Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3174: Elder Gu Chen is here

Chapter 3174: Elder Gu Chen is here

"As expected of the son of a big family, but there are a lot of cards." Su Xing stared at Yue Zhijun and said to himself.

The single-horned blood wolf king's blow before leaving was bound to be powerful, and it was impossible to resist it at all by Yue Zhijun's own combat power level. The lowest was a serious injury.

It's not like now, but I can still support myself, which shows that the injury is not serious.

This must be the use of a certain hole card to have such an effect.

Through this incident, Su Xing also had some vigilance in his heart. Now the situation is completely different from the situation during the assessment of the Nei Sect. During the assessment of the Nei Sect, the use of the secret treasure of the cards is restricted, and everyone can only fight on their own strength.

Today, there are not so many restrictions.

Then the strength of Xia Fuxiao, Ji Bingyan, and Yue Zhijun had increased in disguise.

If there is a conflict with them, this must be taken into account, otherwise it is likely to suffer a big loss. Although the defensive ability of the nine-layer divine light is strong, it is not unbreakable.

Without the demon beast's obstacles, the Quartet people flew to the nine ancient blood jade trees unimpeded.

Everyone did not fight against each other, and each chose an ancient blood jade tree to search for blood pebbles.

The blood pebbles grow on the ancient blood jade tree, like blood-red fruits, crystal clear, and there are many mysterious lines flashing inside, which is very magical.

"so many!"

The towering blood jade ancient tree has a lot of blood pebbles growing on it.

"You pick here, I'll go to see elsewhere." Su Xing left a sentence, which was to use the space teleportation to reach another ancient blood jade tree.

"Is an ancient blood jade tree not enough?" Ji Bingyan's ancient blood jade tree was just connected to awakening. Seeing his behavior, he couldn't help but said: "Blood pebbles cannot be stored for too long. No matter how much you pick, it is useless. ."

"Thank you for reminding, I know these." Wake up said indifferently.

Ji Bingyan shook his head and said nothing more.

Su Xing picked two ancient blood jade trees in one breath before returning to join He Tong and Gu Shanying.

At this time, Xia Fuxiao, Ji Bingyan, Yue Zhijun and others had already left, and they had no plans to stay when they woke up. Who knows if the one-horned blood wolf king and the phoenix bird king have completely left.

With only one of his own people, Su Xing was unwilling to face the two 9th-order Demon Kings alone.


Along with a beam of light soaring into the sky, he awakened and opened the space transmission, leading a group of people to leave.

A few days later, the group successfully walked through the bleeding fog forest.

At this time, it is too early to close the blood fog forest. Most of the Nei Zong disciples are still in the blood fog forest, but for awakening, the goal has been achieved, and naturally there is no need to stay in it.

Although the blood fog forest is mysterious, there are few heavenly materials and earth treasures in it that can enter the awakening eyes.

Perhaps the Blood Mist Forest also has Heaven-Through-Sky Profound Treasure, but the number is too small to find.

Wake up focused on the next blood-colored sand sea. He needs to do his best to prepare. The four forbidden areas have been circulating for many years and must not be underestimated, otherwise, he may be buried in it.

It is worth mentioning that Kui Si has not left the blood fog forest yet.

Waking up was not worried, Kui Si himself asked to stay, so he was mostly confident to ensure his safety. For Kui Si, the forest Cangshan was his home.

Before awakening, he rarely walked into the human **** city and lived in the vast mountains for a long time.

Sure enough, after half a month, Kui Si returned safely to the Diaolong Garden. Although he was in the dust, he was full of energy.

"It looks like a good harvest." Su Xing smiled, took out the Chaos Pool and a storage bag, and handed them to Wei Si together, saying: "I will go to the **** sand sea in three months."

"You and Jade Phoenix need to be more prepared, and may rely heavily on you when the time comes."

"The Hunyuan Tianjing inside, you take it to the outside of Tongtian Mountain and buy the medicinal materials you need. There is no need to save."

Kui Si stretched out his hand to take the Chaos Pool and the storage bag, but didn't move his footsteps, his eyes were a little hesitating, there were many gods and dragons outside the Tongtian Shenshan, which made his heart nervous.

"Don't worry, Gong Kun will meet you outside." Su Xing smiled.

"Huh! I see." Kui Si nodded his head heavily, put away the Chaos Pool and storage bag and turned and left.

Su Xing watched Kui Si, until the latter's figure completely disappeared, he withdrew his gaze.

Nowadays, Kui Si ranks first in terms of trust among the people around him. He Tong is very talented, but he has a perverse personality and does not follow the rules. Gu Shanying and others have their own stand and background and can only be friends.

And Kui Si is not only honest, but more importantly, he has a heart of innocence.

This is also where Kui Si is most important to Awakening.

From the moment he called to wake up the boss, he could no longer betray and wake up, nor would he doubt any decision to wake up.

And this time, letting Wei Si go for a stroll outside the Tongtian Mountain is mainly to increase Wei Si's experience. His character is easy to suffer when encountering other people.

So we need Gong Kun's assistance.

When he first came to Xuan Tianzong, Su Xing quietly released Gong Kun from the Chaos Pool.

The old monsters like Gong Kun have already become human beings.

In addition, during this period of time, Gong Kun's cultivation strength has also advanced by leaps and bounds, and now he is already a Tier Nine God King.

The reason for such a huge improvement, the "God Destroying Slave Curse" given by Shou Zun back then is of course indispensable.

Three months passed by.

Awakening has been practicing in the Diaolong Garden, ignoring external affairs.

Although his cultivation realm has not broken the realm again, it has also been significantly improved. It is not far from breaking into the fifth stage of the **** king realm, and it can even be said that it is just around the corner.

What is lacking is an opportunity.

It has to be said that the Nine Heavens Divine Body of the day after tomorrow's consummation has indeed allowed Awakening to gain a cultivation speed far exceeding that of ordinary people. If you are another person, it is impossible to be in just three months without the profound treasure. Such a big improvement.

Kui Si had already returned, and he stayed outside the Tongtian Mountain for a month.

The time is not particularly long, but it also has the effect of some experience, at least speaking with strangers, and will not stammer.

For the remaining two months, Kui Si stayed in the Chaos Pool, refining poison with the Jade Phoenix Chicken.

As for He Tong, after leaving the Chaos Pool, she never went back. Wake up estimated that the little girl had been cultivating in the Chaos Pool for such a long time, she might have been suffocated.

Of course, even in the Diaolong Garden, He Tong was working hard to cultivate.

She wants to go beyond awakening, so she will not be lazy.

The time has come, and the blood-colored sand sea is about to open.

This time, there were four people who went to the blood-colored sand sea, Xie Xing, He Tong, Kui Si, and Gu Shan Ying.

But what surprised Suwaken was that before leaving, Elder Gu Chen actually came and appeared outside the Diaolong Garden.

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