Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3165: Huge gain

Chapter 3165: Great Harvest

Tianqing Pavilion, awakened and woke up leisurely soon.

For a moment, he seemed to be wandering in the ocean of swords. Every drop of sea water is made up of sword intent. In the vast sea, the sword intent is endless and majestic.

Although awakening the current realm of swordsmanship, it is already very good, but in front of the vast ocean of sword intent, he found that what he had learned was too crude and crude.

There is no harm without comparison.

"What kind of kendo state is that?" Su Xing's forehead was already covered with beads of sweat, and his face was pale. This was shocked by Ye Jianzhi's kendo state.

Just as mortals are to gods and stars are to the universe, they appear so small, like dust.

"Predecessors of Ye Jian definitely have the cultivation base of the Divine Ancestral Realm, even higher. It's just such a person, why is he unknown? Without his life introduction..."

Su Xing was puzzled.

The level of his contact is extremely high, such as Jiangdongliu, Void Empress, Timewalker, etc., so his vision is far beyond that of his peers. After feeling the vast ocean-like sword intent, he has roughly guessed Ye Jianzhi's cultivation. For achievement.

The word suspected can already be removed.

Ye Jianzhi is definitely a **** ancestor, and it is estimated that among the **** ancestors, it is also an existence that is jealous of people.


Suddenly, Su Xing was taken aback, and he realized that before he knew it, he had actually learned about the three hundred engraved pictures in the second sword stele without a teacher.

There are more than 900 carved pictures of the second sword stele, which is much less than the number of carved pictures of the first sword stele.

However, each engraved picture is more extensive and profound, containing a lot of mystery, so it is more difficult to comprehend.

During the period of waking up, I didn't concentrate on comprehending the engraved pictures. Naturally, the progress was slow. Only a few engraved pictures sporadicly comprehended, but I didn't want to. This time, I realized more than 300 engraved pictures in a flash.

This is equivalent to saying that he completed one-third of the progress of the second sword stele engraving.

This is definitely a huge improvement. Correspondingly, his awakened combat power level has been greatly improved. After all, his kendo realm has far surpassed before.

"Thank you senior!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, calmed down a bit, and then bowed deeply to Ye Jianzhi. When he raised his head again, he couldn't help but stare at the portrait of Ye Jianzhi.

Unfortunately, the turning around of the portrait did not happen again.

"Hey! Look, that man is not a fool, why he always salutes a portrait."

"This has been worshipped a dozen times! Is it necessary?"

"Everyone has anyone, ignore him."

Several Nei Zong disciples who walked into the Tianqing Pavilion caught a glimpse of Wake up and kept paying homage to Ye Jianzhi. They inevitably made a few comments. Naturally, it was not a good thing to say that Wake was sick.

Awakening didn't care, but after many attempts, he found that Ye Jianzhi's portrait was still indifferent, so he had to give up. It seems that the good thing just now can't happen all the time. It depends on chance.

In any case, this time can be regarded as a huge gain.

The level of combat power between Awakening and Lord Yue was almost the same, but this time the realm of swordsmanship has greatly increased. If he confronts the Lord of Shangyue again, he does not need to activate the nine-layer divine light, and he can easily defeat the opponent.

His level of combat power has already infinitely approached the eighth-order peak of the God King Realm.

"Compared with Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan, there should still be some gaps..." Su Xing murmured, and now he roughly guessed the level of combat power of the two men, and had completely reached the eighth-level peak of the God King Realm.

Even, infinitely approaching the ninth rank of the **** king realm.

"We still have to hurry up to improve the cultivation level."

When he woke up and returned to the Diaolong Garden, he found that Gu Shanying and the others were already practicing in retreat, and in the Chaos Pool, He Tong and Kui Si were also working hard to cultivate during this time.

"I don't know how He Tong's current cultivation strength is now?" Su Xing thought for a while, but still didn't take the initiative to understand. However, He Tong successfully cultivated the Innate Divine Body, and his cultivation speed is definitely not comparable to ordinary people.

If He Tong is willing, she will reveal her talents, and she can definitely make Xuantianzong make an exception, allow her to become a disciple of the inner sect, and even ascend to the sky in one step, and grow up.

Or, being picked up by the Haotian Dao Sect.

It's just that, you also need to take some risks. After all, He Tong has no identity background and is young. It is inevitable that no one will covet her.

This is why, Awakening did not expose He Tong's talent.

And He Tong herself didn't have much feeling about where to practice, and she didn't care much about identity, fame and fortune. Probably her only obsession now is to defeat and wake up.

To wake up is to entrust the Gu family to help and give proof of identity, so that Kui Si and He Tong Ming will be his personal followers. In this way, He Tong and Kui Si will walk out of the Chaos Pool and walk in the back mountains. what is the problem.

In the room, wake up and practice meditation.

In front of him, there was a purple flower suspended, each petal was crystal clear, and the bright light lingered on it, making the whole room exudes a strong fragrance of medicine.

This purple flower, named "Flower of Mandala", is a profound treasure of the sky. It is of the same rank as the nine-petal golden lotus that was refined by Awakening. It is a high-grade magic medicine.

Such precious training resources are naturally not purchased, because there is basically no market for them.

The flower of the mandala was handed over to Awakened by Gu Tianfeng before he left. After the flower of the mandala was removed, there were four other high-level magic medicines. In other words, Gu Tianfeng gave a total of five kinds of profound treasures to wake up. .

This must be considered generous.

On the one hand, I thank Su Xing for allowing Gu Shan Ying to successfully join the Xuan Tian Sect. On the other hand, it is natural to increase the relationship between Su Xing and the Gu family.

Awakening did not shirk, he did need the Sky-Sky Profound Treasure for cultivation, and he and the Gu Clan were originally tied to the same boat, and there was no such thing as owing any favor.

The medicinal power contained in the flower of mandala is extremely majestic and abundant.

With the Nine Heavens Divine Polar Body and the terrible devouring and refining ability of the Nine Heavens Divine Art, it took several days to complete the refining of the mandala flower.

Of course, this cultivation speed is already extremely fast, and it usually takes half a year to change to other inner disciples.

And after refining the mandala flower, awakening has also gained many benefits. The Heavenly Treasure is different from ordinary cultivation resources, and the benefits it brings are all-round, such as improving cultivation, strengthening the foundation, and sublimation. Mood and so on.

This is also the preciousness of the Heavenly Profound Treasure. It is said that in the central realm of the Southern God Realm, the proud sons of the top third-rate powers will only use the Profound Treasure to cultivate during the Divine King Realm.

This also allows them to obtain endless benefits in the invisibility, solid foundation, and sublimation of their spiritual understanding.

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