Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3144: Snow cave

Chapter 3144: Snow Cave

The sky is vast, and the sky is full of snow.

The people headed by Gu Tianfeng looked at the thousands of huge snow peaks ahead.

Beneath each snow peak is a towering mountain, and between the peaks are vast snow pits, but everyone is habitually called "snow caves".

And that snow cave seemed peaceful, but in fact, under the ten thousand feet of snow, there were many buildings and many snow demon inhabiting.

Compared with usual, the entire snow cave looks like a tyrannical and chaotic feeling, with the screaming noise of the snow demon coming out from time to time, as well as the powerful fluctuations of extremely Yin power.

As a result, even Gu Tianfeng did not rush into the snow cave.

"Patriarch, we searched all the way up to this point, Yucheng's body should be inside, and we must not just give up!" said a senior Gu family.

"It's a big deal, get rid of these snow demon." Another senior Gu clan said.

"The Snow Demon clan has lived in the Xuanyin Snow Mountain since ancient times. They have been able to continue for a long time to this day. Naturally, they have unique advantages and should not be underestimated."

Compared to the others, Gu Tianfeng seemed more calm, and he continued: "However, Yucheng's body must also be welcomed back, and the matter here must be investigated."

"But those snow monsters seem to be collectively poisoned, unconscious, and can't make sense at all." A senior Gu clan said.

"The poison they are poisoning is called Huomai Jiyang Poison. We need to find an expert on the poison road to detoxify them, otherwise, it will take a long time." Gu Tianfeng said.

"Wait?" The senior Gu clan looked puzzled.

"The Snow Demon Clan's cultivation method is different from that of our normal people. Their cultivation method is deep sleep. The longer they sleep, the stronger their strength. In addition, deep sleep can also help them heal and remove poison." Gu Tianfeng said.

"There is even this kind of cultivation method? So, most of the really powerful Snow Monsters are sleeping?" the senior Gu clan asked in surprise.

"Yes!" Gu Tianfeng nodded and said, "Under this vast Xuanyin Snow Mountain, I don't know how many snow monsters are sleeping, and some snow monsters have been sleeping since the ancient times."


Several senior Gus stared.

Sleeping since the ancient times, it means that they have slept for at least hundreds of millions of years. The strength of the snow demon of that level is probably beyond their imagination.

They finally knew why Gu Tianfeng was unwilling to break into the snow cave by force.

If you are not careful, you may stoke a hornet's nest, and even the entire Gu family will be wiped out in an instant.

"You don't need to be too nervous. Under normal circumstances, there is no particularly important thing. Those sleeping snow demon will not wake up. They like sleeping too much." Gu Tianfeng said.

Hearing this, several senior Gu members breathed a sigh of relief.

"It is estimated that the black hand behind the scenes knows the habits of the snow demon, so he dared to poison it. Although the Fire Vein Extreme Sun Poison is powerful, the snow demon is not incapable of removing it, and it will not hurt the roots of the snow demon." Gu Tianfeng said.

"It's really hateful, Patriarch, we must find an expert in detoxification."

"I'm thinking of a way."

Gu Tianfeng also felt some headaches. The Fire Vein Extreme Yang Poison was not easy to solve. He knew for a while, and he couldn't think of anyone who could get rid of this poison. As a result, he could only stand outside the snow cave and couldn't enter it.

Suddenly, a space fluctuation emerged not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a group of figures quickly jumped out of the void space.

"It's Luo Qing."

"Also Qi Xuan, Nangong Qing..."

"This kid is really quick!"

With Gu Tianfeng's eyesight, through the state of waking up and others, he was able to guess things roughly, and that was why he was surprised.

Regarding the realm of cultivation, he did not know how much he awakened.

But this time awakening did more than him, not only rescued Qi Xuan, Nangongqing and others, but also rushed to the snow cave.

"It turns out that the snow demon is helping!"

When Gu Tianfeng discovered Bei Xuening, he couldn't help but suddenly realized.

In Xuanyin Snow Mountain, if there is a snow demon to help, no matter what you do, it will indeed have a multiplier effect.


The group saluted to Gu Tianfeng.

"No gift!" Gu Tianfeng waved his hand, his eyes fell on Su Xing, and said: "Luo Qing, you can rescue Qi Xuan and Nangong Qing, it is a great help to me."

At this time, survivors play an extremely important role in solving the puzzles in the entire incident.

"Quickly tell us, what happened?" a senior Gu member asked.

"Sell me!" Gao Shan said the whole thing with a calm face.

Soon, including Gu Tianfeng, the expressions of a group of high-level Gu clan's faces became cold.

Gu Yucheng, the successor of the Gu family, fell in this way, and indeed died too unjustly.

"Nangong family, how could you give birth to a stupid woman like you." Gu Tianfeng glanced at Nangongqing coldly: "I want to see how the Nangong family should explain."

"The old man wants to slap you to death now, but that would be too cheap for you." A senior Gu clan looked at Nangong Qing murderously, angrily.

"Patriarch, the most urgent task is to see people alive and corpses in death." Su Xing said.

"Yeah!" Gu Tianfeng nodded, looked at Bei Xuening, and said, "Is there any way this girl can cure your people's poison?"

"It's Luo Qing..."

"She has."

As soon as Bei Xuening was about to speak, she was interrupted by Awakening. He didn't want to expose too many secrets in front of Gu Tianfeng and the others. Gu Tianfeng's strength was too strong. In case of any evil intentions, Awakening could not stop her.

"Then it's up to you." Gu Tianfeng smiled slightly, and didn't ask anything.

"Everyone, wait a minute, I'll give Xue'er a ride." Su Xing arched his hands towards Gu Tianfeng, and flew towards the snow cave with Bei Xuening.

"Patriarch, Luo Qing still doesn't trust us!"

After waking up and leaving, a high-ranking Gu said that he had also noticed a hint just now.

"He doesn't trust us, it is normal. If he trusts us easily, it will disappoint me." Gu Tianfeng said.

"That's true, after all, he has only joined the Gu family not long ago." The senior Gu family nodded.

Gu Tianfeng didn't say any more. Now that Gu Yucheng has fallen, the younger generation of the Gu family has no leading figures, and there is an urgent need for a person to stand up, and the assessment of Xuan Tianzong is about to begin.

If Suwaken can successfully join the Xuantian sect, it will have a great effect on boosting the morale of the young generation of the Gu family.

Thinking of this, Gu Tianfeng glanced at Gu Shanying, and said, "Shanying, this time there may be one more Pangu family. You have to work together with Luo Qing to participate in the examination of Xuan Tianzong."

"Shan Ying will certainly live up to the high expectations of the Patriarch." Gu Shan Ying said calmly.

Gu Tianfeng's words were confirmed, and the extra quota for Gu Yucheng's death would fall on her head.

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