Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3157: Under siege

The third thousand and fifty-seventh chapter is in heavy encirclement

The young man’s second arrow is obviously more powerful, causing his awakening to fall into a dilemma. Either he will stop to resist with all his strength, or he will face the danger of being shot by an arrow.

The opponent's arrow is extremely fast, and has a tracking lock function, which is almost unavoidable.

But once you stop and try your best to resist, it is easy for others to catch up, causing you to fall into siege.

In other words, blocking and not blocking, the final outcome is similar.

"That kid is going to die soon." Ning Linchen couldn't help showing a smile when he saw this scene. With his eyesight, he could naturally see the seriousness of the situation after waking up.

"Ji Bingyan, your friend is really a bold guy, but it's a pity that your strength doesn't match your courage." Xia Fuxiao glanced at Ji Bingyan not far away, and said in a mocking tone.

"If it almost ended here, it would be a bit less fun." Ji Bingyan frowned. He naturally didn't take Wake up as a friend, but felt that Wake up even dared to work with Xia Fuxiao to calculate him.

However, the final awakening has nothing to do with Ji Bingyan, so he doesn't have much feelings either.

If it weren't for the reason, the turmoil caused by Awakening was so great that Ji Bingyan would not even pay attention to Dingtian Mountain.

In contrast, Gu Tianfeng, Gu Chen, Gu Hongyi and others, as well as Gu Shanying, seemed a lot more nervous. Naturally, they most hoped to wake up from the danger and enter the Xuantian Sect.

Unfortunately, in this matter, they can only watch and cannot help.

"call out!"

The young man's second arrow quickly shot out.

And waking up, it seemed that he had already made a certain decision, stopped, with a calm attitude, turned around and looked at the **** **** arrow that was shot at extreme speed.

The **** arrow dragged the long flame tail, like a meteor, in an instant.

At the same time, Yue Zhijun and the others also took this opportunity to quickly get close to awakening.

"Boy, dare to fight us, and I'll let you know what the terrible consequences are in a moment." Yue Zhijun's eyes flashed with ferocious meaning and his expression was fierce.

Obviously, what he wanted was not only to regain the Xuantian Jin Ling from his body, but also to take this opportunity to give a severe lesson to wake up, and to vent all the anger in his heart.

Although the Nei Zong test cannot kill people, but in front of countless people, being stepped on the soles of the feet and humiliated severely, it is tantamount to leaving a mark of shame on the body that cannot be erased for a lifetime.

This was a great blow to the young Tianjiao.

It is very likely that it will not recover.

There was a huge flaw in the state of mind, which made it difficult for the cultivation base to go further, and it was abolished.

No one wants to experience the experience that life is worse than death.


Accompanied by a loud noise, the blood-colored arrow released a powerful power in front of the awakened body, and countless blood-colored rays of light exploded, accompanied by tyrannical power fluctuations, covering the sky.

"Quickly surround that kid!" Yue Zhijun yelled. He knew that the power of awakening was strong and would not be directly hit by this arrow, but instead took this opportunity to besiege the awakening group together with others.

There is no flow of water in the sky!

This is the real ultimate move.

However, when the **** light dissipated, Yue Zhijun saw Wake standing motionless in the sky, his breath was stable and abnormal, there was no sign of injury, his eyelids still jumped.

For some reason, he had a vague premonition in his heart.

But when I thought that hundreds of young Tianjiao on my side had joined forces to once again besieged Awakening, it dispelled the doubts in my heart. Even if Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan came, they might not be their opponents.

Was it better than Xia Fuxiao and Ji Bingyan?

how is this possible!

Yue Zhijun shook his head. If that were the case, wouldn't it be more comfortable to wake up and go to kill the Demon King alone, take the Profound Sky Golden Order and leave? Where to rob him.

"Boy, if you took our first Profound Sky Golden Order, it can be regarded as revenge. We have already cleared both of us, so what does this second Profound Sky Golden Order mean?" Yue Zhijun stared at Su Xing and asked. .

"Counted as interest?" Suwa asked tentatively.

"The interest is good, then we will get back the interest from you one by one in a while." Yue Zhijun smiled grimly. After taking the initiative, his mood gradually improved.

"I'm afraid you don't have the ability!" Su Xing shook his head plainly, without becoming a turtle in the urn at all.

"Dare to be tough when you die!" Yue Zhijun narrowed his eyes. He hated the calm and calm temperament of Wake up body, as if he didn't put them in his eyes at all.

"Yue Zhijun, stop talking nonsense with him, do it!" Young Tianjiao began to urge.

"Okay!" Yue Zhijun nodded. He originally wanted to appreciate it. After waking up and falling into the siege, he looked panicked and frightened, but since he can't see it, there is really no need to continue to talk about it.


A young Tianjiao took the lead.

The fingertips gleamed with light, and then a sword finger in the air, hitting to wake up.

All of them have formed a kind of suppression on Awakening invisibly, causing Awakening to be unable to use the space to shuttle and escape, and can attack without restraint.

The sword fingers tore the air and quickly approached to wake up.

And awakening seemed to have no intention of fighting back. Finally, with a bang, the sword fingers exploded in front of the awakened body, releasing a powerful force.

At this moment, divine light appeared in the body of the awakening body.

There are a total of nine layers of divine light, layer upon layer, filled with a deep and vast feeling like a vast starry sky.

That sword finger, even the first layer of divine light did not penetrate, and it was wiped out.

"What kind of body protection light is this, so strong protection ability." A group of young Tianjiao, including Yue Zhijun, had their pupils slightly shrunk.

Body protection divine light is not uncommon, each of them has it, and the protection ability is pretty good. When confronting people, it can resist a lot of aftermath.

However, it is rare to directly use the body protection divine light to withstand an attack like Suwaken.

Because under normal circumstances, the body protection divine light is not so powerful.

"No matter what the **** of his body guard, can it stop us all from attacking?" After a young Tianjiao finished speaking, Tyrant punched out with a punch.

The power of his punch is obviously stronger than that of the sword finger.

And soon, other young Tianjiao began to take action, one after another showing their own unique skills.

For a time, fist shadows, palm strength, and sword light appeared one after another, and in the beauty, it contained great power.

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