Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3149: Nei Zong Assessment

Chapter 3149 Nei Zong Assessment

Under Gu Chen's reception, the group of people settled down in Tongtian Mountain.

The residence is an independent mountain with a beautiful and pleasant environment. Obviously, not everyone can get this treatment.

There are still seven days before the Nei Zong assessment starts, but the atmosphere has changed. Compared with the past, the Tongtian Mountain seems more lively.

The families participating in the assessment have gradually arrived.

Gu Tianfeng and Gu Chen walked around, contacting each family, naturally with the purpose of dissolving Ning Linchen's conspiracy, preventing each family from falling into trouble with the Gu family, and targeting Su Xing and Gu Shanying in the Nei Zong assessment.

However, as time approached, Gu Tianfeng and Gu Chen's moods became increasingly cold and angry.

It turns out that the lobbying of the two brothers during this period has not yielded results, and no one has stated that they will not target the Gu family in the assessment of the Nei Zong.

Of course, no one will explain directly.

There is usually some rhetoric. For example, the elders of the Patriarch Clan often say that they have a deep friendship with the Gu family and they will never do anything against the Gu family.

However, they couldn't control the thoughts of the young Tianjiao at home, and they also persuaded Gu Tianfeng not to interfere with the young people's affairs.

Gu Tianfeng is a wise man. Naturally, he felt from each family's tone that each family might be determined to get into trouble.

This is not to say that Ning Linchen's energy is so powerful that everyone can follow his words, but that these middle and third-rate heavenly races are themselves competitive.

If it is possible to remove the Gu family from the competition of the Nei Zong assessment without any effort, for each family, there will be one less competitor. Why not?

In other words, Ning Linchen's thoughts of getting into trouble this time coincided with each other.

Tomorrow is the time for Nei Zong's assessment.

Su Xing and Gu Shanying left the customs one after another. In these seven days, they have been working hard to adjust their own state.

At the dinner, Gu Tianfeng and Gu Chen were obviously not in a very good mood. Although they were covering up to prevent Suwa and Gu Shanying from seeing the clues, they were both smart people and still noticed something.

"Patriarch, don't worry, we have confidence in ourselves." When Gu Shanying said this, she glanced at her awakening. She was mainly confident in the latter.

Awakening has not shown her strength in front of Gu Tianfeng since Zhentiangu's exit, but Gu Shanying has seen it with her own eyes. Therefore, even if she will be targeted at that time, she believes that waking can support the overall situation.

"Confidence is the most powerful weapon. If you have this mentality, I can rest assured." Gu Tianfeng smiled, and now, he has no other way.

And he knows better that he can't let his bad mood affect his awakening and Gu Shanying's performance.

The next day!

Under Gu Chen's lead, a group of people flew out of the mountain and flew toward the vast mountains ahead. After about an hour, the group's footsteps gradually slowed down.

Looking at it, among the mountains ahead, tall stone pillars stand tall, extremely majestic.

There are a total of 365 stone pillars, blooming like water, enveloping the mountains, forming a forbidden area, among which there are 18 peaks, which are extremely majestic.

There is the place to participate in the assessment of Nei Zong.

On the eighteen peaks, Xuan Tianzong had already placed eighteen powerful Demon Kings in advance, and stored a'Xuantian Golden Order' in the Demon King's body.

Xuantian Jinling is exactly the identity token of Xuantian's disciple.

A total of 18 Profound Sky Golden Orders meant that in the end only 18 people were able to successfully enter the Profound Sky Sect.

However, there are hundreds of people participating in the assessment of the Nei Zong. The fierce competition is no need to say more. You must know that these hundreds of people have been carefully selected. Everyone is The real talented generation, powerful.

"The assessment of the Nei Sect is also too difficult, not only to defeat the 18 powerful Demon Kings, but also to compete with the Tianjiao of the same level..." Xun Yu was full of emotion.

He is also considered to be the Tianjiao of the Gu family, but facing the Nei Zong assessment, he has no confidence at all.

In the sky outside the 365 stone pillars, on the vast clouds, there are magnificent palaces, and when viewed from a distance, layer upon layer, like a heavenly palace.

Those who are qualified to enter the palace to watch the battle must have a certain level of cultivation or background, either a disciple of the inner sect, or an elder of the inner sect, or a high-level member of various middle and third-rate families, and so on.

And in the surrounding mountains and in the sky, there are many figures of people who are ordinary spectators, and their identities include disciples, deacons and so on.

The location of the inner clan assessment is in the outer clan area.

This is because in the inner sect territory, in most cases, outsiders are not allowed to enter, so there will be a lot of less spectators, and the second is not lively enough, mainly because it will miss an opportunity to promote the reputation of the Xuan Tianzong.

Soon after, a stalwart figure flew out of the main palace above the clouds.

"It's Elder Xuan Qi!" Gu Chen said, telling the identity and name of the opponent.

In Xuan Tianzong, there are two types of elders, one is ordinary elders like Gu Chen, and the other is the great elder. Each great elder is a powerful person with a profound cultivation level.

And the great elder Xuanqi, among the many great elders, also belonged to the best, enough to rank in the top five.

Xuantianzong sent him to preside over this internal sect assessment, and it can also be seen how much Xuantianzong attaches importance to the assessment.

"be quiet!"

As Elder Xuan Qi looked around, the world quickly became quiet.

"Thank you all for coming to watch the ceremony."

"Everyone should already understand the rules of the Nei Zong assessment."

"Those who have the Profound Sky Golden Order, enter the inner sect!"

Elder Xuan Qida's words are simple and concise, without much opening remarks, his appearance is more of a ritual.

Soon, a Nei Zong elder appeared on the 365 stone pillars with solemn expressions. All those who participated in the Nei Zong examination needed their consent.

At this time, there were already other families of Tianjiao who flew out with the order to climb to the sky.

"Wow! Look, isn't that Xia Fuxiao? He actually needs to participate in the Nei Sect assessment? That's over, there are no more than 18 Profound Sky Golden Tokens."

There were many exclamations in the crowd.

Xia Fuxiao, handsome and handsome, dressed in godly clothes, especially his cultivation strength, made people very surprised, as early as a few years ago, he could fight the eighth-order **** king.

Moreover, he still has a very respectable identity, the great-great-grandson of the Great Elder Xiahou.

In the summer, that is a person who is like the elder Xuan Qi.

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