that if you cultivate to the highest level, it can even cause visions, which is terrifying.

However, the water mirror appeared again.

It intercepted in front of the long river of words at an extremely fast speed, no matter how tyrannical force there is in the long river of words, it can resist it.

The treasure of Patriarch Shuiying, with the ability to overcome rigidity with softness, is truly extraordinary.

And he, the first defender of the Five Elements Shadow Clan, is also well-deserved.

Regardless of the final result, Venerable Yansha and Xia Fuxiao encountered the most difficult bone to chew today.

"Ice and fire sealed the sky!"

Ji Bingyan spoke flatly.

With him as the center, the sky is burning above his head, and the potential is frozen under his feet.

Then, two completely different forces moved forward quickly, giving birth to a terrible power.

The patriarch Shuiying's gaze was dim, and the water mirror was lingering around him, but it could only stop the advancement of the ice and fire, but could not obliterate it.

This kind of offensive is the most difficult, it seems to have found a loophole in the water mirror defense.

Venerable Yancha and Xia Fuxiao had their eyes brightened. With their eyesight, they naturally saw the clues in an instant. The two immediately took action, besieging the patriarch Shuiying one left and the other right.


Venerable Yansha and Xia Fuxiao kept pressure on Patriarch Shuiying to create opportunities for Ji Bingyan.

Faced with such a situation, the patriarch Shuiying also retreated steadily.

In the nearby area, Yue Zhijun led ten dead men and the prisoners in the blood-colored sand sea, and they were also engaged in a fierce confrontation with the thousand-member army of the Water Shadow Demon Race.

Among the thousand-man army of the Water Shadow Demon Race, there are a total of five elders.

Their cultivation strength has all reached the middle stage of the ninth rank of the **** king realm, which is already very good.

However, Yue Zhijun was even stronger after playing the battle of life and death.

On this battlefield, he was almost stunned, and even if the five elders of the Water Shadow Monster Race joined forces to deal with him, he was bombarded with defeats.

And those prisoners, each of them are extremely evil, murderous without blinking, and powerful.

The situation is extremely unfavorable for the Shuiying Demon Race.

Following the normal script, they are indeed inevitable in this evening.


Finally, the patriarch of the Shuiying Demon Race gave the order to retreat.

This did not make people doubt.

According to the current situation, retreat is indeed the wisest choice, otherwise, there will only be the end of all wars.

However, Venerable Yancha obviously won't let Patriarch Shuiying do his wish.

"Want to go?"

"Have you ever asked us?"


Venerable Yansha gave a cold cry, and at the same time he was the first to pursue him.

Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan also followed up quickly.

They finally made the Shuiying Demon Race uncomfortable. Naturally, they won't let go of this good opportunity to take advantage of the victory and chase. They have to capture the Shuiying patriarch and attract the other four patriarchs.

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