Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3199: Afterimage

Chapter three hundred and ninety nine

In the entrance of the sand gate, the sand was scattered and the wind was raging.

There is a mysterious and unique power in the wind and sand here, and only the sword and cross order can resist that power.

If it is forced to break, it is estimated that even the gods will not have that strength.

The four of them walked in the Shamen porch, not daring to speed too fast, fearing that unknowable danger would come.

"Hey! Yanfeng, you said before that there is a chance for an innate divine body here, is it true or not?" He Tong said.

"I didn't deceive you in this matter." Yan Feng hurriedly said: "You Xuantianzong, indeed someone got a great opportunity here and successfully shaped the innate divine body."

"It's just that it's a long time ago."

His meaning is also very simple. To deceive is not to deceive, but to exaggerate things, as if they are here, they can get innate divine bodies.

Awakening didn't care, he was mentally prepared, how easy it is for the innate divine body to create success.

On the contrary, Su Xing was more curious about another matter, and said, "Since there is a great opportunity here, why don't the seniors of the Xuan Tianzong and those hidden seniors unearth this place completely?"

Su Xing first ruled out the possibility that the opportunity here was artificially created by the Xuantian Sect.

Because Xuan Tianzong doesn't have that ability yet.

The birth of an innate divine body is a top priority for the top third-rate powers in the Southern God Realm, and it will cause a great sensation.

If Xuantianzong could mass produce the innate divine body, it would be too heavenly.

Even the Haotian Dao Sect behind Xuan Tianzong didn't have that ability.

Yanfeng was silent for a while. He had obviously thought about the problem mentioned by Su Xing, and quickly said: "In fact, there are probably two reasons. One is that there is only one innate chance, which has been taken away."

"Secondly, even though Xuan Tianzong occupies the blood-colored sand sea, it cannot fully dig out the opportunities in this hundred thousand sand mountain formation."

Reawakening nodded, this coincided with his thoughts, and he asked: "Then which one do you prefer?"

"The second kind."

Yanfeng didn't hesitate, so he blurted out and explained: "This one hundred thousand sand mountain array, I don't know how many times I have been in and out, but I can only find a relatively safe route to reach the sand gate."

"Neither us nor Venerable Yancha can fully arouse the power of the hundred thousand sand mountains."

"I guess, once this big formation is fully powerful, even the powerful seniors of Xuan Tianzong will not be able to force it."

If the entire array of 100,000 sand hills is likened to a tiger sleeping soundly, then they will be awakened by small ants. They crawl on the tiger's back and will not disturb the tiger.

But if the mighty senior of Xuan Tianzong made a move, it would be different.

Therefore, Xuan Tianzong did not make a move, but let his disciples come to hunt for treasures, sometimes weak in strength, but also has its convenience.

"Some truth!" Su Xing nodded slightly.

Yan Feng's understanding of this place far exceeds that of other people. His speculation may not be completely close to the truth of the facts, but it does have some truth and can withstand scrutiny.

There was a lot of roar from behind, interrupting the discussion of several people.

Everyone's expression sank unconsciously. Venerable Yansha, Xia Fuxiao, Ji Bingyan and others were already collecting the sword and cross orders quickly.

It is estimated that it will not be long before they will break into the Shamen entrance.

"Hurry up!" Su wakes up.

No one has any objections. Their biggest advantage is to take the lead. If they lose the opportunity, they will have no advantage in the face of Venerable Yansha and others.

For this, it is worth taking some risks.

The wind whispered, like a tiger wolf roaring.

The yellow sand is flying, as if from the **** of the sun.

At a certain moment, an afterimage quickly passed by the four of them.

The afterimage speed is extremely fast, and there is wind and sand that obscures the vision, causing the four people to see exactly what it is for a time, but their eyes are condensed slightly, and they are full of vigilance.

No one spoke, and swept forward in silence.


The afterimage reappeared, this time passing by behind the four.

"It seems we are being watched." Su Xing said solemnly.

"What should I do?" Gu Shanying asked.

"Keep moving forward." Su Xing said, they had no retreat, behind them was Venerable Yansha and his party. Once encountered, conflicts are likely to erupt.


The afterimage appeared for the third time, on the left hand side of everyone.

And at the moment the afterimage appeared, awakening was pointed out by the probing hands, and a blade of sword shadow penetrated the void at a very fast speed, killing the afterimage.


A sound of metal collision sounded.

The afterimage dissipated, and Tianque Broken Sword flew back to Wake's hand.

His eyes were slightly low. The sword just hit the afterimage, but didn't kill the opponent. At best, it only collided once, regardless of the outcome.

"At least he has the strength of the ninth-early **** king." Su Xing made a judgment. While guarding, he walked forward. Probably the sword just now had a deterrent effect, and the afterimage did not appear again.

However, no one dared to be careless.

This one-hundred-thousand-thousand-and-sands-mountain formation was already extraordinary, and now everyone has walked into the sand gate porch, and is about to enter the deepest part of the one-hundred-thousand-and-sands-mountain formation, and the risk factor will definitely increase significantly.

At a certain moment, there was a huge roar from behind.

The wind and sand in the entrance of the sand gate have a certain effect of blocking sound, but the roar behind is clear to the ear, then it shows that a fierce battle must have erupted.

One side of the fierce battle must be Yancha Venerable, Xia Fuxiao and others who also broke into the Shamen's entrance.

So who will the other party be?


When these two words appeared in Su Xing's mind, he suddenly stopped.

Around him, afterimages appeared one after another, like ghosts, they could not see their faces, floating in mid-air silently.

"It's really not going away!" Yan Feng squinted his eyes.

"We should have a relatively relaxed situation here. If Yansha can respect them for making such a movement, I am afraid that the amount and strength of the afterimages they encounter far exceeds us." Su Xing said.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

Probably the afterimages felt that they had only four people, and they could just send some people to solve them. There was no threat.

"If you think about it this way, you look down on people a little!" In He Tong's eyes, two groups of fire emerged, and blood-colored flames on the surface rose up, and the fighting spirit quickly rose.

Around Gushan Sakura, slices of cherry blossoms emerged out of thin air. At the bottom of the cherry blossoms, there were soft green leaves growing out, which looked very beautiful and sacred.

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