Peerless God Emperor

Chapter 3137: clue

Chapter 3137 Clues

The snow is capped, and the world is vast, vast and high.

Su Xing, Gu Shanying, and Ge Lingyi stood in the sky, looking ahead.

"The Xuanyin Snow Mountain of 80 million li, the terrain is steep, the climate is bitterly cold, and the snow does not melt all year round. Since ancient times, there have been many legends, and I don't know how many people and things are buried under the snow." Gu Shan Ying Road.

"Is the death of the young master caused by some existence hidden in Xuanyin Snow Mountain?" Ge Lingyi said.

"No!" Gu Shanying said with a certain face: "My Gu family has been standing in this land for quite a few years. The prestige is always so certain. Even those hidden in the world will be against Gu. Shi has some scruples."

"What's more, with Gu Yucheng's identity, those hidden existences are very clear, and touching him is equivalent to declaring war with the Gu family."

"Since I choose to hide in the world, I will naturally not do that kind of thing."

Su Xing looked at the front and said nothing.

Gu Shanying walked with him and did not surprise him. After all, Gu Shanying is a direct descendant of the Gu family. Now that this kind of thing happened, she was naturally duty-bound. The appearance of Ge Lingyi made Suwa quite surprised.

More precisely, there is a bit of surprise in my heart.

Now it can be said that there is one more person, and one more power, not to mention Ge Lingyi is not a general generation.

"The snow in the Xuanyin Snow Mountain is really different!" Su Xing said softly. At first glance, the snow between the sky and the earth ahead is no different from ordinary snow.

However, the soul thought could not penetrate.

In those snow, there is a unique cold power.

"Xuanyin Snow Mountain gathers a huge and unparalleled force of extreme yin, so the climate here is bitter and cold, and the fusion of snow and the force of extreme yin makes our souls unable to penetrate." Gu Shan Ying said.

This alone has become a huge resistance to the search of Xuanyin Snow Mountain.

In the area where the Xuanyin Snow Mountain is located, heavy goose feathers are flying constantly, and the snow in the mountains has become thicker. In some places, it looks like a snowy peak from the outside.

However, it is possible that under the snow peak is actually a canyon.

Snow filled the gorge abruptly and accumulated into a snowy peak.

In summary, the landforms seen by the naked eye are very different from the real appearance of Xuanyin Snow Mountain.

In addition, there are unique "yin beasts" and "snow demons" in Xuanyin Snow Mountain.

Those Snow Demon and Yin Beasts are very good in their own strength, and occupy a favorable location, hiding under the endless snow. Once they launch a surprise attack, they will succeed if they don't pay attention.

"Why would the young master bring the two wives to such a place?" Ge Lingyi said in a puzzled way.

"Maybe they just passed by Xuanyin Snow Mountain and didn't intend to go in. They were only forced to enter Xuanyin Snow Mountain after a surprise attack, trying to escape the danger." Su Xing said.


A white ray of light galloped from the horizon, and was grabbed by Gu Shanying. It was a light talisman for transmission.

After reading it, she couldn't help but look at Wake: "Your guess is correct. Patriarch Tianfeng and the others have found the first place of confrontation. Let's pass now."

"Good!" Su Xing nodded.

The three of them flew along the outside of Xuanyin Snow Mountain. After about half a day, their footsteps gradually stopped.

Ahead, the mountains collapsed, the earth shattered, and the land tens of thousands of miles around was turned into ruins and scorched earth, shocking, and many remaining power fluctuations were raging, causing occasional roars.

Many Gu's guards are busy exploring the scene.

Gu Hongyi and several senior Gu members presided over the investigation of this first site.

After Gu Hongyi found the three awakened, he took the initiative to fly towards them.

"Old Gu Clan!"

The three of them saluted Gu Hongyi.

In the previous ascent to the sky, Gu Hongyi and Gu Yucheng hosted together, so Awakening also had a relationship with him.

"Luo Qing, Shan Ying, you are here!" Gu Hongyi had a good attitude towards Awakening and Gu Shanying, but he didn't have any smiling faces and was very heavy.

He is a clan uncle of Gu Yucheng's line, and naturally has a very good relationship with Gu Yucheng.

Now that Gu Yucheng is in trouble, the blow to Gu Hongyi will naturally be great.

"Old Gu Clan, have you found anything?" Su Xing asked.

"The scene was too messy, and after the confrontation, it was obvious that someone erased most of the traces, which led to the slow progress of the investigation. Now I only know that there are at least three waves of people besieging Yucheng's group." Gu Hongyi sighed.

"At least three waves..."

This number caused Ge Lingyi's face to sink slightly subconsciously, and said: "So, this is a long-planned ambush?"

"Yes!" Gu Hongyi's eyes also flashed with a strong hatred. Gu Yucheng, as the successor of the Gu clan, was attempted to ambushed by others. This is a naked challenge to the Gu clan.

"Old Gu Clan, is there anyone to suspect?" Su Xing asked.

"The most doubtful ones are the Shang family and Ouyang family. My Gu family is in trouble. They will naturally become beneficiaries, but there are no traces left by Shang family and Ouyang family in the scene." Gu Hongyi said.

The Gu family, the Shang family, and the Ouyang family have three points of Qinglong territory.

Those two became the targets of suspicion, but it did not surprise the awakening.

"How about getting rid of Shang Family and Ouyang Clan? Didn't it mean that there are at least three parties?" Su Xing asked.

"There is another party, it's not clear yet." Gu Hongyi shook his head.

"Old Gu clan, there is a new discovery. I found Master Gu Zhe's identity token and some broken clothes." At this time, a Gu clan guards shouted.

Hearing this, Gu Hongyi, Suxing, Gu Shanying, and Ge Lingyi all flew over.

In a deep pit, they saw Gu Zhe's identity token and some broken clothes, which means that Gu Zhe died here.

Ge Lingyi looked at Gu Zhe's identity token and was full of emotion.

There were grievances between him and Gu Zhe, but on the whole, he didn't have any hatred for Gu Zhe. The latter died just like this, and he couldn't even leave his body, which still made him feel uncomfortable.

"Didn't you find Gu Zhe's body?" Gu Hongyi asked unwillingly.

"No!" The guard shook his head and said: "It is probably...has been wiped out."

"Damn it!" Gu Hongyi cursed in a low voice.

"Huh?" Su Xing suddenly frowned, and took Gu Zhe's identity token into his hand in the air. He looked at the lower left corner of the identity token, where a small word was engraved, "Ning! "

Gu Hongyi, Gu Shanying, and Ge Lingyi also found clues.

Gu Shanying watched her wake up, and said, "This should be a clue that Gu Zhe tried to leave before he died."

"This word is definitely related to the murderer!" Gu Hongyi gritted his teeth and said: "Check! Be sure to find out!"

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