Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3203: The smell of fragrance comes

The third thousand two hundred and three chapters

"Since I have promised Elder Gu Chen, I will take good care of you, so I won't break my promise." Su Xing shook his head and said indifferently.

"That...If it wasn't because of the clan uncle, would you...would you still take care of me?" Gu Shan's cherry blossoms were like mosquitoes, which was obviously only after a lot of courage.

In fact, the meaning is very clear.

If it wasn't because of Gu Chen, it was naturally because of Gu Shanying herself.

And for a man to take care of a woman, the reason is naturally self-evident.


Awakening subconsciously blurted out.

But soon, he regretted a little.

He was really not paying attention just now, but when the words came out, he suddenly discovered the deep meaning of Gu Shanying’s question. Looking at Gu Shanying’s shy appearance at this time, he should understand what it means even if it is a piece of wood. Up.

Sure enough, the answer that wakes up without hesitation immediately seemed to give Gu Shanying a lot of courage. She raised her head, with a pair of clear eyes, like autumn water, looking at her with affection.

Wake up, my heart is tight, and the misunderstanding is too big!

But now to explain, can Taniyama Sakura bear the kind of blow?

People are not afraid of despair.

What I'm afraid of is that there is hope first, then despair. The big ups and downs are too torturous.

"It seems that I didn't express anything, did I?" When I was reassuring myself, I found a scent of fragrance coming, and then with a bang, a pair of soft and jade-like fragrance lips were printed on my cheeks.

"Thank you for taking care of Brother Luo!"

The fragrant wind came quickly, and it went quickly. It was probably the act just now, which had exhausted all of Gu Shanying's courage, so she hid on the other side of the rock and pretended to sit and practice.

Awakening can clearly perceive that Gu Shanying's eyelashes are shaking slightly. With her current mood, being able to enter the state of cultivation is a ghost.


Wake up and touched his cheek, speechless for a moment.

How could this be said so well, suddenly a personal attack began.

Give yourself some preparation time anyway?

Although Su Xing is not good at dealing with relationship problems, he is married to Luo Qingxue after all, and is no longer the young man who has never experienced men and women.


Waking up to stop the random thoughts that came up in his mind, he glared fiercely at He Tong. If the latter hadn't suddenly fallen into a coma, would he be in such a situation?

Therefore, all the faults are He Tong.

He Tong was in a coma for three days. During her petite body, there would be terrible sword energy gushing out from time to time. In the end, she gradually calmed down, and the sword energy entered her body, like a dragon returning to the sea.

Three days later, He Tong woke up. When he sat up, he just saw the awakening not far away, sitting cross-legged, and the faint lip print on his cheeks.


He Tong's eyes suddenly brightened.

As long as it is an individual, he can recognize the lip marks on his face at a glance.

So the question is, who will wake up in this wild forest in the mountains?


I bother!

He was in a coma.

Hot wind?

vomit! The taste is too strong.

Then there is only one person, Taniyama Sakura.


There was a very magical laughter echoing in the mountains and forests, in the cuteness, and with a kind of jealousy, more still happy, a refreshing feeling after the conspiracy succeeded.

"Are you afraid that you have become a demon by cultivating? Didn't you get the inheritance of Ye Old Man's sword technique? As for being happy to be like this?" Su Xing's somewhat silent voice sounded.


"I'm just happy, I want you to control."

"Old man Ye's'Magic Knife' is not a vegetarian."

"Of course, the most important thing is not this..."

He Tong stared at the lip print on Su Xing's face, the smile on his small face grew thicker, and he shook his head and said: "Old Su, I can't think of it! You look serious, but you are quick to start secretly! Not at all ambiguous."

"What do you mean, make it clear." Su Xing's face was black, why did he pour dirty water on himself.

"Heh! The evidence is all on his face, and he's still pretending." He Tong stared contemptuously to wake up.

Wake up startled.

At this time Gu Shanying also appeared not far away, Qiao's face was full of blush, and she pointed to Su Xing's cheek, prompting him to forget to erase the evidence.


He was a fool if he woke up and found no problems.

Mainly because of the confusion in my mind during these three days, this key issue was neglected.

At that moment, the old face blushed when he woke up.

But soon, his surpassing wisdom of ordinary people came into play, staring at He Tong angrily: "You have no conscience, if it were not for you to protect the law, I would fight to the death with the monsters here, resulting in Are you scarred all over?"

He Tong looked up and down his eyes to wake up, and removed a lip mark on his cheek. What about the other injuries?

The so-called scars, this is it?

"It's all right, now that you are all right, let's hurry up."

"It was delayed for three whole days, I don't know how many opportunities I missed."

After waking up and complaining, he took the lead to fly forward, but the figure from the back seemed to be fleeing.


Naturally, He Tong didn't believe a word of his forced defense.

"Sister Shanying, let me tell you that men can't get used to them. If you don't fight for three days, you should let them know what the rules are." He Tong came to Gu Shanying's side.

She clearly looked like a little girl, but she passed on Gushan Sakura's experience like someone who came by.

Gu Shanying couldn't help laughing or crying.

However, He Tong's disguised recognition not only eliminated a lot of tension and shyness in her heart, but also felt a hint of sweetness.

"It's true. I knew about it in the mother's womb. My dead old lady took my dead father and told him to go east and never dare to go west."

"Um... let's hurry up first!"

Gu Shanying couldn't bear He Tong's endless chatter, and hurriedly dropped a word and flew forward.

"Hey! Sister Shanying, I haven't finished talking yet."


On the other side, Awakening has successfully merged with the wind.

In the past three days, Yanfeng visited all the areas within a radius of several million miles and found a lot of news.

This place is called "Five Elements Shadow Domain".

In addition to the monster beasts, there are also the Five Elements Shadow Race, they are the masters of this world.

The Wind Shadow Demon Race that I encountered before is a side branch under the Five Elements Shadow Race. The true direct five element shadow races are the Golden Shadow Demon Race, the Wood Shadow Demon Race, the Water Shadow Demon Race, the Naruto Shadow Demon Race, and the Earth Shadow Demon Race. Family.

It is said that the Five Elements Shadow Clan cultivates a very special kind of divine power, which is extraordinary.

And if there is a chance here, it must be in the hands of the Five Elements Shadow Race.

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