Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3171: Sing and make peace, blush

The third thousand one hundred and seventy-one chapters sing a harmony, with a white face and a red face

The Black Python Demon King in the late eighth stage of the Divine King Realm was hit hard by He Tong?

Wu Hengtian, Xun Yu, and Di Fei were completely stunned. They had no idea that He Tong was so powerful.

When the three of them thought, they were still expressing themselves in front of He Tong all the way, and they were ashamed and ashamed, they couldn't wait to find a hole in it, it was too shameful.

The three of them looked at each other, and they all saw the embarrassment on each other's faces, as if they were asking, should Sister He Tong think we are three big fools?


"Ouch, Lao Wu, why is my head suddenly dizzy? No, I'm badly injured and I have to go to heal."

"Oh, me too, the bones are almost falling apart."


Wu Hengtian and the three of them made some crappy excuses and fled one after another.

It's too embarrassing, let's talk about it later.

He Tong glanced at the three of Wu Hengtian and didn't bother to say anything. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, revealing a smile. The effect has been achieved. She, He Tong, should appear in this way to shock the Quartet.


He Tong's palm flashed, and he was about to end the Black Python Demon King.

"Don't rush to kill it first." Su Xing walked over and stared at the dying Black Python Demon King, and said: "It is more familiar with the Blood Mist Forest than we do, and perhaps knows where to get the blood pebble stone."

"Okay!" He Tong dissipated her palms, she found Gu Shanying was staring at herself and couldn't help but said: "Don't look! This girl is also a few hundred years old, don't be fooled by appearances."

"So, why would you..."


Gu Shanying's questioning was forcibly interrupted by Awakening, and he quickly changed the subject, "Or let's see first, can we inquire about some useful information from the Black Python Demon King!"

After speaking, he quickly flew to the Black Python Demon King.


He Tong stared at Wake's back and snorted heavily. A pair of small pink fists also involuntarily squeezed, gritted his silver teeth and said, "Someone, are you a guilty conscience?"

Gu Shanying didn't say much anymore, but with her cleverness and wisdom, she had roughly guessed something. For example, the reason He Tong is now like this should have something to do with her awakening.

Otherwise, with the awakened character, where would you deliberately avoid this topic, isn't it a guilty conscience?


He Tong quickly flew out, swearing in his mouth, not knowing whether he wanted to wake up and settle the old account, or plan to deal with the Black Python Demon King together.

Gu Shanying is actually quite envious. She can see that although Su Xing and He Tong are noisy, they actually have very little feelings between them, like brothers and sisters.

Because of her birth relationship, Gu Shanying used to be in the Gu family and had no friends.

Later, although she stood out, but because she stood at the highest point of the Gu Tianjiao, no one dared to be friends with her. Nowadays, awakening is in all aspects and meets the requirements of being friends.

It's a pity that Wake is polite and polite to her a lot.

It's not that it's bad, it's just that there is a lack of those feelings of intimacy.

Gu Shanying actually longed for that feeling in her heart, but she didn't want to show it, because of face, and the most important reason was that she didn't know whether her feelings for awakening were friendship or love.

"This black python demon king is my prey, why don't you let me kill it?"

"It's still useful if I keep it. I need to find out about the blood, pebbles, and gemstones from it."

"It's a mere demon king, knowing a fart, it's better to let me kill it."

Ahead, Su Xing and He Tong had already "argued", they didn't feel much on their own, but the other party involved, the Black Python Demon King, was frightened.

Because these two people are discussing the big issue of life and death.

If the man wins the quarrel, he can save his life. If he wins the quarrel by that seemingly harmless little girl who is actually incomparable, then he will die.

The Black Python Demon King felt he had to do something.

It should help that man and give him the upper hand.

"I...I know the news about the Blood Pebble Stone." The Black Python Demon King said tremblingly. I have to say that the physical quality of this Demon King is very powerful, especially its self-healing ability.

After such a short time, it did not vomit blood.

The wounds all over the body also showed signs of healing. Of course, these are only superficial. Its real injuries are internal injuries, and it takes a long time to recuperate.

"Black Python Demon King, you can eat rice, but you can't talk nonsense." He Tong stared at the Black Python Demon King, the warning in his eyes was very obvious.

"I...I really know..." The Black Python Demon King hurriedly said what he knew.

Half a quarter of an hour later, with the tacit understanding of Awakening and He Tong, with a group of people, they walked forward.

Suwaken also kept his promise and let the Black Python Demon King leave.

The biggest role of acting is to let the known information be true and accurate enough, and the Demon King is cunning. If you ask directly, you may be fooled by the other party with some false information.

Even, the other party may take the opportunity to introduce some dangerous places.

"It's a pity! Even the Black Python Demon King doesn't know how big this blood fog forest is." He Tong shook his head.

"Already know a lot of useful news." Awakening smiled indifferently.

From the mouth of the Black Python Demon King, they also inquired about other news, for example, what level of monsters there are in the blood fog forest.

Among them, the most powerful monster should be the "Monarch", which is equivalent to the power of the human god.

However, those demon monarchs seemed to have been restricted by Xuan Tianzong. When the blood fog forest opened, they could not leave their own territory. This kind of gossip was heard before waking up.

Now, it is further confirmed.

Get rid of the demon king, in the blood mist forest, there are still many 9th-order demon kings, who are also not easy to provoke. You need to be careful. Once you meet, it is best to run away immediately.

Of course, these are the news that the Black Python Demon King knows.

The Black Python Demon King didn't know how big the Blood Mist Forest was, and he naturally hadn't been to many areas, so it was inevitable that the news was a bit one-sided, which could only be used for reference, and could not be trusted.

When a group of people fly, a rather strange phenomenon appears.

Su Xing and He Tong are at the forefront, Gu Shanying and Ge Lingyi are in the middle, and Wu Hengtian, Xunyu, and Di Fei follow at the back...

The three of them had been embarrassed before, and they had not fully recovered at this time, and they did not dare to contact He Tong.

There are many monsters in the blood mist forest.

Along the way, everyone was constantly encountering monsters, and finally arrived at the place described by the Black Python Demon King on the tenth day.

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