Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3216: Will count

The third thousand two hundred and sixteen

Huang Xiao and other five patriarchs, holding the power of the Five Elements Shadow Clan, are not general.

It is indeed not easy to make them believe.

However, facing the murderous patriarch, Jin Ying didn't feel nervous when he woke up. He still calmly said: "If you want to kill me, you can do it at any time. Jin Ying, you don't seem to be in a hurry!"

"Why don't you just let me finish talking?"

Chief Jinying frowned, waking up too calmly.

"Say!" Huang Xiao said.

This sentence can be regarded as an announcement that there is no life worry for awakening for the time being.

"In fact, the matter is very simple. Venerable Yancha and others are planning a big conspiracy against your Five Elements Shadow Race..." Soon, Su Xing said what Huang Yulong said to Huang Yulong intact.

Silence fell in the temple.

The five patriarchs, including Huang Xiao, were all thinking about the credibility of the words of awakening. They occasionally made eye contact with each other.

"That Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan are indeed not generals."

"The two of them have unique temperaments, they are the true pride of the heavens, they are indeed possible, and they carry terrible cards."


After a long time, Huang Xiao looked to wake up: "How do we believe you?"

"I don't have any evidence, everything is just my guess." Su Xing looked calm, paused, and then said: "And if I didn't expect it to be wrong, the place where Xia Fuxiao and the others started is in the central lake."

Hearing this, the patriarch Shuiying narrowed his eyes slightly: "Why is the central lake?"

Wake up and said: "Because you won't go to other places, Shuiying Patriarch, if Xia Fuxiao and the others want to kill all five of you, Central Great Lake is the best choice."

Patriarch Mu Ying said: "Luo Qing, you want us to fight to the end with Venerable Yancha, so you can take advantage of it?"

Su Xing shook his head and smiled: "Patriarch Muying, do I still need to take advantage of this matter? Even if I do nothing, you still want to fight to the end?"

Chief Muying nodded slightly.

In fact, he naturally understood this truth, and deliberately asked that, just to see what it was like to wake up.

The result is naturally that there is nothing suspicious about the awakening performance.

"I have said so much, it's just your guess. How do we believe it?" Chief Jinying snorted coldly.

"Patriarch Jin Ying, if you have to pay attention to evidence in everything, I am afraid that many things are already too late. I am in danger tonight. The main thing is that I don't want to see your Five Elements Shadow Clan collapse."

"If you must not appreciate it, that's all."

"For me, at most one chance is lost, but for you, what is the loss? The lives of countless people in the middle-earth, where blood flows into a river."

Speaking of the end, the face of awakening was also somewhat cold.

Good people being bullied.

Sometimes, you can't just tolerate, and you have to be stronger if you have an appropriate attitude.

Sure enough, the patriarch Jinying also fell silent.

At this time, Huang Yulong stood up from his chair and summoned the courage to shout: "The five patriarchs, I think, whether Luo Qing said it is true or false, but it involves the safety of our people, even if there is a possibility, let us I have to guard against it!"

Huang Xiao glanced at Huang Yulong: "What do you mean by that?"

"It will count!"

Huang Yulong took a deep breath and exhaled four words heavily.

Huang Xiao didn't speak again, and the temple fell into silence again.

In fact, Huang Xiao was asking deliberately just now, because what Huang Yulong said was exactly the answer he wanted to say, but in his capacity, he was too sensitive to speak rashly.

On the contrary, it is more appropriate to let Huang Yulong say it.

Because no one said what to think about.

The two uncles and nephews still have a tacit understanding.

"Or, let's do a trick?" After a while, the Mu Ying patriarch asked tentatively.

"Can you?" Huang Xiao deliberately showed doubts.

"What's wrong, Yulong has a good saying, it is related to the safety of the people, even if there is a possibility, we have to guard against it, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case." Clan Shuiying said.

"If that's the case, then vote for the resolution!" Jin Ying Patriarch said.

"I agree!" The Muying patriarch raised his hand first, and the Shuiying patriarch raised his hand closely. Huang Xiao pretended to hesitate, and soon also raised his hand.

The three of them all agreed, and the opinions of the remaining chiefs of Jinying and Naruto were no longer important.

However, the two of them also raised their hands.

Passed unanimously!

"You raise a fart hand." Huang Xiao saw Huang Yulong raise his hand and couldn't help but cursed with a smile.

"Hehe!" Huang Yulong laughed silly, he was so happy, he didn't seem to be thrown into the frying pan, he didn't need to be confined.

Huang Xiao's eyes fell on his awakened body, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Please sit down."

This is considered a plan, and I have formally discussed the next thing with Suixing.

Naturally, he would not see outside when he woke up, and sat down generously. Huang Xiao and the five patriarchs also sat not far away.

Patriarch Mu Ying said: "Luo Qing, can you determine what the cards of Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan are?"

Su Xing shook his head and said: "No, but, according to my guess, their hole cards should only be used once, otherwise they won't be laid out for so long, just to finish their work."

Huang Xiao nodded: "You are right, I think so too."

"What about the time?" Shuiying Patriarch asked: "Xia Fuxiao and others, when will you start?"

"Fast is tomorrow, slow for three to five days." Su Xing gave a positive answer.

"Speaking of which, we are about to start preparing tonight?" Patriarch Naruto said.

"The sooner the better!" After Xing Xing finished speaking, she stood up, greeted Huang Yulong, and was about to leave the temple. Then there was basically nothing about him, mainly Huang Xiao and other five patriarchs, discussing how to get to the central lake Set ambush.

"Luo Qing, you help our Five Elements Shadow Clan, what do you want?" Huang Xiao asked, looking at the awakened figure.

"First, to you, I am indeed an intruder. Although I have walked this way and killed many people and slaughtered many gods, I don't like to kill innocent people."

"Secondly, I want to see what the fate of this Five Elements Shadow Realm is."

After regaining consciousness, he left without looking back.

"It's quite honest," the chief Jinying muttered, staring at the direction of the entrance of the temple.

"He probably disdains lying." Huang Xiao said.

"It's normal for a arrogant like him to have his own arrogance." Patriarch Mu Ying nodded.

"If everything he expected is true, then he has helped our Five Elements Shadow Clan survive a big catastrophe, and is considered a great favor to us, then..."

Patriarch Shuiying glanced at the other four, and then said: "It's not impossible to let him go to that place."

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